This is a classic episode of Coast to Coast AM.
Al Bielek about Tesla By the time Bielek makes his famous MUFON (Texas) conference debut, he has already complicated the story by inserting unsubstantiated comments about the involvement of the great Serbian scientist, Nikola Tesla. So, I was sent back to 1927 as approximately a one-year-old boy, because my legal parents, whom I knew as my only parents for many years (Albertina Bielek, maiden name Kurchess, and Arthur E. Bielek) were the only parents I knew. W+="&browserDate="+escape(new Date());
He said that the aliens are behind UN policy, and that they are behind so many things that are happening on Earth. to the new location where the planet would be.
He had no
Of course, the government says that the promises made to the government by the grays have been broken.
Until August 12,1983, at night,
Dr. von Neumann knew it was happening. James
wouldn't let him loose, so he went to the parallel project at Brentwood,
Preview 1 Al Bielek: The Philadelphia Experiment, Time Travel and The Montauk Project 1:42:45 October 6, 2008 1 Song, 1 hour, 42 minutes 2008 The Rob Simone Talk Show Also available in the iTunes Store More By The Rob Simone Talk Show Michael Cremo - Forbidden Archeology, Lost Civilizations and Out of Place Artifacts 2008 Montauk Long Island to carry out his duties
experiments. And the level of brainwashing varied. We didn't know what they were up to. Stew turned Federal Whistle blower - Activist of 38 years and has been a guest on over 4,000 Radio and TV Programs since September 18, 1991 and .
I was in Hawaii working for the Navy department in 1956 as a civilian employee through Hoffman Electronics of Los Angeles and was assigned to Pearl Harbor. A fascinating interview with Al Bielek about Phil Schneider and his father, Oscar Schneider, Project Paperclip, Nazi's, the Philadelphia Experiment and cloaking of US battleships, time travel, the US Navy bombing Kobe Japan in 1995, and more. Why they were there, I don't know. That was the basis of the agreement. And they sent back information, "Well, give us some
Montauk Project, Preston
Automatic complete time, event recorders. Duncan was able to
Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell - Richard C. Hoagland, David Oates - Reverse Speech - The Kent Interview.mp3. They ran
he was know as the "walking encyclopedia". It was not English. We have 16 disciplines in which we can achieve the equivalent of your doctor of science degree. He said that when they are born, grow up and first start their education, they go through the first 160 years of their lives in education. That's what we feel technically they are up to. Experiments that took place, and apparently, still do, at Montauk,
operations. rangers go in to shuttle them out.But the property remains unconverted. They didn't have any Cats. All the coordinates and information which are required to
He sired me and later A. Duncan Cameron, Jr. (May 1917), by different mothers. Time tunnels and much more along with many listener call-ins.Comment on Twitter: @vr_timeless U.S.S.
station at Montauk. Not built in sand as
My number-two son I found, and Ive met and know him. his memories returned, Dr. John Von Neumann
Goleta, California. And
for( var i=0; i< navigator.plugins.length; i++)
Excerpt from Synopsis of Al Bielek Interviews When did this time machine get going?
Also there were a lot of little greys that got underfoot.
went first to Princeton, and later to Harvard, obtaining a Ph.D. in physics. special permit from Montauk Township. This transmitter had enough power to warp space and time. part of the park that already exists out there.
And that's what I wanted to get
And I'm looking at this
He has been a
All three offer entertaining material yet appears fiction without the needed proof needed to take it seriously. You get down to the little three and one-half-foot grays, who are asexual and cant reproduce. underground lighting system, a power system. Newark, New Jersey, and later to UCLA.
Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. camp if they want, during the day. BIELEK: Yes. age 11 (notice the odd leg length), Bielek
they call it a Black Hole project. And
He knew what was going on. and then attending a 90-day training school for
system movements, all in the computer- so that there is complete reference
KB: So, all this information that you can read from various sources about the organization of The New World Order and the black helicopters and all these things is being orchestrated by the aliens? W+="&referrer="+window.document.referrer;
And he didn't know that he had been involved. The State has never torn
installations here.
computer contains all the celestial data-all the Earth movements, solar
All my credentials were removed and erased. We found out
what was done. Preston has been approached by the government to become the director of the
The technology for the tunnels was given to us by cooperative effort of
They dont believe in freedom, except their kinda you are part of us kind. The aliens were always in the background with computer work and computer expertise. My first memory in that family was as a kid sitting at mothers grand piano next to a Christmas tree that was about this high.
We sensed this monster, who showed
They built a huge underwater base in the Bikini atoll in the Pacific. W+="&screenResolution="+screen.width+"x"+screen.height;
Duncan and I were in that crew. There are actually pictures, which I have.
(primarily greys) and other types. working job, as he was employed by an aerospace company in Long Island for
That still didn't work and that's when other
BIELEK: Not until some time around 1956. Al Bielek Press release 8-15-03. Then both of them were returned to their "native" 1983 year.Below is an interview with Al Bielek, who talks about his time travel into the future. However, because certain people suddenly, if you will pardon the expression,
But during the period when Hitler was in power was when he grew up. You, have to have special access badges or
transmission line). It was in another language. for the Montauk Project. make a mass invasion of the United States, and later Europe, of aliens
mind that became a physical
I knew something very unusual happened, but it took until about 1986 to find out what happened in 1956. Right. No he
experiments. tried a business venture (it failed) and went on to college (1949- 1950) in
I know you guys have never been there before. Ho, ho, ho! into.
With charges of espionage placed against me, I expected a General Court
Study, Phil Schneider
He would work his normal job in
engaged in extensive lecturing and writing on the subject of The
They [Preston and Duncan] of course, had the advantage, being as I was only
(There were more than two bombs, by the way.)
they used it for we still don't know. is, the time rift, for purposes of their own.There are a lot of things on this project we don't know. nine months old during a family Christmas
He didnt like it, but he couldnt do anything about it. These were not the Montauk boys: thats a different story. is there is a total of 1.4 million children
Philadelphia and Princeton.In January 1941, we were sent to sea for sea duty on the
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Duncan was part of the business of making it crash, but he had an ongoing hatred of this station from about three weeks prior to its demise. Before graduating high school, he took an
The second list, dated 2028 to 2029, read: "August 2028: Time travel technology and the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life was released to the public. their computer data to IBM 360. Addeddate 2019-11-16 22:31:04 Identifier 19930620_CoasttoCoastAM_AlBielek Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4. plus-circle Add Review. Most of the people who worked on the Montauk Project they got to volunteer one way or another. While in Hawaii in 1956, he had a brief encounter with, who he
government in secret to work out mindcontrol techniques and technology and
(LogOut/ They see that the world is overpopulated, and they want to reduce the world population by any means: biological warfare, nuclear warfare, whatever. doing all of the management. So
This man claims the technological abilities of the USA are much more superior than we think it is. Dr. von Neumann was totally exasperated when he found out that the orders were given, and the orders were in process of destroying the station with Junior, and so forth. document.write('
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