I have dreams about pain relief.. What was your wattage? As a reminder, every e liquid bottle carries the toxic sign, unless it contains no nicotine. Ive noticed in the last 2 months, I have lots of bumps: on my neck, behind my ears and especially in my hair line on the back of my neck. Im waiting on VG nic to arrive before I give vaping a go again, hopefully in the next few days. It needs to be taken seriously so that we can be honest and admit that their are some health issues that need to be dealt with and the conversation will push people into coming up with different safer chemicals that dont give you e cig poisoning. I started e cigarette vaping 3 years ago. We decided to use e-cigs instead about 4 months ago. It was mainly on my face at 1st, but spread to my ears, neck and chest. back to chantix. To everyone who writes about bad allergic reactions to vaping, I beg you to check where youre getting your liquids from. Dr tested me for autoimmune diseases cause my hives were so bad. I dont know how much longer I can take it. Not sleeping well at all. I love Njoy and I hate to thick that Im having a reaction now after a year. The important thing is not giving up on electronic cigarettes and going back to analogs. A big red bite appeared under my armpit! They say it takes at least a month for body to expel that crap. i was using buck naked products.i will have to stop. I get a eczema type rash on face and scalp line if I vape constantly. If I peel my clothes or the sheet off, I get chilled from the sweat. The rashes are very sore and slightly crusty making you want to scratch the crusty off, no so itchy but can be. But no bugs or eggs, or even dandruff. I quit e cig and it all stopped. VAPING e-cigarettes could trigger deadly allergic reactions and "chemical" asthma, experts have warned. I grabbed my ecig and just sat there thinkingwhat has changed in my life? Top of Page. I scratched so much they bled. Sometimes I get spasms in my legs, arms, abs. Or last results buying bag is sugar free suckers. Thinking I was doing my body good. After some consideration I decided to Google Rashes from vaping, I was amazed to find so many people with the same symptoms. I stop and 20 minutes later was back to normal. I had to use nasal spread to clear my nose and get a temperate relief for a day or two and this condition lasted for a couple of months. Over time Ive refused to accept vaping may well be the cause and its been a long long time now living like this as I am addicted to nicotine. Some tips for successful vaping: It holds the nicotine and flavor in suspension so your e-cigarette can produce those thick plumes of smoke-like vapor, but its also a known irritant and can cause a number of allergic reactions. Where do people think they come from in bulk? Most of these issues people are mentioning, dont really sound all that Vape related to me, something else mudt be going on, or maybe its all judt the power of suggestion. PG also dehydrates the human body and dehydration causes headaches. Im quitting ecigs today to see if it helps. Went to doctor yesterday and got some Prednisone and will take that and an antihistimine till it goes away, but Dr. said he has heard nothing about rashes from the PG in the vapor juice. Im also adamant.that behind all this acne breakout thing that sebum is involved, maybe due to the fact that these e-cigs are dehydrating our bodies and no matter how much water we drink its having an effect, you see if your skin is dry what does your body do? Elsevier; 2020. https://www.clinicalkey.com. Eyes appear to be clearing up well. This has happened every few weeks for four months so I am being referred to an ent to check it out. I HAVE BEEN WORKING TO SEE IF THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE NO LUCK YET I returned to the Dr. and I am having a cat scan on my nasal passages Monday and I have to see a ENT next week. Sleep paralysis! A lot of people have it but ignore it. from my mix to see if that helps before giving up on it all together. and 30% V.G. I will try e-cigs with vegetable glycerin instead of Propylene Glycol and see if it will be any different. Exposure to nickel is responsible for two different types of adverse reactions: Allergic Contact Dermatitis (DAC) and Systemic Nickel Allergy Syndrome (SNAS). And if not, then you shouldnt be implying that cigarettes fixed all of your problems, because thats what these cult cigarette companies want you to tell people. My eyelid is still twitching, I still have muscle tremor when I use my strength, still get random spasms. I would stop smoking all together at least it is all sorted out. I had severe rashes, bumps and hives on my trunk and neck. Rash has spread all over my body, my appetite is non existent, and my sleep sucks. Its entering your blood through your skin and your body is getting sick. The latter is characterized by the presence of extra-cutaneous manifestations, in addition to the skin lesions of the DAC, related to the introduction of nickel-containing foods. There is a connection between vaping and hearing loss. Nickel triggers more hypersensitive reactions than any other metal - up to 15% of the population, mostly women, suffers from some form of nickel allergy. But you go ahead and tell yourself whatever you need to..Im keeping an open mind. Last week-end I tried vaping just VG with nicotine (i.e., no flavouring and no PG), and my mouth lesion does not appear to have reacted (at least not as severely as before), though I still generally have that old left cheek nicotine withdrawal sensation (I dont touch the stuff during the week). Its called peripheral neuropathy. What brand? Even if you use e-cigs for a very short period to get off cigarettes totally and then stop the e-cigs, you need to be aware of the issues which clearly manifest themselves within a very short period when using e-cigs. Who knows what the heating of all these chemicals are changinginto but your body does and your reading all the side affects here. * WHAT STYLE YOU VAPED (STARTER, SUB OHM, DRIPPING. But recently I have questioned the safety of e-cigarettes opposed to the infamous regular tobacco smoking.i now experience an unusual irritant in the throat sometimes when I inhale. Producing too much sebum! I loved my vape but I felt horrible on it like I was seriously unhealthy., even more so though when I smoked. Im a mess. Did the prednisone shot and antihistamines help? Breakouts are less, but just end up using more liquid in a few days and back to normal, maybe something to do with the absorption of e-cigs. As described above, SNAS frequently shows up with cutaneous signs, such as SCD, and extra-cutaneous ones, including respiratory (rhinitis and asthma) and neurological (headache) symptoms and general manifestations (fever, fibromyalgia, joint pain, chronic-fatigue syndrome, etc. My advice, try to give them up because there seems to be clear evidence right here on these very pages. Nickel is a chemical that is widely used in utensils, jewelry . If you think PG is upsetting you, insist on GENUINE 100% VG if thats whats bothering you. Has anyone else has this issue or have any way to fix it besides just quit? Went on antibiotics for 10 days. Could the vapor be putting in unwanted bad Bactria ? Sick for almost two months, once I got the itch and rash I knew I was allergic to something. We have doctors use them dont diagnose off the internet. Was extremely hooked to cigs , then found the vapes. The feeling is just like my whole body and blood have been severely poisoned and Im dying. It's a allergic reaction to the Chrome and Nickel used in chrome plating the Tank systems. Did you try turning your device all the way down? Now think that it was PG in my toothpaste at the time. This was a while ago now so I assume the test came back clear otherwise they would have been in touch. And the common question is, do you still look like a leper, or did those shiny red boxes of Marlboros clear up your skin? The Itching! So needless to say, all that fear from my childhood came back and hit me! I used PG with nicotine first at a very low %. Also Propylene Glycol increases lactic acid in the human body. Am I really gonna have to quit nicotine entirely ? I fit really isnt happening for you, dont go back to analogues. Regulated (Voltage / Wattage / 3.7v/ Temp Control) . My mix is 70% P.G. I quit smoking 3months ago and started using VIP ecigs 2weeks later. The itching on my legs never ceases. If your job requires contact with nickel or gold, wear gloves to reduce your likelihood of a reaction . People are sick, their pet foods have killed animals, kids are sick, chickens are disgusting, and I for one want to know if these USA companies who claim everything is american made, have gotten a single ingredient from China. any advice PLEASE. I went to see my doctors and both my general physician and ENT doctor had little knowledge about e-cig and the allergies it may cause. I also had itchy palms, so much so that they would keep me awake at night because I just had to scratch them. Like most things that overheat, its not good. Ecigs are bad. a fraction of the smallest quantity. I jumped on e-cigs as soon as I heard about them. Doctors called it a bad case of atopic dermatitis. I thought I finally kicked the smoking habit because I went straight to the e cig after having my LAST cigarette and never looked back. I think its from too much nicotine. Dianne, HI I BEEN VAPING 4 MONTH Vaping 'could cause deadly reactions and chemical asthma' VAPING e-cigarettes could trigger deadly allergic reactions and "chemical" asthma . not lying, since that post tried 100 percent PG liquid, 30/70 liquid and no nicotine liquid and the same instant reaction. I can only use Cartomizers, the Aluminum ones like Kangers not the stainless steel one. . Very random, no discernible patterns. It must be the actual flavorings or food coloring. Take Magnesium and soak in epsom salt!!!!!!!! I wasnt a heavy smoker and Im hoping I can last a few days without the ecig or regular cigs. I have used e cigs before but not as a rule. Can a person be allergic to an e cigarette? Now, this morning, my right eyebrow has started to itch! Contact Dermatitis. I enjoy smoking in moderation. Tramontana M, et al. Its horrible. I bought the liquid recently and this is my second time using it. Nicotine overdose is a very serious medical condition characterized by headache, nausea, dizziness, accelerated heartbeat and sweating. As Levin points out, "any form of smoking leads to premature signs of aging, deep . Red somewhere that the PG in e-liquid causes these triggerpoints. The best thing you can do is stop using e-cigarettes for a couple of days and see if your general condition improves. I accused my cat of causing the trouble! Anyone experience this? hives my ass 4 years vaping and still going strong! I have thrown a patch on the last two days and have been on the gum now and again when the urge hits have had 2 cigs today (partner smokes) just to relieve that hand to mouth action. Pretty much bed bound and completely unmotivated to do anything and always blame it on the head/face/ear pain. I only use 3 mg, now, and will soon be cutting that in half and switching to VG, 90-100% (although that is harder on devices, because of viscosity) I dont want to smoke cigarettes, but am not quite ready to quit ecigs. I went to the dermatologist and they took samples of my breakouts to be tested to see what was causing these skin issues came back negative. I threw out the e cigs Friday morning and now I am well. You are having an allergic reaction to the propylene glycol. Required fields are marked *. I stopped vaping when it finally hit me. Shes 38 but acts as if shes 80. Hey I suffer from tinnitus. No skin rash and a small amount of itching. I am getting lesions in my nose. I will find out for sure after going a few dadays without vaping. Glad to be off tobacco and really like the e-cigs. Nicotine poisoning can do that. About 20% of high school seniors vaped marijuana in the past year. Glad I found this post. How exactly are you getting exposed to the nickel in the batteries? Tastes so good and after smoking a pack a day of Marlboro lights, I am sure I am getting way more nicotine using the e-cigs. Then about a week later, same thing happened to my left hand. I intend to wean off of them to see if that what I causing the itch. But never in my life have I had so many itchy bumps. Most people pointing the the PG in the e-liquid. It keeps me up, and its so sore from scratching. Highly sensitive skin to anything and everything. It felt like I rolled in a bed of fibreglass! As I said my skin goes red and rose and mega warm to touch but in 15min or so it disappears? More spot started to tingle. I had scratched so hard that it bled. Completely believe Im dying when its at its worst. Or maybe the dryness of vaping exacerbates preexisting allergies? I have had persistent ones for two yearsdocs cant explain. For those that its mostly an external skin issue and/or throat issue, try washing and rinsing as often as possible and see if that helps. Absolutely the same here, I have been having hives like reactions all over my body. Could not seem to get the docs to even consider PG. Mostly at night would wake me and drive me nuts! Ill never vape again, did it for about two months and was probably the worse chose I ever made. Im prone to eczema, so I just chalked it up to that at first. They certainly occur with many cases of nic poisoning. Doctors couldnt figure it out. In fact, its used in lots of everyday products much like VG. Ive been using them a year been in out of hospital with ear pain large painfull spots all over and inside ears which spread to my face every antibiotic they could prescribe headaches that last weeks!!! Hope I improve. I see others have had these exact symptoms. I have tried just about every type of vape liquid but nothing changed. Guides & Tutorials . I started using ecigs about 3 months ago, started getting itchy legs and thought it was everything from food to shampoos. Would love to hear from anyone thats dealing with this debilitating sh*t. SRose, I put reg smokes down a month ago and slapped on a patch. watery eyes. Hi jan just curious to see if your hives and swelling did stop after you stopped vaping. We will see what happens. Broke out in a really bad facial rash. Member For 4 Years. If Im vaping for the ritual and taste (both of which I love) I use zero. I through out the e cigs last night. for months I thought they were brilliant and I would recommend them to anyone, but after maybe 6 months of smoking the ones that look like cigs, in the orange pkt from most major retailers, I started getting itchy lumps under my skin. This is my 3rd time using ecigs, have used up to 8 months before with no issues. It took about a month to get that shit out of my system. Are you sure it was from the P.G. Didnt have any trouble until 3 weeks ago. The one certainty with giving up ecigs and going back to ciggies is you will end up very ill, not today, not tomorrow but one day. Good luck with your allergies everyone. After reading this though it sounds more like its just the vaping that causes it. I wake with a massive swollen tongue and its pretty scary. Off rythmn and 10% lung capacity. P.p.s. Nothing worked except quitting vaping. I am now experiencing a lot of phelm in my throat, after Using an e cig for 2years, the same brand and the same flavor. P.g is very bad for sensitive people. I put on rubbed some Hydrocortisone cream on it and its has stopped the itching. from exercise. Small amounts of these metals can be aerosolized and inhaled. I am going to have the san but I already know the answer to What was making me so sick. Or change brand ? Some foods that contain high amounts of nickel include soy products, peas, canned foods, cocoa powder, clams and cashews. Bingo seems it is probably related to this really quit idiotic habit! I believe some you can. Been washing sheets and covers on the weekly. Online ahead of print. I didnt smoke ecigs for a while but when I started again I was sick.I thought about an allergy but everywhere I read that it mostly causes skin reactions. I know this due to having xrays yrly for lung cancer. If after everything has been checked I still have these symptoms Ill have to quit vaping cause theres one last factor to consider; Im allergic to Ragweed and nicotine is derived from tobacco which is in the Ragweed family. the burning starts immediately. I have experienced most of them personally and I know for certain vapping as it stands now unregulated is dangerous period. Ive experienced shortness of breathe many times I get kankor sores once a week glad to know Im not the only one with problems I think this will help me quit smoking for good. Been vaping 3 years. Always be aware of the amount of nicotine you intake with each pull. This is getting ridiculous. In two weeks, I was using the e cig after every meal and every thing I did. Its like a YouTube thread. I know thats a stretch but the only time Im symptom free is first thing in the morning after a night of not vaping & the symptoms begin about the third vape. Ig got so bad I didnt want to live. A quick late night google search about allergies to ecigs told me everything I needed to knowit was the propylene glycolafter a couple of weeks of no ecig the rash went away. along with a headache. It almost feels like your entire bloodstream is infected. Nickel allergy is a common cause of allergic contact dermatitis an itchy rash that appears where your skin touches a usually harmless substance. Is that what you want people do to? Also, barely able to sleep. Hi Sam, I too have been Vaping a year and all of a sudden started itching every where and had a hard time breathing and sore throat. Classic nic overdose symptoms. I didnt touch it and now i just tried again and I already have the feeling back. Make sure theyre quality liquids from American vendors who only use quality, American ingredients. Try a mod with 3mg nicotine and high organic vg 90% or above. Very bad headache and feeling lethargic. Back to marboros I go.. Gee, that is rough. This is so sad. Its a real problemive lost my vigour and all I can do is vape and play vids. But I have been having sleepless nights with weird random I itches. From my right eyelid to my inner thigh. The rash was so bad he put me on a steroid for 5 days. !I did my own investigation I stop using it for 3 days and the symptoms went. Secondhand vaping is not as widely studied as secondhand smoking from cigarettes, but it clearly has some health effects. The main only side effect I had Vaping, was that High PG made me a bit Dehydrated, I had to more than tripple my water intake when vaping high PG, just to keep my skin from peeling of my fingers! My teenage son has been vaping (no I dont condone this) for about a year and for the past two months has had allergies. I have smoked since I was 18 now I am turning 68. In: Middleton's Allergy: Principles and Practice. I get all glass bottles 230ml 11mg nicotine for $60. Ive been going through the same stuff. Heavy metals like nickel, tin, lead and cadmium. So I experimented with many others. virtually doesnt exist with high VG juices. I also developed some sort of hives on the inside of my forearms. Do we know, precisely, what is the metallurgical composition of these heating coils? I have tried every style of vaping there is on the market and different blends of juice as well from diy to all the big vaping brands, but still have the same symptoms. 2020; doi:10.2174/1871530320666200128141900. I stopped smoking in May 2014 and started vaping. I been vaping for a couple months now and I have been getting sore directly in the middle of my chest and only way to relieve it is to stretch my chest out and it pops you would your fingers. Its not something new to any of us. I knew it was a sign but ignored it. Allergies can greatly affect a person's quality of life, causing symptoms like sneezing, congestion, rash, and swelling. If there are any adverse reactions, the body will heal itself. Small amount of nicotine you intake with each pull off the internet any different just... I used PG with nicotine first at a very serious medical condition characterized by headache, nausea,,... 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nickel allergy vaping