That ability to create clarity is really important as a company scales, and it gets exponentially more difficult. YOU HAVE 20,000 FOLLOWERS: $100 per post at a $5/CPM. Your father was a carpenter, and also, your mom was an art teacher. You had all these lessons from not listening to customers to then being hyper-focused on that data and listening to your customers to be able to execute. Tell us about what happened, and how did you guys overcome that challenge? So we started with this college lecture tool that we called Class Metric. That pays back in spades as people then operate on the same operating system of what everyone values inside the company. Alejandro: Wow. : Is there any specific strategy, for example, that you use in order to get in front of those investors. Don Fluckinger, Senior News Writer. Product managers that would use tools like Mixpanel and others to analyze their users. : Thats right. They started saying, This is great. In fact, the three founders were spending $30K every year on the process of product development. He and his wife Erika, who he met at MIT, live together in San Francisco. Obviously, getting that social approval and the right type of introduction is critical. It's been almost four years now, and we've grown from just the four founders to 160 employees. I learned a bit from seeing that in action. Like, Classrooms should be digitized. Its hard, so you have to delay the early ones and pull forward the late ones. We realized that we had one more shot at product/market fit for something. Then, what happened with your roommates? Its often just a mental barrier of getting over actually realizing that theres a problem that needs to be solved and how much effort is going to have to go in to solve it. Do they have a history of delivering results, whatever those were in their function? To Reinhardt's surprise, thousands of people were interested in the product and many reached out "demanding" access to it, he says. In 1967 16-year-old Frampton found success when he became the lead . : If you go back maybe 20 years, the way that people interacted with their customers was almost entirely offline, and it was almost entirely person-to-person. Welcome to the Segment's second annual Customer Data Platform Report, an in-depth look into how organizations are using CDPs - exploring the data they're collecting, and the apps they're using to manage that data. To decide whether Taylor was correct, the team decided to launch Segment on Hacker News, a developer community run by Y Combinator, to test whether it'd be successful or not. Came in the next day and was like, All right, guys. He is responsible for Twilio's Data Platform, which combines SendGrid Email, SendGrid Marketing Campaigns, and Segment as a whole into a single platform effort to serve marketing workloads. I think that in the last couple of years, over 100% growth in terms of the number of employees. That said, I do think the founder CEOs attention shifts dramatically post-product/market fit. By Bread Alone: A Baker's Reflections on Hunger, Longing, and the Goodness of God. I think it was this reversal from an inside-out vision-driven view of the world to an outside-in, What problems does the world have, and can we start solving those problems? Once we took on that mentality and hosted this open source library product/market fit, it was obvious because there were so many people who were excited about this thing and the problem that it solved that they were giving us all kinds of feedback about their other problems. What a difference from building on assumptions to all of a sudden, you put this thing, and you start having good data and good validation. People started picking up this open source library. What does that look like? The idea was, if you're sitting in the middle of a lecture, the professor can say something that doesn't make any sense, and if it's a big class you might not want to raise your hand and interrupt your professor. Date Of Birth. . Between fall 2011 and winter 2012, the co-founders worked 80 to 100 hours a week creating a new product for Segment a web analytics tool for companies to better understand their customers' behavior. I think if you just run straight at the problem and dig as deep as you possibly can into the problem, gather all the data that you possibly can, talk to as many people as you possibly can, the solution is probably not actually that hard. In that year, we went from 10 to 20; we had a really big scare. Reinhardt: Well, we spent a little over a year trying to build an analytics tool to compete with Google Analytics. Alejandro: I love it! {Utilities} & \text{810}\\ \text{Other} & \text{980 . Peter and his colleague showed up and walked me through using Segment. The thing that has been most consistent for me, one of those dimensions, is creating clarity and value, which is the company grows by a factor of two over the course of a year. I do find that vacation is critically important for actually going and reflecting on things. I think it's not that strongly correlated in our experience with strong performance. They have 21000 customers an engineering team of 144 and a marketing team of 43. Lets say, youd walk into a Nordstroms, and youd talk to someone. It wasnt a lot of money, but we felt like it was a big ask at the time for a couple of hundred bucks a month to go to Kinkos and get copy. Calvin French-Owen, co-founder of . It was not at all the growth trajectory that we wanted to be on. Edit this . You probably see the problem. We actually built a lot of stuff that ended up not being useful. Peter has . Once you got this big breakthrough, what were some of the next steps to actually deliver on your promise? An 85-year Harvard study found the No. Segment remains Twilio's largest acquisition to date. French-Owen: At the time it was something completely different. How should we sequence our way through the set of possible industries and market segments and roles and so forth? I loved the book. Alejandro: Then eventually, you had to put this out there. Can you load data not just from my website, but from my mobile apps, and so on? It ended up not being useful at all. Twilio and Segment have an incredible opportunity to build the customer engagement platform of the future," said Peter Reinhardt, Segment's Co-Founder and CEO. Maybe we should put it out there and see if it solves a problem for even more people. Yeah, it turns out it solves a big problem for people. Our churn rate spiked in the first half of that year. It ended up competing with the official high school newspaper, so that was a lot of fun. Bradford: So Class Metric is the startup you took to Y Combinator. Peter Reinhardt: I think from the founders perspective, the only way to scale the team is to hire strong senior executives who then have their own capability and their own network to go hire and recruit aggressively. : I dont think we did a good job of this at first. Our first value is karma, which is earning trust and giving back to our customers, partners, and the whole community around us. If you solve those, they will reward you for it. About a year later, we crossed one million in revenue and were growing super-fast. This week, we are thrilled to host Peter Reinhardt, CEO & Co-founder of Charm Industrial! I said, That is literally the worst idea Ive ever heard. Peter Reinhardt: You can reach me on Twitter at @reinpk. I write about tech companies, careers, and in-demand skills. What happened was that we had a pricing and packaging problem. Once you break-in, then its fairly easy to navigate the network through introductions. Bradford: It started with just four of you, including Ian Storm Taylor who left several years ago. We were like, We should put analytics on our classroom lecture tool. How did you go about that? : In our junior year, my roommate and I started to recognize that we wanted to start a company together. Here to prove that the answer is "yes" are three founders of Segment--who all dropped out of MIT to pursue their entrepreneurial passions--Peter Reinhardt, Calvin French-Owen, and Ilya Volodarsky. . I think that transition from being a product-focused founder/CEO to being a go-to-market-focused founder/CEO is maybe one of the ways to define the transition from early stage to growth stage. Peter Reinhardt, co-founder and CEO of Segment, shares his story on building different products and eventually finding product market fit. People should have all these great feedback loops. The best trick that Ive found for executive recruiting, which has made a huge difference for me, is batching my own recruiting process. This means the level at which that clarity needs to be created and the simplicity of the message needs to be twice as clear, and it needs to be half the length. I also set personal goals once a year and reflect on them quarterly. Eventually, we open sourced it, and we started using it as a growth hack. Alejandro: Wow. All Rights Reserved. Whether its thorium reactors, online education, or space travel, Peter enjoys nothing more than diving deep into a new field of study. It ended up coming more from learning how the sales process works. The clarity and simplicity of the message needs to get shorter and shorter and shorter as a company grows. Pressured by unfavorable foreign exchange, which reduced the top line by $25.5 million, and a 7.9% drop in comparable sales, net sales in the final quarter of 2022 fell 12.4% to $499.4 million. If youre familiar with Medpick, or youre searching for an economic buyer who has a pain point, a champion, youre searching for the economic impact of what the problem is for them and what the solution, therefore, might deliver in terms of economic impact. About a year later, we crossed one million in revenue and were growing super-fast. They called it Segment and applied to Y Combinator. They were actually opening their laptops and going straight to Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, and Gmail, and so on. Peter Reinhardt: We reflect on our company goals every quarter. By Allison Schiff. Founded in 2011, Segment has raised over $284 million from top investors including GV, Accel and Meritech Capital, and is valued at more than a billion. So, we paused there and rewound back to the very first week of Y Combinator a year and a half earlier. Analytics.js had become increasingly popular among developers after the team shared it on GitHub, an opensource developer platform. The end of that year and a half was pretty dark where we just didnt have traction, we were burning cash, and we hadnt found product/market fit in any sort of meaningful way. The local information and communication technologies segment is set to grow 5% this year, according to IDC. I know that next year, the challenge is going to be twice as hard again. Then, we finally launched Analytics JS, which is what became Segment today. Especially in venture, they get very few chips to place, and they want to make those chips well-placed. . Were going to build a beautiful landing page thats going to pitch the value of analytic.js. It's fascinating how every startup has their own really individual, really unique journey. The biggest learning that I had was the importance of getting to know investors before you actually go out to fundraise meeting folks, sharing your strategy, helping them understand why customers care about this thing and what the economic value is to them, giving them a moment in time where they understand what the product is and how you think about thing so that youre not trying to cram all of them into a very short fundraising period. If youre familiar with Medpick, or youre searching for an economic buyer who has a pain point, a champion, youre searching for the economic impact of what the problem is for them and what the solution, therefore, might deliver in terms of economic impact. Over the first four years, we got burned too many times by not charging hard directly at whatever the problem was that we saw. Peter Reinhardt is the CEO & Co-founder at Charm Industrial. We basically spent the next year building out various variations of that product, and frankly, not spending much time talking with customers. In high school, the first entrepreneurial thing that I got myself into was starting a high school underground newspaper called. Hear the latest economic, business and market news, as well as global, national, and local news. In other words, its hard to do the proper diligence to figure out whether its a good opportunity. : So, we thought a little bit over the next month or so and decided, We really should have been able to figure out that this tool wasnt working during our summer test sessions, and we should have been able to figure it out by looking at our web analytics. This transformed the go-to-market motion for us and completely transformed the price points that customers were willing to pay and eliminated the churn problem for us overnight. Volodarsky: You want to think about the problems that your team is struggling with, and put those in front of the candidate. Reinhardt: We had a full three years there, so I think all I had left was like my senior capstone project. We had started reading a lot of Paul Grahams essays on, in and around, Y Combinator and Hacker News, which started getting me excited about that. "Finance can be an amazing enabler for your business" says Peter Reinhardt CEO of Segment, you should "use finance as a weapon to grow". Dollar-based net expansion rate was 139 . It was pretty straight forward from there, or at least relatively speaking, to build more and more of a product that solved the deep problem around how they managed their customer data. The world has some set of problems, and if youre not solving those problems, and it really doesnt care how you think it should work. These days, Segment CEO Peter Reinhardt can boast that his customer data infrastructure company has raised almost $300 million in venture capital for a $1.5 billion valuation. Segment, a $600 million data infrastructure company, just hired its first chief financial . We basically hired this one guy, sight unseen, after seeing him on Github sharing code and responding to issues, day after day, learning new things and solving problems. An internationally renowned expert on bread and baking, Peter Reinhart is an instructor at Johnson & Wales University and a TED Talks speaker. That ability to create clarity is really important as a company scales, and it gets exponentially more difficult. Can you also send data to my advertising tools? Here are three lessons Segment's co-founders learned about achieving success. I think there might be a big business in this open source library. We were clearly failing to find product/market fit. Last is, about once every two weeks, my co-founders and I get dinner. Prominent historians and conservation experts explain the architectural relevance of buildings ranging from houses of worship to former colonial outposts and tenements. But "that was also a disaster," Reinhardt says. We got to December 2012 and realized that this analytics tool wasnt a good market, and we didnt have a great idea for a product there. Peter Reinhardt is the cofounder and CEO of Segment which provides a customer data infrastructure that helps businesses put their customers first. Id love to use this to send data to Google Analytics and Mixpanel. We said, Well, wed love it if you would just turn on our tool and send data to us too. Theyre like, Nay. Tell us about what happened, and how did you guys overcome that challenge? It was another experience where I convinced the department head to give me $500 or $1,000 to develop an unmanned autonomous vehicle, which was like a balsa wood contraption that could fly by itself across the MIT gym. How can they position scheduling that meeting and keeping the fundraising conversation in the background so that they can target the discussion more towards seeking advice and then later on getting the money price, but making sure that its not going into that direction yet? Then, of course, performance reviews, which is a helpful time to get feedback from all my direct reports. We realized that we had one more shot," says Reinhardt. Ilya Volodarsky: I work in the products engineering team, so both doing products and engineering. His story of rising, falling, and rising again is exceptionally transparent about even his darkest moments. So Segment really sits in the middle of all that, powering those tools, and making sure the right data gets to the right place and the right format. The idea was to give students this button to push to say, Im confused. The professor would see this graph over time of how confused their students were, so they could match this up with their lecture and figure out how they could improve the lecture and make it easier for students to understand and so forth. I would love to get to know you and understand this business prior to being under pressure to make a decision.. How do you go about embracing culture, and what are some of the key lessons there that you could share with the people listening? Peter, thank you so much for being on the, If you like the show, make sure that you hit that subscribe button. I loved the book Enders Game. That was a disaster for us. Peter Reinhart owns over 5,000 units of Hovnanian Enterprises stock worth over $2,597,337 and over the last 20 years Peter sold HOV stock worth over $5,870,758. Well post it to Hacker News, and well see what the developer community thinks of it. As of 2023, Peter Frampton's net worth is roughly $20 million. It rains a lot in Seattle, so I grew up with the idea that the rain outside was normal. "Turns out it's a very, very crowded market.". We did that. They are Peter Reinhardt and Calvin French-Owen, the CEO and CTO of Segment, respectively. We have the 100k left in the bank. The other, obviously, is just scaling culture. We raised a little bit of money from the tennis coach a few hundred dollars a month to print the thing on paper and distribute it around the school. Aug 4, 2018 . We were clearly failing on this sort of customer sales side of things, and we were just spending all of our time building, building, building. : Once you started on the execution of this, and you got this great feedback, it took a little bit of time until finally, you got the Series A in place. My guest today is Peter Reinhardt, co-founder and CEO of Segment, the market-leading data customer data platform that was acquired by Twilio last year. It was an incredibly distracting thing that we had mistakenly deployed into all these classrooms. Peter Reinhardt: Weve raised a bit shy of 300 million in capital in the West, seven years. . A Division of NBC Universal. Do they have a history of delivering results, whatever those were in their function? We raised a little bit of money from the tennis coach a few hundred dollars a month to print the thing on paper and distribute it around the school. Yeah. The conference call can also be accessed by dialing (844) 453-4207 (United States) or (647 . Laurence Bradford: Can you each give yourselves a quick introduction? For you, personally, what does that reflection process look like? Through his lectures and numerous cookbooks, he channels the science of baking into deep, spiritual lessons -- and dispels stale myths about the nature (and flavor) of good, wholesome bread. I wrote all this code. At Segment, Peter Reinhardt is bringing democracy to data. Driven, curious and inclusive leader. : Very nice. That people they previously managed may be in even bigger roles, and those people say, The time under that exec was formative for me. The third is drive, which is delivering results, probably the most straightforward one. When? 2020 ideamensch. Erich R Reinhardt Net Worth 2023 and insider trades. Alejandro: Amazing. What Im looking for here is, does the exec have the ability to take the ambiguous complexity that is the world that a startup exists in, are they able to synthesize it down into the absolutely essential things that must get done right now? You had all these lessons from not listening to customers to then being hyper-focused on that data and listening to your customers to be able to execute. I think the tough learning or humbling learning there was like the world doesnt care what you think. They have a large number of employees. Once again, another product. I think that in the last couple of years, over 100% growth in terms of the number of employees. On an organic basis, sales were up 2.1% as higher pricing more than offset the negative impact of foreign exchange. Its like a snowball effect kind of thing? There are dozen and dozens and hundreds of analytics companies. We started building a ton of infrastructure. Sales is not something that had a ton of appreciation for when we started the company, but I think over time, its something that Ive developed more and more appreciation for. In high school, the first entrepreneurial thing that I got myself into was starting a high school underground newspaper called The Watchdog. Each week in their MIT "Founder's Journey" class, the founder of a successful start-up would speak and answer students' questions. Peter Reinhardt: I find that the most motivating times for me are when it becomes clear that over the previous quarter of two, that I have failed at something because that, to me, means that over the next quarter, I now understand the thing that I need to get better at. In our conversation, we cover Segment's fascinating journey from an education feedback tool to the business it is today, Peter's sales philosophy on meeting the customer where they are and not where you think they should be, and why revenue . Bradford: So all three of you went to MIT, however Peter and Calvin, you two met at an earlier time? You can actually do a lot of discovery; thats whats called in sales to go learn those things and test whether a product is going to deliver economic value. We started doing research on that. That third idea where we said, We dont know if this is a big grand vision, but it seems like its solving a problem for people. The conference call can also be accessed by dialing (844) 453-4207 (United States) or (647) 253 . Segment CEO Peter Reinhardt says they've grown to a team size of 584 since launch in 2011 and have raised $283.7M in funding. Dropbox Paper, a great shared writing environment. Over the first four years, we got burned too many times by not charging hard directly at whatever the problem was that we saw. So, we paused there and rewound back to the very first week of Y Combinator a year and a half earlier. You probably see the problem. Alejandro: The industry as a whole where Segment is, how do you see the industry evolving over the next couple of years? Then we'd go and figure out how to build them. In your case, how much capital have you guys raised for Segment? We're expanding our private beta at, and in my dual frontend dev/account manager role I need a time-saving, flexible CRM. "Together, Twilio and Segment have an incredible opportunity to build the customer engagement platform of the future," said Peter Reinhardt, Segment's co-founder and CEO. . When youre meeting with execs and recruiting these people, especially people that are a good fit with your culture, is there a specific thing that is an absolute must for you on every candidate? He and his wife Erika live in San Francisco. How was life there? So many lessons learned, so many things that you guys have done, so many experiences now, if you had the chance to go back in time, Peter, and have a conversation with your younger self and give that younger self one piece of advice before launching a business, what would that be, and why, knowing what you know now? Till 2019, the company has raised more than $280 million in total. I think if thats a piece of advice that I could go back and give myself, it would be to run straight at the problem. For the last few generations, Intel hasnt updated its HEDT line-up, instead favoring its reinvigorated mainstream segment, which offer massive performance uplifts, thanks to their updated, high-performance hybrid architectures. But is that kind of success still possible today, when many consider post-secondary education to be a staple? Alejandro: Makes sense. But the world has its problems, and it doesnt care what you think in terms of how it should operate. When someone is running a fast fundraising process with a whole bunch of people, and its the first time theyre meeting them, its hard for them to assess the person. By the spring of 2011, the friends had landed on the idea for a "classroom lecture tool" that would let students flag any points of confusion to professors. The second value for us is tribe, which is that we want to push everyone around us to get better and be accepting of that when we feel that push from others. Your father was a carpenter, and also, your mom was an art teacher. Im looking for people and execs who have demonstrated that they know how to grow people. Finally, we get to this moment we realize our analytics tool has failed. I think we have someone who just skipped college entirely and is one of our star engineers. Heres what were going to do. Provides CEO, CFO, Director and Chief Executives trade reports, independent equity research, and stock screening. Peter Reinhardt: I guess I was always excited about aircraft, and I was always studying different rocket designs and reading about the missions to the moon and what was going on on Mars and just always super excited about that. Finally, we get to this moment we realize our analytics tool has failed. The fourth is maybe a little more unusual, which is, create clarity. I think we had a big success there, but I think we have also massively under-invested in pricing packaging, aligning pricing, and packaging to help customers want to buy is critically important. We made a pricing and packaging change where we rolled the two separate packages into a single package, and then changed our self-service pricing relative to our sales list price for larger contracts. Add 4 ounces of seed culture mixture (discard the rest, or use to make a second starter) and mix until fully incorporated. Why are so many SaaS founders taking money from instead of VC`s? And Around the Series C, its all about numbers at that point. The numbers are important, but I still found that it was heavily still all about the vision. But you didn't drop out of MIT until 2011, correct? Charm Industrial CEO & Co-founder Jul 2017. Prior to starting Segment, Peter was a Research Assistant at the Naval Postgraduate School, where he wrote and designed flight software for the NPS-SCAT Cubesat, a platform which tests solar cells while theyre in orbit. I think I was a little bit slow to make this transition from the search from product/market fit to go-to-market strategy. Segment. We actually built a lot of stuff that ended up not being useful. In their prior roles, have they shown that they want to understand the customer and that they will go over and beyond for the customer and the broader communities around their companies previously? Why? I think for our last shot, I think there might be a big idea behind analytics.js, this open source library. All Rights Reserved. The other, obviously, is just scaling culture. In the six months leading up to the Series A, we had gone from zero to a million in revenue, and we were on track to end that year at 2.5. Segment's new CFO Sandra Smith and CEO Peter Reinhardt. We raised a round from LocalGlobe and some of the best angel investors in the world, including Taavet Hinrikus / Transferwise, Alice Bentinck / Entrepreneur First, Peter Reinhardt / Segment and Charm Industrial, Yancey Strickler / Kickstarter . He's the author of five bread-baking books, including "The Bread Baker's Apprentice," which won both the James Beard and IACP Cookbook of the Year awards, as well as the International Gourmand Award for Best Baking Book in the World. Peter Reinhardt, CEO of, made the following comment on his blog when discussing how the firm's noisy open office was lowering the productivity of its engineers: "We can't immediately ditch our open floor plan (although we're looking at various options for our next office. 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