And nearly half of all Fortune 500 companies including Apple, Google and Amazon were founded by immigrants and their children. The Fall of Sumter Long established customs of hurtful character could formerly fence themselves in, and do their evil work with social impunity. I repeat, I am glad this is so. He implied that constant predictions of democratic doom could become self-fulfilling prophecies. 1411 W Street SE The arm of the Lord is not shortened, and the doom of slavery is certain. Country, Conscience, And The Anti-Slavery Cause (1847) performed by Jonathan Majors. After his escape from slavery at age 20, Frederick Douglass went on to become the most famous Black man in the nineteenth century, known for the power of his words. May of Syracuse, and my esteemed friend (Rev. The American Apocalypse: An Address There is consolation in the thought that America is young. People from virtually every country in the world wanted to come to the nation that Americans struggled for decades and decades to create, as imperfect as it remains, he wrote. We shall spread the network of our science and civilization over all who seek their shelter, whether from Asia, Africa or the isles of the sea, he said. There was, at that time, a grand slave mart kept at the head of Pratt Street, by Austin Woldfolk. Frederick Douglass Paper, October 23, 1851 Pride and patriotism, not less than gratitude, prompt you to celebrate and to hold it in perpetual remembrance. Reconstruction Their solid manhood stands out the more as we contrast it with these degenerate times. The Liberator, September 26, 1845 Knowledge was then confined and enjoyed by the privileged few, and the multitude walked on in mental darkness. Read the full text below of the sage words from one of the greatest orators of all time. I shall see, this day, and its popular characteristics, from the slaves point of view. The Bible addresses all such persons as scribes, Pharisees, hypocrites, who pay tithe ofmint, anise,andcumin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy and faith.. Douglass closed out his speech with the following emphasis on the continued presence of black Americans in the United States, their allegiance and willingness to assume their full role in developing the countrys success. Colonization Douglass Monthly, November 1862 University Press London. Saratoga, New York, September 12, 1879 He had a difficult family life. In the deep still darkness of midnight, I have been often aroused by the dead heavy footsteps, and the piteous cries of the chained gangs that passed our door. Consider the impact of immigrants. The Unknown Dead: An Address Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? It is the birthday of your National Independence, and of your political freedom. The Negro Exodus from the Gulf States: A Paper Frederick Douglasss famous Fourth of July speech has caused much criticism over the years. The True Issue While I do not intend to argue this question on the present occasion, let me ask, if it be not somewhat singular that, if the Constitution were intended to be, by its framers and adopters, a slave-holding instrument, why neither slavery, slaveholding, nor slave can anywhere be found in it. He argued that freedom would be empty if former slaves were not guaranteed the rights and protections of American citizens. Frederick Douglass Paper, March 4, 1853 The iron shoe, and crippled foot of China must be seen, in contrast with nature. One is struck with the difference between the attitude of the American church towards the anti-slavery movement, and that occupied by the churches in England towards a similar movement in that country. They are composed principally of newspaper clippings published in North Carolina, but their scope is national as well as local. The film suggests that Douglass facility with words was just as important as his physical courage in taking on the institution of slavery. In prosecuting the anti-slavery enterprise, we have been asked to spare the church, to spare the ministry; buthow, we ask, could such a thing be done? Narrated by actor Wendell Pierce, it retraces many pivotal moments in Douglass life: How he traded biscuits as a boy with White playmates to learn how to read; the crucial contributions of his first wife; his legendary two-hour fight with an overseer; and a recreation of his famed Fourth of July speech. For more than five decades, from the antebellum period through the Civil War and Reconstruction and into the Gilded Age, Douglass used his voice and wielded his pen in support of abolition and emancipation, equal rights and human dignity. Douglass Monthly, August 1859 They wrote. They easily adapt themselves to inevitable conditions, and all their tendency is to progress, enlightenment, and to the universal. Rochester, New York, June 16, 1861 The North Star, September 8, 1848 That system was American slavery. Edited by Pulitzer Prizewinning biographer David W. Blight, this Library of America edition is the largest single-volume selection of Frederick Douglasss writings ever published, presenting the full texts of thirty-four speeches and sixty-seven pieces of journalism. In a very telling sign, the fateful words of Frederick Douglass from a speech he delivered 170 years ago still resonate very much in 2022 as Black people in America continue the fight for the same kind of equality that the legendary abolitionist was demanding back in the mid-19th century. He returned home to. Washington, D .C ., March 31, 1888 Ex-Vice-President Dallas tells us that the Constitution is an object to which no American mind can be too attentive, and no American heart too devoted. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868-1963, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, North Carolina -- Politics and government -- 1865-1950, African American business enterprises -- North Carolina, African American farmers -- North Carolina, African American teachers -- Correspondence, African American teachers -- North Carolina, African Americans -- Education -- North Carolina, African Americans -- North Carolina -- Durham -- History, African Americans -- North Carolina -- Social conditions -- To 1964. New York: New York University Press, 2012. The North Star, January 21, 1848 I Have Come to Tell You Something About Slavery: An Address there is no matter in respect to which, the people of the North have allowed themselves to be so ruinously imposed upon, as that of the pro-slavery character of the Constitution. Lynn, Massachusetts, October 1841 Yet his monument is built up by the price of human blood, and the traders in the bodies and souls of men shout We have Washington toour father. Alas! The Free Church of Scotland and American Slavery: An Address The Proclamation and a Negro Army: An Address The Charles N. Hunter Papers date from the 1850s to 1932 and consist of Hunter's personal and professional correspondence, scrapbooks of clippings, articles, reports, and memorabilia. The North Star, December 3, 1847 Her speed had faltered under the weight of her child and her chains! Seventy-six years, though a good old age for a man, is but a mere speck in the life of a nation. We cannot afford to set up for ourselves a separate political party or adopt for ourselves a political creed apart from the rest of our fellow citizens. The Big Speech: November 19, 2010: Carrie Fisher: Wishful Drinking: December 12, 2010: Not fewer than forty Americans have, within the past two years, been hunted down and, without a moments warning, hurried away in chains, and consigned to slavery and excruciating torture. Did this law concern the mint, anise, and cumin abridge the right to sing psalms, to partake of the sacrament, or to engage in any of the ceremonies of religion, it would be smitten by the thunder of a thousand pulpits. "Man is man, the world over," he said. From the slave prison to the ship, they are usually driven in the darkness of night; for since the antislavery agitation, a certain caution is observed. Conservative American politicians have expressed open admiration for leaders such as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who is widely seen as eroding democracy in his country in part by demonizing immigrants and eroding democratic norms. Change). Most noteable is a transcription of Frederick Douglass' speech given at the 2nd Annual N.C. Negro State Fair. On Robert Burns and Scotland: An Address But, with that blindness which seems to be the unvarying characteristic of tyrants, since Pharaoh and his hosts were drowned in the Red Sea, the British Government persisted in the exactions complained of. The causes which led to the separation of the colonies from the British crown have never lacked for a tongue. Frederick Douglass published three autobiographies. There are seventy-two crimes in the State of Virginia, which, if committed by a black man, (no matter how ignorant he be), subject him to the punishment of death; while only two of the same crimes will subject a white man to the like punishment. I Have Come to Tell You Something About Slavery. The title of Frederick Douglasss first recorded speech, delivered in October 1841, just three years after his own escape from bondage, signaled the driving impulse of his extraordinary career: to lift the veil on American slavery and the white supremacist ideology that justified it. They are food for the cotton-field, and the deadly sugar-mill. According to this fact, you are, even now, only in the beginning of your national career, still lingering in the period of childhood. The Final Struggle And as a bonus for reading to the very end, here are a couple of quotes from Frederick Douglass that I encourage you to reflect on as we honor him today: Jeralyn Caveis a Senior Communications Associate with Advancement Projects Power & Democracy Campaign. The Ballot and the Bullet With little experience and with less learning, I have been able to throw my thoughts hastily and imperfectly together; and trusting to your patient and generous indulgence, I will proceed to lay them before you. You will have an aggrieved class, and this discussion will go on. Frederick Douglass Paper, September 1856 Accessible Archives Inc.5 Great Valley Parkway, Suite 216Malvern PA 19355Phone: 866-296-1488Contact Us, This item, and others like it, can be found in Accessible Archives. Your fathers staked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, on the cause of their country. He went on to spread his voice on social justice through a long profound, powerful, and influential career. in preference to the gospel,as preached by those Divines! Let the religious press, the pulpit, the Sunday school, the conference meeting, the great ecclesiastical, missionary, Bible and tract associations of the land array their immense powers against slavery and slave-holding; and the whole system of crime and blood would be scattered to the winds; and that they do not do this involves them in the most awful responsibility of which the mind can conceive. They believed in order; but not in the order of tyranny. Edited by John R. McKivigan, Julie Husband and Heather L. Kaufman. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Douglass addresses the American Anti-Slavery Society on his return from the British Isles which he found to be more accepting and equitable than his own country. Chicago, Illinois, January 2, 1893 We are met on the threshold of our efforts for the redemption of the slave, by the church and ministry of the country, in battle arrayed against us; and we are compelled to fight or flee. WebThe title of Frederick Douglasss first recorded speech, delivered in October 1841, just three years after his own escape from bondage, signaled the driving impulse of his extraordinary career: to lift the veil on American slavery and the white supremacist ideology that justified it. Douglass began advocating for equality after he escaped slavery in Maryland in 1838. At a time like this, scorching irony, not convincing argument, is needed. had I the ability, and could I reach the nations ear, I would, to-day, pour out a fiery stream of biting ridicule, blasting reproach, withering sarcasm, and stern rebuke. Connect with Accessible Archives on Twitter, Facebook, or Linkedin to stay up to date on news and blog posts or get our latest blog posts by email. In his Composite Nation speech, he took on critics who couldnt imagine that a multi-racial democracy could work. Removal to any of the territories is out of the question. It makes its pathway over and under the sea, as well as on the earth. Is it that slavery is not divine; that God did not establish it; that our doctors of divinity are mistaken? Carlisle, Pennsylvania, March 1893 To all inspiring motives, to noble deeds which can be gained from the past, we are welcome. Douglass vision of America as a multi-hued beacon of global liberty still looms ahead of us like a rhetorical North Star. The din of business, too, is hushed. The population of the country, at the time, stood at the insignificant number of three millions. Great streams are not easily turned from channels, worn deep in the course of ages. The Dred Scott Decision: An Address This enormous collection of African American newspapers contains a wealth of information about cultural life and history during the 1800s and is rich with first-hand reports of the major events and issues of the day. In the name of your country, torn, distracted, bleeding, and while you are weeping over the bloody graves of more than two hundred thousand of your noblest sons, many of whom have been cut down, in the midst of youthful vigor and beauty, we [Black people] implore you [white people] to abolish slavery. In a final celebratory post for Black History Month 2023, it is worth returning to the 1883 Douglass Banquet. The North American Review, June 1881 There, the question of emancipation was a high religious question. Ethiopia shall stretch out her hand unto God. In the fervent aspirations of William Lloyd Garrison, I say, and let every heart join in saying it: Th oppressd shall vilely bend the knee. 2023 Yale University Press. In a speech made to the nations Black leaders in 1864, Douglass said. I take this law to be one of the grossest infringements of Christian Liberty, and, if the churches and ministers of our country were not stupidly blind, or most wickedly indifferent, they, too, would so regard it. To the National Anti-Slavery Standard Douglass optimism may sound quaint today. Yet they persevered. Reply to Postmaster General Montgomery Blair DC It is not only to break the chains of their bondage and accord to them personal liberty, but it is to admit them to the full and complete enjoyment of civil and political equality. Fellow-citizens; above your national, tumultuous joy, I hear the mournful wail of millions! ; Wells-Barnett, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Ida B. Your President, your Secretary of State, ourlords,nobles, and ecclesiastics, enforce, as a duty you owe to your free and glorious country, and to your God, that you do this accursed thing. The bulk of this subseries deals with the larger Raleigh area, though some items address national issues. Your fathers have lived, died, and have done their work, and have done much of it well. The North Star, January 26, 1849 By that act, Mason and Dixons line has been obliterated; New York has become as Virginia; and the power to hold, hunt, and sell men, women, and children as slaves remains no longer a mere state institution, but is now an institution of the whole United States. Former President Ronald Reagan, once the face of the GOP, described the US in his 1989 farewell address as a nation teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace, with doors open to anyone with the will and heart to get here., But Donald Trump, the leader of todays GOP, has long expressed hostility to non-White immigrants coming to the US from s***hole countries.. They perambulate the country, and crowd the highways of the nation, with droves of human stock. Sign up for NewsOne's email newsletter! The Claims of the Negro Ethnologically Considered: An Address The Real Peril of the Republic A smile or a tear has no nationality; joy and sorrow speak alike to all nations, and they, above all the confusion of tongues, proclaim the brotherhood of man.. He delivered the first version of the speech in 1869 in Boston. Frederick Douglass: In Five Speeches is a McGee Media & Inkwell Media Production. The New National Era, August 10, 1871 I hold that every American citizen has a right to form an opinion of the constitution, and to propagate that opinion, and to use all honorable means to make his opinion the prevailing one. Like our content? Or would it, and other nations, fare better with a homogenous population where most people look alike and share the same religious beliefs? Here you will see men and women reared like swine for the market. Not only are they hard hitting, but they clearly show how you can slay AND throw shade in service of freedom. At some future period I will gladly avail myself of an opportunity to give this subject a full and fair discussion. I am not included within the pale of this glorious anniversary! Washington could not die till he had broken the chains of his slaves. But a change has now come over the affairs of mankind. For the present, it is enough to affirm the equal manhood of the Negro race. Douglass Monthly, April 1863 Hear his savage yells and his blood-chilling oaths, as he hurries on his affrighted captives! Boston, Massachusetts, February 5, 1862 Buccola, Nicholas. Heat and sorrow have nearly consumed their strength; suddenly you hear a quick snap, like the discharge of a rifle; the fetters clank, and the chain rattles simultaneously; your ears are saluted with a scream, that seems to have torn its way to the center of your soul! These gentlemen have, as I think, fully and clearly vindicated the Constitution from any design to support slavery for an hour. September 9, 1847 This volume brings together twenty of Frederick Douglasss most historically significant speeches on a range of issues, including slavery, abolitionism, civil rights, The North Star, July 28, 1848 . The little experience I have had in addressing public meetings, in country schoolhouses, avails me nothing on the present occasion. For customers in other countries: Mexico and South America: Contact TriLiteral To William Lloyd Garrison Neither steam nor lightning had then been reduced to order and discipline. The three correspondence subseries form almost half of the Personal and Professional Papers Series . The timid and the prudent (as has been intimated) of that day, were, of course, shocked and alarmed by it. Himrods Corner, New York, July 4, 1862 On July 5, 1852, Douglass gave one of his most famous speeches, "What to the slave is the Fourth of July," to the Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society of Rochester, New York. Douglass Monthly, October 1859 No Peace for the Slaveholder: An Address Accessible Archives provides one of the most valuable genealogical tools I have ever used. What Abraham Lincoln said in respect of the United States is as true of the colored people as of the relations of those States. greater than that of the white people of the South. Standing with God and the crushed and bleeding slave on this occasion, I will, in the name of humanity which is outraged, in the name of liberty which is fettered, in the name of the constitution and the Bible, which are disregarded and trampled upon, dare to call in question and to denounce, with all the emphasis I can command, everything that serves to perpetuate slavery the great sin and shame of America! Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us? In mid-19th-century America, when public speaking was a form of mass entertainment, Frederick Douglass was a rock star. In 1855, he published his second autobiography. Marshal for D.C. (1877-1881), Recorder of Deeds for D.C. (1881-1886), and Minister Resident and Consul General to Haiti (1889-1891). Science has since confirmed that race is a biological fiction there is only one human race, homo sapiens. I will show you a man-drover. The Future of the Colored Race These wretched people are to be sold singly, or in lots, to suit purchasers. Frederick Douglass Paper, February 24, 1854 Farewell to the British People: An Address It has made itself the bulwark of American slavery, and the shield of American slave-hunters. He further says, the Constitution, in its words, is plain and intelligible, and is meant for the home-bred, unsophisticated understandings of our fellow-citizens. From Boston to London is now a holiday excursion. weeping, as she thinks of the mother from whom she has been torn! Atlantic Monthly, December 1866 Wasted Magnanimity Mr. President, Friends and Fellow Citizens: He who could address this audience without a quailing sensation, has stronger nerves than I have. It would, certainly, prove nothing, as to what part I might have taken, had I lived during the great controversy of 1776. It is carried on in all the large towns and cities in one-half of this confederacy; and millions are pocketed every year, by dealers in this horrid traffic. Douglass confronted an even more hostile political climate than democracy advocates face today. with discount code Y23SAM through 4/16/2023. The President and His Speeches It fetters your progress; it is the enemy of improvement, the deadly foe of education; it fosters pride; it breeds insolence; it promotes vice; it shelters crime; it is a curse to the earth that supports it; and yet, you cling to it, as if it were the sheet anchor of all your hopes. Amongst Hunter's writings are several pieces intended for a local encyclopedia which detail historic locales and important North Carolina men. Frederick Douglass Paper, December 7, 1855 Feeling themselves harshly and unjustly treated by the home government, your fathers, like men of honesty, and men of spirit, earnestly sought redress. Douglass believed that on a day when white Americans As with rivers so with nations. They form the staple of your national poetry and eloquence. Douglass Monthly, November 1862 The largest single-volume selection of Frederick Douglasss writings ever published, presenting the full texts of thirty-four speeches and sixty-seven pieces of journalism | Includes the novella The Heroic Slave. The subject has been handled with masterly power by Lysander Spooner, Esq., by William Goodell, by Samuel E. Sewall, Esq., and last, though not least, by Gerritt Smith, Esq. That Declaration of Independence, and have done much of it well country schoolhouses, avails nothing! York, June 1881 There, the world over, '' he.! Facility with words was just as important as his physical courage in taking the. There was, at the head of Pratt Street, by Austin Woldfolk here you will see men women. Of divinity are mistaken in, and the doom of slavery slave mart kept at the Annual... Country schoolhouses, avails me nothing on the earth you can slay and throw shade in service freedom... 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list of frederick douglass' speeches