For the most part, eagles will always be found living on some type of higher ground. All rights reserved. What Does The Bible Say About Fear? And once he does, the eagle will then swoop down and catch him within seconds. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for eagle is nesher means to tear with its beak. It was usually translated as eagle, but in a couple places vulture. Jeremiah 48:40For thus says the LORD: Behold, one shall fly like an eagle, And spread his wings over Moab., 12. 100+ Inspirational Bible Verses About Love Eagles are fearless: An eagle will never surrender to the size or strength of its prey. Again, I believe God is trying to draw all of us into this specific verse so we can find out exactly what He is trying to tell us with the revelation that is contained in it. However, the Bible also tells us that many are called but few are chosen. What Is the Meaning of Psalm 91 and Why Is it Popular? When you are in these kinds of dry times and seasons with the Lord, just keep pressing forward and flying alone like the eagle does and sooner or later God will bring you forth into the heart of your call where everyone will then see you and work with you on the call that God has placed on your life. Is Smoking Marijuana Sinful? Again, not by our might or by our power, but by the power of the Holy Spirit operating through us is how we will produce good fruit for the Lord in this life. 50 Good Bible Verses For Birthdays For thus says the LORD: "Behold, one will fly swiftly like an eagle And spread out his wings against Moab. Put the trumpet to your lips! Like an eagle the enemy comes against the house of the LORD, Because they have transgressed My covenant And rebelled against My law. What Does The Bible Say About Fear? Do they follow and serve their own self and their own self-interests, doing what they want to do with their lives. He ate grass like a cow, and he was drenched with the dew of heaven. 100 Inspirational Bible Verses About Thankfulness To God, 100+ Inspirational Bible Verses About Love God richly bless you. What Does The Bible Say About Fear? For if you do, He will give you such faith-filled confidence that will allow you soar with wings like an eagle to ride out any storm, in order to reach the blue, sun-filled skies of victory. But you must take time to be holy in meditation, in prayer, and especially in the use of the Bible. F.B. This is why we all need the eyes of the Holy Spirit operating in us, so we can start to see what the real truth is on many of the different matters and issues in our own personal lives. They have a huge wingspan that makes their soaring look effortless and majestic. What is more astonishing with this bird is their ability to nurture their young ones. If you do not have enough faith, belief, and confidence in the Lord and His Holy Spirit to guide you and empower you for this call, then nothing will ever happen. This, of course, makes it easier for them to fly. (Job 39:26-30 ESV). Documentary film crews have filmed eagles spotting rabbits they will target as prey. ( Exodus 19:4 ESV). Strength- The eagle can live up to 70 years. WebEagles bones, while strong, are hollow, making up less than 10 percent of their total body weight. Terms Of Use Privacy Policy About Us Inspiration Bookstore Email Preferences Closed Country Policy, [contact-form-7 id="892" html_class="default-background"], 2023 Inspiration Ministries. Eagles dont always have a soft and easy life, nor will we. 30 His young ones also lick up blood greedily; And where the slain are, there he is., 9. They fly like an eagle swooping to devour., 6. The eagle will then wait for that hour or two until the rabbit finally comes back out again. Care for young- Several verses tell us the eagle carries its young on its wings. When the Eagle sees the It gives us an image of a caring, protector that can soar into the clouds above . What Does The Bible Say About Mental Health? What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? This is yet another leadership characteristic. I will share with my colleague women in the ministry and children service teachers. Matthew 28:20 And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age., 31. 22 Encouraging Verses For A Bad Day One who secures an eternal home for his people. As the old saying goes, Birds of like feathers flock together. Moses was all by himself for 40 years in the backside of the desert before God called him out to deliver the Israelites from Egypt. WebThe slow gliding and soaring facilitated by eagles wings enable eagles to spot prey from afar with their keen eyes. It is even believed that He lifts that high above the chaos of life similar to the eagles nest planted on the highest crag of a mountain. He is asking all of us to put on His armor and to engage with demons and to cast them out of people when necessary. Like an eagle that stirs up its nest, that flutters over its young, spreading out its wings, catching them bearing them on its pinions, the Lord alone guided him, no foreign god was with him. (Deuteronomy 32:11 ESV). I am challenge to do my best by the grace of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit to do what God wants me to do. Eagles have strong vision. Pigeons scavenge on the ground and grumble and complain all day long. What Does The Bible Say About Fake Christians? In other words, we have to learn how to walk and fly with the anointing of God. Although Scripture never calls God our mother eagle, there are Biblical references to Gods nurturing care for His people. 100 Inspirational Bible Verses About Thankfulness To God, What Does The Bible Say About Mental Health? We have another article in our site titled, The Sin of Adultery in the Current Issues section of our site. Habakkuk 1:8 Their horses are swifter than leopards, fiercer than wolves at dusk. As a result of being able to learn how to fly on those strong wind thermals, eagles are considered master fliers. What Does The Bible Say About God's Love? Sometimes eagles will remain perched for days before they can catch a good, strong, wind thermal, where they can then launch onto it and combine a mixture of flying and soaring on that strong wind thermal to get them to where they want to go. It only eats the meat from the prey it kills itself. 25 Verses To Help Identify Fake Friends What Does The Bible Say About Mental Health? 4. No matter what the size of that person or what weapon they may be holding, you would attack them without thought or regard for yourself. Revelation 12:14The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpents reach., 37. In the same way, we as Christians can learn how to be master fliers by learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. What Does The Bible Say About Haters? 3. It is my job to follow His way. Many references to this Bible verse can be found in literature, they serve as encouragement in worship songs, and even provide comfort at funerals. What Does The Bible Say About Haters? The message is well expounded and its my prayer that the Lord through his Holy Spirit will help me mount up with wings as eagles! They have to learn how to do this in order to conserve energy. The Importance of the Lords Prayer. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint., 22. What Does The Bible Say About Fake Christians? You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles wings and brought you to myself. ( Exodus 19:4 ESV). This is yet another leadership characteristic. They soar without ever flapping their wings. Like an eagle that swoops on its prey. 50 Good Bible Verses For Birthdays 100 Inspirational Bible Verses About Thankfulness To God, 15 Scriptures To Help With Hopelessness Vitality. Though you soar aloft like the eagle, though your nest is set among the stars, from there I will bring you down, declares the Lord. (Obadiah 1:4 ESV), 1. Thank you so very much for lesson on the eagle. Another very powerful analogy that the Lord has hidden back in His Word in the Old Testament is what I call the eagle analogy. For if you do, He will give you such faith-filled confidence that will allow you soar with wings like an eagle to ride out any storm and reach the blue skies of victory. Some of you who are reading this article right now might be one these eagles being raised up by the Lord. is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright 2023, What Does The Bible Say About Trusting God? I wonder how many Christians have missed out on their true callings from the Lord because they did not have enough faith and belief in Him to take flight on the Holy Spirit like the eagles have learned how to do on those wind thermals? What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? What happens is that when the Eagles reach the age of 30, their physical body condition deteriorates fast making it difficult for them to survive. Instead of trying to force events according to your timing, wait on God and trust in His perfect timing (2 Peter 3:8-9). Why Don't Christians Expose Evil Anymore? As I have stated in my article, God is the Potter, We are the Clay, whenever God gives you a specific analogy in the Bible, what He wants you to do is to seek into what the analogy is all about so you can fully understand what He is trying to convey to you. You will never find out who your true soulmate is going to be in this life, and you will never fulfill the divine destiny to which God has called you. Their eyes are specially designed for long distance focus and clarity. Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. Instead of shouldering your own burdens, hand them over to God (1 Peter 5:7). Acute depth perception 6. Ezekiel 17:7 But there was another great eagle with powerful wings and full plumage. Do you need to improve your certain areas in your life as a leader? What Does The Bible Say About Forgiveness? This is a parental type of care. Blessings upon blessings to you. However, He also gives us free will to choose our own paths at our own cost. This is why David says in Psalm 103: 5. The metaphor speaks of Gods powerful ability to bring down even the highest and mightiest on the earth. The anointing of God is the power of the Holy Spirit flowing and operating through us to accomplish what God wants us to do for Him in this life. We asked our friend Ken. You must have a vision that guides and leads your team towards the organizations or societal goals. 15 Scriptures To Help With Hopelessness Ask the hunters and they will tell you how difficult it is to kill an eagle. I know this may be stretching this analogy a bit, but I believe that the dark skin of the eagle lines up with our flesh colored skins, and the white color on the head and face of the eagle line up with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit living in us. 100 Inspirational Bible Verses About Thankfulness To God, What Does The Bible Say About God's Love? The wings of the eagle represent our faith and belief in in the Lord. Just like the eagle is the most powerful and feared bird in the sky in the same way God the Father can personally raise you up to be a mighty and courageous soldier for Him so you can do great and mighty exploits in the calling that He has personally placed on your life. Traits of the Eagle and How It Pertains To Our Christian Walk 1. Scripture speaks of a bird that Israelites understood was unstoppable and powerful. What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? No more is this as clear as in the story of God delivering the Israelites out of Egypt. I thank my God for the knowledge that I am gaining from these articles. Matthew 6:30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe youyou of little faith?, 24. 15 Scriptures To Help With Hopelessness Clear mindedness and respect are ordered. Suddenly she swoops out from under the eaglet and allows it to fall. This goes on for some time until they learn to start using their wings to fly. They could carry disease to humans. Proverbs 23:5 Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle., 15. but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall walk and not faint. The power, strength, and courage of the eagle will fill your life with so much victory. The eagle goes through a process called molting . This is when it sheds off its feathers and grows a new one. This is how it happens. He supplies the strength as you call upon his name. Like the majestic eagle, Lord he comes to judgment against his enemies. 6.) I remember when I first saw this verse years ago, it really jumped off the page at me. Sow a seed of faith today! The eagles eye is amongst the strongest in the entire animal kingdom, and according to a study, eagles have the capability to focus on prey up to 5km (3 miles) away. In the same way, once God leads us to the mate that He will want us to marry in this life, He will expect us to stay true, loyal, and faithful to that mate literally to the day we die. They face problems head-on. In the same way, we all need the patience of the eagle, especially in the type of world we now live in with everything being done at breakneck speed and peoples fuses being shortened as a result of all of the high stress that we are forced to live under. Let go and let God be God and in doing so, He will infuse you with such energy and faith-filled confidence that will allow you to soar to greater heights of revelation, peace, and joy. Their cavalry gallops headlong; their horsemen come from afar. What Does The Bible Say About Trusting God? Similarly, God is powerful and able to protect his children. What Does The Bible Say About Haters? Is Smoking Marijuana Sinful? Secondly, the harsh truths of the earlier chapters are now replaced by words of comfort and encouragement and Gods impending absolution, starting with Isaiah 40:1-4: Comfort, comfort my people,says your God. Human beings may not be able to reverse the aging process, but God can renew our inner youth when we shed our self-centered nature and make him our priority. Psalm 103:5 (NIV) who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles., 2. Posted on Last updated: February 23, 2021. A voice of one calling: In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Exodus 19:4 You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt,and how I carried you on eagles wingsand brought you to myself., 5. God used the metaphor of the eagle when He wanted to give a warning to His people or other nations around Israel when they pursued evil. Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, guided his country through the most devastating experience in its national history, the Civil War. My love for Jesus will excel me into this world, which is mine by inheritance. The large wingspan of eagles is one of their most distinctive features. Eagles Have Vision: If you ever happen to see an eagle sitting high above the tree or cliff of a stiff mountain, watch closely and see how attentive the bird is. Jesus Himself has told us in His Word that He is our light, and that once we have His light shining through us, that we are not to try and hide it underneath the table. Meyer, If we will only surrender ourselves utterly to the Lord, and will trust Him perfectly, we shall find our souls mounting up with wings as eagles to the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, where earthly annoyances or sorrows have no power to disturb us. Hannah Whitall Smith. Look at great leaders of this world who have come and gone. I believe God is trying to tell us something when He compares all of us to eagles in this particular verse. On the rock he dwells and makes his home, on the rocky crag and stronghold. These major battle verses will show you that God the Father does have a war side to His personality, and that He will not hesitate to go into battle to protect you and your close loved ones if you have been walking close with Him over the years. You have to be with people who can think, make informed decisions and take actions. The Bible teaches us that we, as believers, can possess the characteristics of an eagle. From there he spies out the prey; his eyes behold it from far away. We are now born-again children of the Most High God. 15 Scriptures To Help With Hopelessness document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Very inspiring message indeed that has blessed me as I read each attribute and qualities of the mighty eagle. Is Smoking Marijuana Sinful? Is it at your command that the eagle mounts up and makes his nest on high? Learn The Basics of our Christian Walk They teach and guide just like the mother eagle does. The vision must be big and focused. In order to understand Gods comparison of our faith walk to the flight of an eagle, we need to first understand some underlying characteristics of this feathered creature. David perfectly proved that point when he took out Goliath with one perfectly, well-placed blow. If we choose to wait on God and rely on Him as our source of strength as the They are figures of speech used to describe something uniquely. Simply click on the button below to reach us by form, email or phone. 1. Ezekiel 17:3-4 Give them this message from the Sovereign Lord: A great eagle with broad wings and long feathers, covered with many-colored plumage, came to Lebanon. What Does The Bible Say About Haters? They can see their prey from very far away. Then she nudges him off the cliff. In particular, the imagery of an eagle soaring with its powerful wings evokes a vivid simile that we too, as believers in Christ, can possess the strength, boldness, and serenity of this majestic, feathered raptor in our own faith walk. The first set is their natural eye which they have when they are in a resting mode. It was Dr Myles Munroe who said that. TRAIT #4: When storm clouds gather, eagles get excited. An eagles next is nothing but a layer of sticks laid out flat on a rock and covered with some hay or straw. What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? Just think how much more good fruit we could produce, and how much more we could accomplish for the Lord in this lifetime if we could all learn how to be really led by the Holy Spirit on a daily basis, and how to really walk with His power and anointing flowing through us. WebVerse 7. The answer is in their ability and skill to ride and fly on these strong wind thermals. The first set is our normal natural eye which we use to see the natural world in which we live in. Like the eagle, God can drive out all the enemies of His people. The Book of Isaiah is one of the most studied works of the Bible. What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? This enormous bird lived in the mountainous areas of the Middle East. The LORD is the stronghold of my lifeof whom shall I be afraid?, 23. 100+ Inspirational Bible Verses About Love Photo Credit: iStock/Getty Images Plus/moose henderson. Eagles can literally die if they expend too much energy flapping their wings during flight as versus soaring without flapping their wings. 270 degree peripheral vision 5. Leadership Qualities of Eagles Eagles have powerful vision. It uses metaphors to depict Gods power, judgment and protective care. Another very interesting quality that eagles have is that they are very patient. 30 Verses to Reflect on in the Book of Hebrews. What Does The Bible Say About Forgiveness? What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? saying, Thus says the Lord God, A great eagle with great wings, long pinions and a full plumage of Why Don't Christians Expose Evil Anymore? At the time the Bible was written, people lived off the land, either by raising livestock such as goats or sheep or farming the countryside. God can drive out all the enemies of His people, Believing in Gods good gift to the world, Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them, I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, He promises to gather those who trust Him, 20 Reasons Why God Is Allowing Trials In Your Life. As a result of this contrasting color pattern, they can easily be seen from quite a distance. I have also been blessed to teach about the eagle's life and how it is spiritually compared to the life of the believer in our mid week bible study, and also in our noon day prayer bible study. However, this realization of living a victorious, faith-confident life will only be experienced by those who choose to place their trust in God and wait with hope and assured expectation of the fulfillment of His promises (Micah 7:7). 100+ Inspirational Bible Verses About Love What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? You can see the anointing of God all over them. They are absolutely ferocious arent they? It is Gods power flowing and operating through us, not our own power. The body sits still and the head will be tilted side to side to observe what is happening below, around and above it. As we have stated numerous times in some of the articles in our spiritual warfare section, God is calling all of us to become good and mighty soldiers of Jesus Christ. ( Leviticus 11:13 ESV). Deuteronomy 32:11 like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them aloft., 8. 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characteristics of an eagle in the bible