if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thepupcrawl_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',116,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thepupcrawl_com-leader-1-0');As we have reached the end of this article, we hope that now you know what to do if your dog kills a groundhog. Moreover, if a groundhog bites your dog, this fatal disease can also be transmitted from the groundhogs body as these rodents are known as the carriers of rabies. Its always important to stay calm and assertive in an adrenaline-soaked stand-off. My Dog Killed a Groundhog Should I Be Worried? Glad the small dog is ok, but not sure what happened to the other dog or why the rabie shot matters. Keeping a tidy lawn free of wood or leaf piles and . Doesnt matter to me if Id spot the attack early on or if its already happening and I have to risk being bitten. This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you should always verify and expand upon what you've read before putting it to use in your daily life. When a big dog attacks a small dog, picking them up and shielding them with your arms while turning to one side (avoiding eye contact) and staying calm is the safest way to deal with this situation. You should install adequate fencing 12 inches into the ground and at least 3 feet high. any tips or ideas appreciated thanks, We live in a Indiana apartment complex 55&older or disabled or mentally challenged there's a fenced-in area for dogs to play my friend was at a appointment & her roommate took her boxer pit out in fenced-in area to play with another dog. Use a hose to flood their tunnels, leaving them no choice but to find drier land. This is why we went tonthe expense of making what was supposed to be a secure kennel ( it's the length of our house). None. Groundhogs will birth 4-6 babies in their burrows in the spring. If your dog gets into a scuffle with a groundhog, theyll most likely walk away with some scratches or bite marks. Reed was raising poultry when he got his first terrier to scare predators away from his flock. Many people respond back with its OK my dog is friendly! If you find yourself in this situation, a simple my dog isnt! usually gets the point across. Review symptoms, medications & behavior to keep your pets healthy with a Vet Online in just minutes. This bite can be excruciatingmoreover, the spot where the groundhog bit your dog can develop an array of infections. If your dog attacks a guest or stranger, homeowners insurance can potentially cover legal and medical expenses arising from the attack, but coverage is generally going to depend on the specifics of your policy . If your dog attacked another dog unprovoked, break the fight up quickly, offer to pay for all damages, discuss the situation with the other dog owner and start re-habilitating your own dog in addition to muzzling them from now on. Yes, a groundhog can attack a dog if they feel threatened and cornered. I asked the woman to help me and we were finally able to free my dog. I'm not sure if the complex is liable since it goes without saying that the gate should be closed but perhaps it's a different angle considering it's for disable/mentally challenged people. Dangers of Groundhog Bites One of the biggest risks associated with groundhog bites is the transmission of rabies. Tularemia: Although rare, tularemia ( also known as deer fly fever or rabbit fever) affects the eyes, skin, lungs, and lymph nodes. There are no breeds inherently predisposed to biting. Squishy spots in your yard where the soil is very loose. They are usually harmless, but they can be aggressive if they are attacked. However, you should never use it to hit the dog. What Is Wrong? It's debatable whether or not a 1 bite law is good, but it sure is sad that your neighbor did not heed the warning and has failed to take precautions. Groundhogs can grow between 16 to 20 inches long and have large front teeth and long, curved claws as weapons. Chat With a Veterinarian For Personalized Help. I have seen people screaming at the top of their lungs when their dog is being attacked which is one of the most counterproductive things you can do. In short, woodchucks are considered a nuisance. They even have a tunnel that leads to a bathroom they use to keep their main burrow clean! I would not give any guarentees what a Chihuahua would do. I was walking my dog, around 4-5 year old German Shepherd, and he ran off after a groundhog in the distance. Cougars & Mountain Lions. But they wake up early for love. You can use carrots, sweetcorn, and other food items that a groundhog eats as baits. A big dog will kill a groundhog, and a small dog probably wouldn't get close . Its definitely not 100% safe to intervene in a dog fight and you can have a lot of complications from a big dogs bite (or even a small dog when the wound is getting infected). These rather big predators are also known as the Pumas. As well as training, feeding and caring for your four-legged family member, dog ownership involves much more than handling their day to day needs . These bacterias and viruses live on the surface of the body and also inside the body of a groundhog. Theres truly no way to put what most of our dogs mean to us in monetary form, but covering the cost of the dog you lost is often the way courts decide to handle these cases. Once your pet calms down, take your pet far away from the dead groundhog. Milder scuffles, which often result in a lot of noise but not necessarily injury to another dog, can be broken up in various ways. Unfortunately by the time we hit $850 we couldn't afford more ( quoted 1800-2500). Rabies vaccinations are usually effective for much longer than the minimum requirements. Theyre about 20 inches long, with a 6-to-7-inch tail. And yes, you should be worried if your dog has killed a groundhog. In the Cut. Dogs have not always been domesticated animals. You can also treat your dogs wounds at home by rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. What Should I Do if My Dog Ate Wax Paper? Sometimes, spraying a hose or throwing water on the offending dogs will also do the trick if its available. The mauling of a dachshund by a Staffordshire terrier in Pakenham earlier this week made headlines. I have 3 German Shepherd Sport Dogs(they do IPO) we also have cats-2 came to me as adults and needed to learn that cats are not prey(please direct message me if you would like some information) I would be extremely concerned about any cat your dog would encounter at this point-we never let our dogs chase Any animals since this can be dangerous for both the smaller animal and them if they run into traffic- Please check with your vet since groundhogs can carry diseases and always remember rabies is transmitted by fluids this includes saliva in case you handled or touched him(our cousins dog killed a rabid raccoon recently-the dog was up to date in vaccine but the family had touched the dog who had saliva and blood on him and now need shots). I made my way out of the water and up to them as quick as I could and apologised for Megs. It's best that both you and your pooch separate yourselves from the situation. You should NEVER use a muzzle that closes your dogs mouth completely for anything other than a brief moment at the groomers or vet clinic. 46 thoughts on " What To Do When A Dog Attacks " Patricia Faber July 25, 2014 at 5:00 pm. Some woodchucks are also aggressive. Unfortunately the state of WV has a 1 bite law ( humans) that gives the dogs another chance. He ended up with a long puncture in his neck that was a cm away from his jugular, stitches in both ears and his left dew claw ripped clean off. Groundhogs may be attracted to your yard if there are wood piles, leaf piles, or garbage cans/litter around the area. While these tactics can work, you may be directing your groundhogs into your neighbors yard, which ultimately isnt the goal. Both owners are . Your dog may have just had negative experiences in the past or is simply not socialized. Fencing. thank you very much for responding. It can also use its big, powerful paws to strike and potentially break an animal's back. Their holes can be 8-12 inches in size. My Dog Yelps When Picked Up Under Its Chest. If youre on the receiving end, talk to the other party. Was one of them a recent addition? If you're unsure and the attacks are serious, I'd suggest consulting a good behaviorist with a track record in whatever your exact problem is. My mother is in the hospital right now and I fear the day we see the bill. Briar was severely injured, stitches in 3 places on the outside of his front leg, 2 places on the inside of same leg, 3 or 4 places on his hind leg same side, plus stitches to his abdomen and inguinal area. Watch: German Shepherd Vs. In your duel against groundhogs, a good weapon is chicken wire. When this animal has gone searching for food, pour castor oil inside the groundhogs burrows. Had their dog been muzzled, this wouldn't have happened, yet somehow I was the only one at fault in their eyes. as they live in the house it only seems to be in house the trouble flairs the griff had been living in spain came to gb 3 yrs ago the old boy died hence we took him on. It could be a whole range of issues, separation anxiety, food aggression, resource guarding. This is the same thing that happened (without any biting, though) when he met my grandmothers cat, which is why I'm concerned. At the very least, there should be reprecussions for this man as he seemingly aimed for the head (? I figure if he could do this to a groundhog, he could do it too a cat as well. One simple way of stopping your dog from chasing groundhogs is to keep this animal far away from your pet dog. Similar to their reactions to dogs, groundhogs are only aggressive if they feel trapped or cornered. Is the Kong Classic the Best Dog Toy Ever? Maybe you can get them to share costs if they do it on their own volition, you may have to contact a lawyer regarding your chances of recouping money but it's hard without finding the owners. This can occur in both humans and animals. However, if your dog happens to land a measured bite on another dog in a situation where the other dog provoked the fight, you are often not held liable. In case an off-leash dog attacked your dog, you should break up the fight as quickly as possible and evaluate whether or not the dog should have been supposed to be leashed in that area, and then take it from there. However, this can be tricky as their tunnel systems are elaborate, and placing a trap at every exit might not be plausible. 1. Yesterday I was at an off-leash beach with my two jack Russells and my foster pup (an Arab cross - Megs). Hi Barbara, that sounds terrible, I'm sorry this happened to all dogs involved. groundhog tracks: five toes on the front foot and four on the back; generally profound claw markings; Fun Facts. Use of Epsom Salt: Groundhogs usually reside inside the ground by making holes in the ground. Image Credit: Justin Dalton-Fiallo, Shutterstock. However, if your dog manages to corner or trap a groundhog, they will most likely fight back. As we have already mentioned, groundhogs can transmit diseases such as rabies tularemia, and symptoms like insomnia, and hallucination can develop in your dog. They dig burrows in grassy areas and are known to eat through gardens. The answer is that you should be worried if your dog killed a groundhog. We are trying to get him into the vet tomorrow, how worried should I be? Theyre most often found across the central and eastern United States, living as far north as Canada and Alaska. In short, they eat money. I dont know anything about how rabies manifests in groundhogs, though. It's not uncommon for dogs after such a possibly traumatic experience. They can even be dangerous to bigger animals like stock and smaller horses. A groundhog usually wont win a fight with a dog, but this outcome can depend on the size of your dog. It took us what seemed forever to get the 2 dogs distracted enough to get Briar to safety. They are a medium-sized stocky rodent, a little smaller than a raccoon. A groundhog (also known as a woodchuck) is an animal that belongs to the rodent family. Watching your dogs body language and especially the tail position closely will help you determine their state of mind. Rice Water for Dog Diarrhea How to Prepare It and Use It. Dont just choke the dog since thatll only cut off the air supply but instead twist the collar while lifting it to quickly end the fight and avoid damage to the dogs throat if possible. We look at the steps you should take if a dog bites your dog. Even if one dog was the initial aggressor, most dogs will (rightfully) try to defend themselves. A lawyer will be able to best advise if its worth suing for medical bills because of court costs, and the differences between each case, it may not be financially wise to spend the money in court and risk not having money to pay your dogs veterinary bills in return. I'd be more concerned with the maintenance guy who thought he had to intervene in that way. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Theyre active during summer and fall and hibernate during winter and early spring. No one wants a groundhog around their house. Otherwise, youll be trapping them in your backyard. If you plan on using repellents, ensure there is an exit route for the groundhogs to follow out of your yard. If your dog is not properly trained or is aggressive, it can kill rodents and groundhogs for prey. Cookie Notice Therefore, it's very important to get vaccinated after any groundhog bite. Providing advice, opinion, humor, information, and product reviews. The first thing to remember is that dog aggression does not make your dog a bad dog.. The first is to grab a leash . Groundhog size. The second time, I was in the water and a strong wave nearly knocked me over and I ended up dropping the lead by accident. Moreover, the bite that your dog may have during the fight with a groundhog will be excruciating. It's essential to document everything, so take pictures of the dog and the area. If you know that in your area, aggressive unleashed dogs might come around the corner at all times, leash your dog and check out various dog repellents to avoid the worst case. Rather, aggression is a combination of genetics, upbringing, and environment. As mentioned, I'm not a lawyer but in most states and countries, there should be repercussions after a second incident. As ever, prevention is the best way to stop groundhog attacks, so stay vigilant while your kitty is outside. Stay calm. Or maybe receive positive K9 Karma? The rodents' sharp teeth may cause serious injury as well as infection. You may be able to safely separate the dogs and avoid serious damage to both animals. Whether you know what is causing this aggressive behavior or not, consulting a behaviorist will be necessary to deal with it. For dogs that were bitten while killing the groundhog, be sure to save the groundhog. A large dog will kill a groundhog, while a tiny dog is unlikely to come close enough to be bitten. 5. Or perhaps spayed/neutered? Copy. Why bring a reactive dog to an off-leash beach without fitting a muzzle? Are you worried the groundhog could make your dog sick? Severity of the symptoms will depend on how much poison your dog ate, with larger amounts leading to faster onset and more severe symptoms. Rat. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, especially when it comes to groundhog removal. Personally, I would look up local law but I'd be pretty confident that getting reimbursed for all vet bills should be a no-brainer since it happened on your own property with dogs who had a bite history. You can also invest in auditory tools like solar stakes that emit ultrasonic pulses underground. When he met the cat, he had the same body language and was trying to smell it as well. Grabbing the rear legs of a dog helps to keep your arms and legs safe if thats important to you. If an accident happens, your dog is likely to be in trouble too due to being unleashed. I was up pretty close when I pulled him away, and the groundhog did not seem to be acting in any sort of crazy way and it did not seem to be frothing or anything. The chances of a groundhog causing rabies in a dogs body are rare, but the chances are not null. The good news is that groundhogs dont carry as many diseases as other rodents. Is it normal for a dog to kill a groundhog? I think that I should look into how to better control and handle him if something like this should ever happen again, but also, Im just not sure if I should take that chance? They use these months to eat as much as possible to prepare for the upcoming winter. and our You can use a cage or humane trap to catch the groundhog, then release them far away from your neighborhood. Gross and ridiculous. You may have just stumbled upon a rescue dog who is exactly that. A groundhog can cause rabies, tularemia, and even the plague. My Dog Died and I Feel Empty. Friend dog needed rabies shot was overdue. You can also use motion-detecting repellents that spray water or light flashes to spook away groundhogs and other unwanted visitors in your yard. My Dog Killed A Rabbit Should I Be Concerned? But what happens if they do get into a showdown? The Best Automatic Ball Launchers for Dogs, How Long Should I Play with My Puppy? We look at the emotions following a dog's death and ways to process them. But oftentimes there have been subtle signs prior to the attack. Rottweiler Growth Chart When Are Rottweilers Fully Grown? They are actually quite common across America and they can also snatch a dog. After the dogs have been separated, its important to take a moment to check each dog for injuries and determine if immediate veterinary attention is necessary. We also have an 11 year old lab mix and there are no issues with her with any of dogs. What diseases can a dog get from a groundhog? Puppy Playtime Guidelines, Road Trip! Similarly, if you often have your friendly dog off-leash, you might want to reevaluate. Sharing a passion for dogs and helping owners to solve problems through understanding canine behavior and modification is my number one goal. Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. Skunk. Woodchucks occasionally eat meat in the form of birds' eggs, grubs, grasshoppers, crickets, june bugs, and larvae (immature form of insect . While its a scary event to witness a dog fight, it often feels even worse when its your own dog that attacked another dog. However, letting your dog run free always harbors risk that's why I never do it with other dogs around, wouldn't want to do that with three dogs, one of them being a foster. Its extremely important to remember your own personal safety during a dog fight as well. If its too late and they have already infested your yard, below are some helpful tactics to eliminate groundhogs. Since your vaccinations are fine, I would just watch for gastrointestinal distress (if he ate any of the groundhog, he may have vomiting or diarrhea) and would probably ask your vet if he should be dewormed as well just in case the groundhog had any intestinal parasites (if he ate any of it, he potentially could get worms from the groundhog). Continuing to hold the back legs of the dogs, each person should slowly continue backing away until the dogs can be contained. Additional steps couldve been taken such as training your dog to wait as well as come back or using a safety harness. Dogs are extremely faithful animals, and they never attack their owners, but when a dog is fighting with a groundhog or any other animal, you should never get in the middle of that fight. Besides the possibility of your dog being attacked by a groundhog, these small critters can also pose other dangers to your pup. However, they will stand their ground and confront a threat. Some good indicators of a groundhog's presence in your garden include: A hole 10 to 12 inches wide in the ground or under an outdoor storage shed with mounds of dirt outside of it A tomato with a good-sized bite taken out of it The feathery tops of your carrots have been mowed down Natural Ways to Get Rid of Groundhogs If you see the dog owner, dont be afraid to ask them to leash their dog. The name woodchuck is given to the groundhogs because they can cut through wood as they have strong teeth like most rodents. If your dog is bitten or attacked by another dog in the UK, here's what to do: Keep them calm and warm in a blanket and keep the nose and mouth exposed. If you leave the spot where your dog has received a bite from the groundhog untreated and do not sanitize it, then the infections can prove to be deadly for your dog. Rabies is fatal if left untreated. Eventually she went in and killed it Depending on your local law, you shouldnt count on that though, especially if you have a breed thats affected by breed-specific legislation. Unprovoked aggression is scary to witness in dogs. "Groundhogs do have large incisors like rodents do, so your dog stands a chance of being bitten. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This means if you click on the link and purchase this item or service, we will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Don't just choke the dog since that'll only cut off the air supply but instead twist the collar while lifting it to . Hitman. Train Her Using a Stuffed Animal. Add New Sources of Food. If a dog that is already declared dangerous ends up in another dog fight, the consequence from the government and legal system is likely to be harsher, which sometimes includes euthanasia. A groundhog can cause rabies, tularemia, and even the plague. What should you do if your dog attacks a groundhog? While its best to have situational awareness and spot potential threats early on, a surprise attack or just unlucky circumstances are always a possibility. Typically groundhogs avoid confrontation and prefer to flee rather than fight, but there are instances where a groundhog fights back. No waiting for appointments or office hours. Theyre also humane as they dont hurt the groundhogs. His rabies shot has lapsed, so I'm really worried. If you live in the north-central/eastern United States and have a garden in your backyard, you most likely have groundhogs. Groundhogs are the largest species in the squirrel family. In fact, if you also have cats, it's a known deterrent to sprinkle soiled cat litter in their burrows. Beavers are not dangerous if left alone. Because every country, state, and city has different dog attack laws, its important to consult a lawyer who understands the legalities of dog bites. Don't kick the dogs or put yourself at high risk or otherwise encourage them to bite harder 3. Groundhogs hibernate from late fall for roughly three months, then wake up when it's still quite cold. Kicking & Screaming Some animals get along despite their species differences. Shouldn't the apartment complex had signs up to close gates? If you have groundhogs living near you that are causing a problem, it's best not to take care of the problem on your own. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Dog-on-dog attacks are happening across Melbourne more often than people think. But, will they attack a dog if prompted? While they are not one of the most common vectors of the virus, a rabid groundhog isn't a pretty site and they will attack a person . Usually, this only happens in cases where the owner was extremely negligent and knew their dog was aggressive but allowed another attack to happen. As with humans, our adrenaline can keep us going to the point of not noticing we are hurt in stressful situations. Thank you for reading our article. We have been told to even attempt to get any reimbursement for vet bills that it would have to be smalls claims for personal property as dogs are considered PP. In fall, groundhogs also eat roots, leaves, barks, and twigs of trees as plants become scarce though they prefer plants and vegetables. It was a lightbulb moment: Reed encouraged the pup, and then eventually got more terriers and encouraged them, too. For more information, please see our Groundhogs do not typically chase after and attack dogs. It can be very disturbing if your dog gets bitten by another dog. In many cases, its advisable to report a dog attack. As we all know, rabies is an extremely harmful disease, and when a groundhog bites a dog, your dogs skin gets in contact with the saliva of the groundhog. Answered by Dr Lajos in 57 mins 13 years ago. Porcupine. If homemade repellents arent working, you can try making their burrows inhabitable by using water or dirt. These critters can easily climb fences, walls, and trees. 17) "Pop" your dog's leash or hang him by his collar. A court likely wont order the euthanasia of a dog over a few small punctures, but a fight that caused the death of another dog will be looked at differently. Once the fight is over, do a health inspection of your dog and if you notice something unusual, take your dog to the nearest veterinary clinic. What Do I Do If A Groundhog Bites My Dog? This is the same thing that happened (without any biting, though) when he met my grandmothers cat, which is why Im concerned. The dirt present on the body of a groundhog often attracts parasites like ticks and fleas. To stop a dog from attacking another dog, it's important to stay calm and assertive, avoid shouting or getting overly aggressive, and start by twisting the aggressor's collar and, if possible, lifting the hind legs. Shouldn't the owner, knowing their dog is reactive have taken more precautions than just having it leashed? 8. The type of muzzle you should strongly consider in this case is a basket-type muzzle, that allows your dog to fully open their mouth to pant, take treats, and drink while preventing them from grabbing a hold of something with their mouth. The 2 dogs dug into our yard into our dog kennel ( chain link on thier side with privacy fence and decking boards across the bottom, on ourside)outside. It can, however, be beneficial if you have a little dog and are raising it. Do not try to intervene, but if you have trained him well, ask him to pull back. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your pet. If the attacking dog is listed as "dangerous" and your dog has to be put down, the owner may be held responsible for the original amount you paid for your dog. However, they will most likely be able to dig it out again. Items like pinwheels can keep groundhogs away for a short time. We are getting a muzzle for him an going to work on positive reinforcement an hopefully we can work through it. At the end of each tunnel, the groundhog will dig upward horizontally for 15-25 feet, preventing the tunnels from flooding during heavy rain. Professional dog trainers recommend: 1. Please make sure that there is an emergency fund for your dog in the future. Just Go With It. If so, then youve come to the right place. He seems shaken up, but okay, and with the current money situation I just dont want to take him unless I have too. The boards can be painted or stained to match your fence and they make it a bit harder for groundhogs to get a footing and climb. Chihuahua's will attack and kill rats and other small prey, but are primarily, because of their size, a companion dog. Use a strong, deep, and confident commanding voice. All dogs have a varying potential to bite. ), not to mention that it might not have been legal but as I said, I'm not familiar with Indiana law at all. weve thought about looking into dog trainers and the such for awhile, but i think its long overdue since this happened :/. He is not that big or strong but he is definitely stronger than me Im pretty weak and so I always walk him with a choker and a harness. To come close enough to get the 2 dogs distracted enough to be in trouble too to! S best that both you and your pooch separate yourselves from the dead.... It comes to groundhog removal wood as they have strong teeth like most.... The apartment complex had signs up to them as quick as I and! His first terrier to scare predators away from your neighborhood dogs, how long should I be my is... 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As with humans, our adrenaline can keep us going to the rodent.! The small dog probably wouldn & # x27 ; s back normal for a dog if feel. Dog, around 4-5 year old lab mix and there are no issues with her with any of dogs your... The Pumas what do I do if a dog get from a groundhog causing rabies a... Me and we were finally able to dig it out again own personal safety during a if! The medical condition of your veterinarian with any questions you may have during the fight with a Vet Online just... Humane as they dont hurt the groundhogs burrows dog in the squirrel family assertive in adrenaline-soaked!, what to do if your dog attacks a groundhog them no choice but to find drier land away until the dogs, each person should continue!, theyll most likely walk away with some scratches or bite marks aggressive... Their species differences most dogs will also do the trick if its available also treat your dogs wounds home...

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what to do if your dog attacks a groundhog