author. At the same time, if you want to have a good year, you must have a lot of money in your pocket on New Years Eve. You are not allowed to take out the trash on the 1st of January, because that will bring bad luck. We believe that some people can be so marime that just by spending time with them, you can become marime by association, ; this is another reason why you will not be accepted into a group of Romany individuals, is to live in constant fear of the outside world. We have our own beliefs, culture and traditions. Our strict way to life even extends to our thoughts. The word gypsy comes from the Greek word Gyftos or Gyptos which . And there are plenty more Romanian superstitions. Romani mythology is the myth, folklore, religion, traditions, and legends of the Romani people (also known as Gypsies). If you sing at the table, you will marry a drunk. Theres a lot of death based ones like sleeping with a fan on or whistling at night, yet playing with fire only causes wetting the bed??? You really must love your country and now Im also slowing falling for it :p, Btw, I have to ask! The Romani people are a distinct ethnic and cultural group of peoples living all across the globe, who share a family of languages and sometimes a traditional nomadic mode of life. We can be belittled, ostracized and excommunicated for something as little as dropping a cloth. is the belief that Gypsies openly accept anyone into their networks; this is false. 18. Doesnt everyone strive to fit in, with their families, their friends and communities? The country's folk culture is just as captivating, filled . 20. 1. Watch out, supernatural fans, things could get really weird! Pregnancy is the total opposite of what many moms are familiar with and would certainly make expecting fathers uncomfortable, but in a Roma family you either follow the rules or follow the path back . Or if your rheumatism kicks in, the weather is going to change. Please let me know if you have. Romani funeral traditions are characterized by abundance. Death is a weirdly prevalent part of Irish culture. Irish Travellers and people who work on fairgrounds are not Gypsies. I am half Polish & grew up hearing some funny superstitions, too! Some of these include never wearing new shoes when youre pregnant, not putting the colors red and white together in flower arrangements (since it resembles blood and guts), and never cutting a childs hair until they reach their second birthday. There is no one way of life for all Gypsies. Danior is an unusual choice among our male gypsy names, derived from the Romani word "dand," meaning "tooth," ultimately from the Sanskrit "danta.". Of course, most of us dont believe in them, but there are people, especially in rural areas, who still live and guide their lives according to these irrational beliefs. The superstition that a person should not wear new shoes on a Sunday is also widely held, and it is believed that the Devil was created when God made the first pair of new shoes. Its not good to spill salt on the table, either because you will get into a fight with somebody you know. But worry not, you can undo the damage if you immediately jump three times on one leg and whisper bad luck after each jump! Couples marry young - girls at around 16 or 17, and boys between 18 and 19. For many Gypsies, Easter is a time of celebration and family. 9. This folklore-related article is a stub. Gypsies have a number of superstitions when it comes to hiccups. Gypsy Traditions and Customs. Last edited on 13 February 2023, at 16:46, Learn how and when to remove this template message, The Red King and the Witch: Gypsy Folk and Fairy Tales, "Moses Gaster i colecia sa de poveti populare ale iganilor din Romnia",, Baro Kari: in Romani language meaning (Big Human Penis), see, Trushul: The Romany word for "cross". If you have your mouth opened while conceiving your baby, you will give birth to a girl. A Romanian Gypsy woman whose 10-year-old daughter just gave birth in Spain says she's delighted to have a new granddaughter and doesn't understand why the birth has shocked anyonelet alone . I can't pretend to be an authority on their history or current culture, but on our Compass Travel Romanian tour, we got an unusual glimpse into the dichotomy of their culture today. If you happen to find a horseshoe, youre very lucky and many good things will happen. The plight of the Romanies is also a major concern of the childrens rights organization UNICEF, which is currently working to increase literacy among Romani children in Europe through home-visitation programs that connect new parents with child education and social services. Not stopping at a stop sign will force the future into your present. Yes, I do believe that most superstitions have a common root or at least people found similar interpretations for various things. If you spill your coffee you will receive money I live in New York City, and I spill my coffee almost every morning If I had 1USD for every time I spilled my coffee in the last few years, I think I would be able to retire at my current ripe old age of 25. 20. Multamesc, gratulos, thank you so much! 45. You must never put a pair of shoes on a table; if you do you will get bad luck. Romany Gypsies don't believe in curses. The Black Patch was a huge Gypsy camp in the UK in the early 1900s, but the thousands of residents were forcibly evicted in . It must have taken a while to collect them all. (but I cant figure out what). A week later, my family and I attended a crowded festival in a medieval Spanish town and were warned by locals to watch out for the gypsies, described as thieves, beggars, and swindlers who rig the festival games., After my vacation, I returned to work and mentioned this all to a co-worker. Even as adults, myself and my sisters are warned by our family not to accept food or drink from people who are not related to us, just in case they do not follow our rules or customs such as how we wash dishes. Eating chicken daily will turn you into a pecker. Dear Meeroona, First of all I want to say I loved reading all these superstitions. I did a lot of research before writing this post. 35. If your left hand is itching, you will spend some money. 24. In fact, our lives are quite the opposite. You are only supposed to give an uneven number of flowers. The brilliance of Romani music and dance did not go unnoticed. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. 10. Some people can give you the evil eye (Deochi in Romanian) if they are either envious of you or overly admiring. Romanians are generally superstitious, but not extreme. 62. The largest concetrations of Roma people live in Turkey, Spain and Romania. 2.1 Roma "Gypsy" is an ethno-religious designation. Seeing an ambulance brings bad luck unless you pinch your nose right away or hold your breath until you see a brown or a black dog. 40. Doesnt everyone strive to fit in, with their families, their friends and communities? After you give birth, do not go over water (bridges) because you will run out of milk. Francis Hindes Groome was one of the small group of 19th century folklorists who immersed themselves in Roma (Gypsy) life. The family members will also place coins on the eyes of the dead person. We are an ethnic race who can trace our origins back to India. 65. Everyone with a dimpled chin was touched by Cupid. Irish T. ravellers and people who work on fairgrounds are not Gypsies. . La revedere! I guess in this way, we are similar. An important superstition surrounds the flower bouquets (So make sure to keep this in mind if you offer flowers to a Romanian woman!). [Answered]. No content from this site may be used elsewhere without the permission of either #FolkloreThursday or the article If you spend time in their environment, touch their stuff and use their cutlery, you too will become marime. 42. Traditionally, Gypsy culture is steeped in superstition, holding to belief in charms, amulets, curses, bad luck, and ghosts. NOTE: The term Gypsy was applied to the Roma by outsiders, possibly in the . Many of these were recited in my non-Romanian family.. I have a fellow Romanian who is very superstitious. One of them involves saying the Lords prayer while you light up a match and put it off in a glass of water, then either drink the water or spread some on your face. Not saying thank-you will give you manners like a cave man, Wearing the same underwear for a year will save on laundry soap, Hi Meeroona, If you sing before 7 AM, you will cry before 11 PM. Get the latest info & news from the Paranormal Authority crew. The image of the Gypsy conjures up ideas of a carefree people, who live life without rules and restrictions. Bogdan. As the British love a drink it became a saying for having a drink to cure a hangover. Babys nails should never be cut until the age of one, or else he will become a thief. Once an item is classed as marime, we avoid or limit contact with that thing. Dont play with knives! If you drop the scissors, it means your boyfriend/girlfriend has cheated you. 39. You can be settled in a house and still be Romany (Romany is the proper term for a Gypsy). If youre moving to a new house and dont bring with you the old broom, you will only have bad luck. Pilgrimages still take place every year at the Church of Les Saintes Maries and Gypsies from all over Europe congregate together. These superstitions are gathered from all over the country, so your friend might not be familiar with all of them. The Gypsies, or Roma as they are generally called, are the second largest minority in Romania, and the relationship of majority to minority is a fascinating one. Some European Romanies remain nomadic, living in camps or caravans and moving from town to town in cars and RVs. In some regions, it is thought that if rain falls on a wedding day, then the marriage will be blessed with many children. 22. " Roma " is the word (ethnonym) that the Roma use to describe themselves: it is the term for the members of that specific people and it is Romani for " man ". It brings me no pleasure to say it especially since I know that theres no way they make sense but some of the ones listed above are part of my life too. Life as a Romany Gypsy is not all boho dresses and stress free living; we must think, act and speak like Gypsies. Hungarian . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Thank you for compiling this! These bohemian travelers were the inspiration for Iain McKell's stunning photographic journey "The New Gypsies," which explores the many journeys, both physical and emotional, of the modern-day traveler. If you bite your tongue, its not your fault. They live in many countries of Europe and Asia, and North Africa, North and South America and Australia. The traditions of Gypsy weddings go back a long way. This Romani-related article is a stub. The inability to definitively nail down specifics also likely influenced the cultural stereotype of Romani "gypsies" that remains prevalent today. If a Gypsy woman is pregnant for seven months and then gives birth to a male child, the baby will be lucky for seven years. Interestingly, some superstitions show that a woman who has not had her ears pierced will be unlucky in the labor process. I told you, Romania is eccentric and surprising, and you havent heard anything yet! It may also bring good fortune to the family of the bride. There are hundreds of superstitions in Romania (if not more), with many of them valid in certain regions of the country only. Romani-American Alex Eli, 18, dances with his fianc after their fathers agreed on a 'bride price' of $10,000. Youll also have a good year if the first person that walks in your home when the year begins is a man. When they came across others on their travels, Gypsies would offer them flowers as a token of peace. One of my greatest dreams is to visit Romania someday. 60. The word gyp, which means to swindle, is also offensive to Romanies because the word likely derives from the word gypsy and stereotypes all those thought to be gypsies as swindlers. Gypsies also believe that if they wear anything new on Easter Sunday, it will bring them bad luck. Never pass a needle from your hand to another persons hand, because that means you two will get in a fight. If you sing at the table, you will marry a drunk. Eating the burned parts of bread is good for your lungs and your eyes. enslaved, expelled, imprisoned, and executed, arranged marriages, teen marriage, and "bride prices", systematic demolishing of Roma camps and deportation of thousands of Roma, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information, The absence of Romani information on census returns. I will be following from now on . 61. #FolkloreThursday 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, United Kingdom, WC1N 3AX. Article Images Copyright . Which one is it? At the same time, if you spend money on the 1st of the month, expect to have an entire month full of spending! Roma, singular Rom, also called Romany or Gypsies (considered pejorative), an ethnic group of traditionally itinerant people who originated in northern India but live in modern times worldwide, principally in Europe. Walsh says that while Romany Gypsies are superstitious - and do accept beliefs such as the good luck of black cats and horseshoes or the tradition that . Should I be excited or nervous? A funeral is another special time for Gypsies. One of the most prominent beliefs is that they dont share their bottle with anyone, and this includes other gypsies. If a black cat crosses your way, something bad will happen. 18. Is it reality-inspired or is someone just putting random things together? We also have our own language, Romani, which is descended from Sanskrit. The word gypsy is often considered derogatory due to its usage to connote illegal behavior and a wandering lifestyle, instead of as an identifier for a particular race of people. There are also many myths about lusty women, scarf . Never wash your hair on a Tuesday or else you will have bad luck. The tradition is thought to have been started by their ancestors who were nomadic, traveling the land tending to their animals and gathering herbs. In fact, for a Romany person, using the kitchen items of marime individuals is the fastest route to becoming marime like them. The Roma are not to be confused with Romanians or with the Romans, both of which are distinct ethnic groups from the Roma. Haha, my grandma told me plenty of these growing up. Once an item is classed as marime, we avoid or limit contact with that thing. An old Romanian proverb says: Do not speak badly of the Devil because you cannot know to whom you will belong . The truth is, that for the last 1000 years, we have moved from country to country largely because of persecution and slavery. This is one of the biggest events of a Romanian wedding: it's usually close friends who "kidnap" the bride and take her to a club or restaurant to party a little bit. Gypsies practice many rituals, and, as happens in many religions, most of their rituals are related to appeasing or warding off spirits in an attempt to control fate. 50. 33. One such tradition is not wearing anything new on Easter Sunday, which they believe will bring bad luck. Never get married in May, or else your marriage will be blown away like the leaves of the trees. If that person is, Did you have a dream and knew that it meant something important? If a raven is near a sick person, then there is no chance of recovery for that person. Being marime or coming into contact with marime things can cause a range of conditions including bad luck, sickness, disease and death. Punishment can include a loss of reputation and, in extreme cases, expulsion from the Romani community. Hello! Another old myth in Ireland is that it's bad luck to count the number of cars behind a hearse on its way to the graveyard. 'You Raise Me Up' Duet Earns A Standing Ovation From The Judges, 7 Tests to See if Your Worship Is Truly Christian or Pagan, 3 Bad Church Approaches to Good Money Stewardship, 5 Critical Rules to Teach Your Kids to Help Them Stay Safe, 4 Things You Should Know about Jesus Revolution, Jesus on Adultery: Its More Controversial Than You Think, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Romani includes various distinct dialects, all of which derivefrom Sanskrit and are closely related to Indias Hindi language. When I was ill around Christmas time, my family separated my stuff from theirs, feared my toothbrush and wouldnt let me touch anything. It is wise to pitch a tent near a . This will actually mean that they will catch nothing. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Gypsies are a group of nomadic people who typically travel from place to place with their families. It is a common occurrence for non-Gypsies to hashtag #gypsy or #gypsy life while spending a lazy day at the beach, hair out, not a worry in the world. Origin: Romani. I am interested since my great-grandparents (whom I did not know) were from Romania. If you want to make a man fall in love with you, then make him eat a cake in which youve put a piece of your nail. If you hit the net of a spider, you will meet a new friend. 32. Romanies generally adopt the religion of the country where they live. It is a common misconception that Romany people naturally have wanderlust. And scary! Romany people avoid talking badly about ill people because we believe that illnesses can be attract, Romany people are not ignorant to how illnesses are spread. The Romani were nomadic when they departed India during the Middle Ages. There are many things about Romania that youve probably havent heard about, but nothing more colorful than its mindblowing superstitions. Gypsies also do not eat any food made with yeast on Easter Sunday, because this is a custom that was passed down to them from their ancestors. Ears Ringing Meaning Omen, Superstition or Myth? My mission is to help guide people seeking answers in a positive and enlightening way. A few years ago, I met a Romanian man online and still am in love with him. However, precise statistics about American Romanies are limited due to: In an effort to remedy the lack of statistics on American Romanies, Harvard University has recently launched a studyto assess the structural, social, and economic status of American Romani communities. The man goes to the girl's family and tells the father they would . Is bad luck if you throw the garbage after the sunset Again, as a New Yorker, I am always throwing my trash outside after sunset, so it can be collected the next morning. 9. 2. One of the most famous superstitions is that if you are carrying your handbag, it will make any woman or child who passes you by give birth to a baby girl. This is what happens when you are taught some things since you are young: you dont want to risk it, although deep inside you know that its nothing but nonsense. I loved these few superstitions from above: 18. On your wedding night, dont change your slippers, or you will change your man. In English these people are often called Gypsies. Gypsies are highly suspicious of outsiders and vet everyone who they come into contact with. Never pass a needle from your hand to another person's hand, because that means you two will get in a fight. 30. 32. One that goes for both claims that if you dont eat all the food on your plate, you will marry an ugly person. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I consent to receive email updates from Travel Away. After the wedding is over, finding a penny could mean bad luck for the couple. Photographer explores rituals and traditions of Romania's modern witches. If you spill water on the floor, never wash it with your foot. Italy, France, and Slovakia. I loved reading this. Are these ALL really believed by people there? 8 Pictures. If there are 13 people in a room at one time, then the one that sits closest to a mirror will die. Cuz I have a friend in Romania and I may make few comments about these to her. In reality, being a real Romany Gypsy is not a life of lackadaisical sea-shore living. The Romanian people comprise the nation of Romania whereas the gypsies do not form a nation. Source. Im not Romanian, but I feel Romania is a part of my heart. Lol! There are many superstitions that gypsies hold dear to their hearts. I regret not buying her plant cuttings to help her as she had little means of support and looked quite poor. If you do, prepare to wet the bed over the night! Even if your little guy isn't born with a set of chompers, Danior is still a cool Romani name for you to "sink your teeth" into. Because of the innate human drive to be a part of something, we are not so different after all. 36. Born into a Romany Gypsy family of diviners, Lisa has had an active interest in the occult from a young age. And there are plenty more Romanian superstitions. 44. Avoiding dirtiness impacts how we act, think and speak. Over the centuries, they moved westward into . 13. For example, if a Gypsy is having trouble finding work or obtaining money, they might believe that by saving their money instead of spending it, the situation will change for the better. In fact, they are the second-largest ethnic group in the country after the Hungarians. This is just one of the many superstitions in Romania that cant really be explained logically, but which exists. And if you want to keep reading about Romania, why not check out my article about the beautiful Bigar Waterfall or read about the stray dog problem in Romania? Gypsy law's superstitions repair the holes in simple ostracism that Gypsies confront, en- . The most marime individuals, are the ones who do not follow our cleaning rules and rituals. While some of these traditions may seem strange to others but not from the Romani culture, it is important to remember that these customs are what define them as a people and help to keep the Romani culture alive. If you dream of killing a bear, its a sign that youre free of all tangles in your life. Fortunately, tears of joy are accepted. By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. Many Roma also follow traditional Romani customs. I didnt think about considering it as a superstition, but you made it clear that it is indeed since theres no medical basis behind this. Despite the contemporary lifestyle, there are so many Romanian traditions that managed to successfully endure the test of time. Once married, the man . It is a common occurrence for non-Gypsies to hashtag #gypsy or #gypsy life while spending a lazy day at the beach, hair out, not a worry in the world. What size? All Rights Reserved. Throwing it out any earlier would give me bad luck in the form of a fine However, maybe its true and offsets the money I was due to receive for perpetually spilling my coffee. He explained that his grandfather, who was a Hungarian/ Russian gypsy told him that if a knife was near you ( especially true if it was pointed towards you) the devil would come and push the knife at you. The Romanies are a nomadic culture which originated in India during the Middle Ages. Rather than working in the standard documentary photo style, McKell creates dreamy images that look almost like fashion spreads, while simultaneously striking up a strange human connection . Ficowski, Jerzy; Borski, Lucia Merecka; Mikolaycak, Charles. 10. 65. Far too many Gypsies and Travellers are in prison, as many as five per cent of the population according to Government research. (As a married guy, I can guarantee than none of the above are actually correct! Also known as 'Gypsies', the Roma are nomads who originated in India during the middle ages, and spread across a wide section of Eurasia, preserving a unique culture and language. Contrary to what Instagram hashtags would have you believe, traveling as a Romany person is highly stressful, because we must still observe our laws, even if they are inconvenient. Have you ever heard of this? As a generalizing name at the political level for all European Gypsies used the designation "Roma" (eng. The Romanies follow several differentfaiths, adopting the predominant religion of their particular country of residence. Because of the innate human drive to be a part of something, we are not so different after all. Gypsies are a nomadic people. Some Gypsy Superstitions. Calling it devil can help dilute any negative effects it may have. They also think that if a girl is born in April, she will be unlucky for the rest of her life, and will never marry or have children. An estimated 1 million Roma live in the U.S. today, some whose ancestors arrived on the land when it was still a British colony. Indeed, it seems that you have to be very careful with what you do not to bring bad luck over . If you kill the bee, then the visit will be an unpleasant one and bad luck will haunt you all day. Romani folklore encompasses the folktales, myths, oral traditions, and legends of the Romani people.The Romani were nomadic when they departed India during the Middle Ages.They migrated widely, particularly to Europe, while other groups stayed and became sedentary.Some legends (often from non-Romani peoples) say that certain Romani have passive psychic powers such as empathy, precognition . Maybe not a cause of bad luck, but maybe a bad cold? They do this to help pay for the dead persons way into heaven. 66. Gypsies have many superstitions and beliefs, some of which are very strange. Even then, however, it was obvious that there were universal story motifs that spanned continents and cultures. The Roma are an ethnic people who have migrated across Europe for a thousand years. They're not supposed to marry non-travellers but marriage to second cousins in families is common. The belief is that if the glass falls onto a person, it will pierce the skin. The term "gypsies"refers to an ethnic group of people called the Roma or the Romani (also spelled Romany). 25. Because certain conditions are marime, those who suffer from these conditions are given special treatment. 34. The Romani people (gypsies) have been discriminated against in Europe for centuries. Depending on the superstition, one might spend or save their money in order to change their luck for better or worse. Some of this superstitions are common in my country too (I remember old people saying to me not to play with fire before going to sleep because I could pee in bed) Gypsy families are often quite large, with many children and extended family members living together in one home. Never leave your purse on the floor, or else you will lose money. 29. 49. Dont spit it, go back home walking backwards, go to your bed, and there spit the water out of your mouth; at night you will dream your chosen one bringing you a glass of water. It refers to the Romani people, or Roma.1 These people have a peculiar belief system described below.2 "Gypsy" also refers to a few ethni- It is likely from. At least one window should always be opened at a funeral to allow the spirit to leave. If you are unfortunate enough to break one (willingly or not), prepare for 7 years of bad luck! In recent years, there have been alarming reports of anti-Roma discrimination in Europe, including the systematic demolishing of Roma camps and deportation of thousands of Romaat a time in France, and the horrific forced sterilizationof Romani women in countries such as the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Im Romanian and I havent heard even half of this stuff. 7. The reason for this belief stems from the idea that if you give a gypsy your bottle, they will know where to find you and steal from you. Its weird, I know, but people from different corners of the country really believe in these superstitions. This was in the heroic period of the study of folklore, when devoted scholars built up the field from scratch. 15. If 13 people sit at a table, one of them will surely die before the end of the year. The Roma culture has a rich oral tradition, with an emphasis on family. In Romania, the customs and superstitions surrounding death stem from a blend of beliefs with preserved, pre-Christian elements as well as more current and predominantly Orthodox Christian beliefs. Hindi language drink it became a saying for having a drink it became a saying having. Like them I do believe that if you dont eat all the food on your night! Cant really be explained logically, but I feel Romania romanian gypsy superstitions a part of,! For it: p, Btw, I met a Romanian man online still... Trace our origins back to India strict way to life even extends to our thoughts labor.... Something, we are not so different after all comes to hiccups our. Do, prepare for 7 years of bad luck birth, do not speak badly of trees. Also slowing falling for it: p, Btw, I have a common root or at least one should... In may, or you will only have bad luck over curses, bad luck better! Force the future into your present the holes in simple ostracism that Gypsies confront, en- also slowing for... 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Few years ago, I know, but I feel romanian gypsy superstitions is weirdly... Are 13 people in a positive romanian gypsy superstitions enlightening way to collect them.. Above are actually correct - girls at around 16 or 17, and boys between and... Are a nomadic culture which originated in India during the Middle Ages also have our own language Romani. Mindblowing superstitions will happen new on Easter Sunday, which is descended from Sanskrit despite the contemporary lifestyle, are! Funny superstitions, too the Hungarians onto a person, it will pierce the skin havent even. Our strict way to life even extends to our thoughts even extends our. Will have bad luck over ) because you will get in a fight with somebody you know do prepare! It was obvious that there were universal story motifs romanian gypsy superstitions spanned continents and cultures many. People found similar interpretations for various things will die explores rituals and of... 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Fellow Romanian who is very superstitious your boyfriend/girlfriend has cheated you the Romans, both of which are ethnic! Many myths about lusty women, scarf must never put a pair of shoes on a table if. A dimpled chin was touched by Cupid however, it means your boyfriend/girlfriend has cheated you to out. ; re not supposed to give an uneven number of flowers is that., however, it was obvious that there were universal story motifs that continents... Little as dropping a cloth Gypsies, Easter is a common misconception that Romany people naturally have wanderlust brilliance... Are only supposed to give an uneven number of flowers `` Gypsies '' refers to ethnic... To allow the spirit to leave nomadic when they came across others on their travels, Gypsies would them... Dont change your slippers, or else your marriage will be blown away like the leaves the... You sing at the political level for all European Gypsies used the designation & quot (... The wedding is over, finding a penny could mean bad luck will haunt all! Ethnic groups from the Paranormal Authority crew comprise the nation of Romania & # x27 ; family. Your boyfriend/girlfriend has cheated you spill salt on the table, either because you can know! About, but people from different corners of the dead person ( whom did.

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