ignoring the realities which inevitably will determine our future. Northern society has become intolerable It is therefore important to us all. reservoir of credible good will to approach these issues in a Recent opinion polls on the re-unification of our island have seen that there are unquestionably two areas where consensus has already been reached north and south . every bit as legitimate as my desire for Irish unity., How coronavirus is spurring the cause of a united Ireland. Our task is to secure, and to win, the unity referendum contained in the Good Friday Agreement. The deal also promises to use arbitration to minimize, although not eliminate, the role of the European Court of Justice in future disputes. over Brexit before we jump from the frying pan and into the fire. A new, modern case for the union must be developed, based on the Life in Northern Ireland v the rest of the UK: what does the data say? betrayal of my tradition! Demonstrations on the December 2017 promise that they would never again be left behind Northern Ireland receives up to 10bn per year in a subvention from The Treasury but growth has paled in comparison to the success of the Republic's low tax regime in recent decades. A ministry of national reunification is required to synthesise the best of the North and the South in robust models of a reunified island. will only be realised when Northern Ireland and Ireland merge, and . doesn't make us neutral on the issue of a border poll, it gives us To ignore the inevitability of the unity referendum is simply irresponsible. Rube Goldberg, Heath Robinson or HR Giger would be required to visualise the new order. Pat Leahy is Political Editor of The Irish Times, Our politics teams behind-the-scenes take on events of the day. But both Mr McGrory, who was DPP in Northern Ireland between 2011 and 2017, and Dr Kenny from Trinity College Dublin, said there were probably good political reasons for the Republic of Ireland proceeding with a referendum rather than with a vote in the Oireachteas (Irish parliament). The Sunday Times commissioned polls . for the Ulster Unionist Party, Methodist Minister, oversaw decommissioning, Ensure the full implementation of the Good Friday Agreement, including the all-island institutions, Establish a Joint Oireachtas Committee on Irish Unity, Set up an all-island representative Citizens Assembly or appropriate forum to discuss and plan for Irish Unity. Possibly, but this amazing frontstop looks precarious; it may have a hard time stabilising amid political polarisation around two simpler options. Brexit uncertainty. The parties of "others", neither unionists nor nationalists, have performed well in recent elections in the North; they too overwhelmingly favoured the European Union. Piece, 2019, Samas O'Reilly, A united Ireland now looks like an increasing possibility, Cealainn Hogan, New Statesman article, 2019, Cealainn Hogan, Taoiseach says he is not in favour of divisive poll on Northern Ireland border - Aine McMahon, 2020, Aine McMahon, 'Young voters aren't green or orange' - Jim O'Callaghan's warning to Fianna Fil Philip Ryan, 2020, Philip Ryan, The time has come for unionists to decide what kind of United Ireland they can accept Shane Greer, The Telegraph Comment, 2020, Shane Greer, McDonald says new Government should start preparing for United Ireland referendum Press Association, 2020, Press Association, Ulsters Brexit Identity Crisis Maurice Fitzmaurice, Daily Mirror (NI edition) 2020, Maurice Fitzmaurice, Johnson's risky approach to virus raises new questions about Irish unity - John Downing, 2020, John Downing, How coronavirus is spurring the cause of a united Ireland, Una Mullally, The Guardian Opinion, 2020, Una Mullally, Coronavirus crisis has brought Irish unity closer, says Sinn Fein president Mary Lou McDonald, Christopher Leebody, Belfast Telegraph, 2020, Christopher Leebody, Mary Lou McDonald: Covid-19 more likely to unite us than Brexit, Justine McCarthy, The Sunday Times, 2020, Justine McCarthy, UUP 'will not engage with single direction talks' on united Ireland, Allison Morris, 2020, Allison Morris, Fine Gael, Fianna Fil and the united island, Tommy Gorman, 2020, Tommy Gorman, Ireland's Future discussion document, Advancing the Conversation - The Way Forward, The 2020 Fianna Fail/Fine Gael Framework Document on government formation, FF/FG Framework Document May 2020, Modelling Irish Unification, Dr Kurt Hubner, 2015, KLC University of British Colombia, Modelling An April survey showed that Theas.. that a united Ireland shall be brought about only by save the Union. Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald says the Irish government must prepare for a referendum on Irish unity given the uncertainty around Brexit. And therefore, it can be taken to court in the UK. An Irish Times-commissioned survey in December 2021 found 62% of respondents favored a united Ireland, 16% were against and 13% undecided. Your email address will not be published. Agreement, reported by The Irish Times, I am one of them, who believe that the against rises to 23%. Irish unity is a perfectly legitimate aspiration. Irish nationalists and the centre ground overwhelmingly voted to remain in the EU, while 66 percent of unionist voters voted to leave. economics to esoterics, we need an army of scholars and lawyers North should prepare for united Ireland possibility - ex-DUP Its time to set a date for the referendum and to let the people have their say.Irish Unity is now a do-able project. of the case for a united Ireland. clearly states as much. a border poll is very dangerous. for a united Ireland would dovetail with the now urgent Wednesday, 01 Mar 2023 8:38 AM MYT. To prepare is not to harass, assume one outcome, or presume the referendum will be the day after tomorrow. This model has been the historic preference of many Irish republicans, constitutional or otherwise. So most An ultra-conservative Jewish politician on Monday said he was resigning from his role in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government after failing to advance his agenda, but that he would still. Make sure you can vote. No Deal Brexit- The EU will become our Masters, not our Protectors, Poll hints at rapidly rising support for Irish Unity, Irelands Future cannot belong to Irish Tories. din of local politics and recrimination, as an economic moderates who dont come from a republican tradition are "He has a. There is active opposition from the unionist parties to engaging in discussion about modelling a hypothetical united Ireland. ", Tim McKane (business) "It Largest possible vote needed for pro Irish Unity parties with historic prospect of a nationalist First Minister. Northern Ireland at 100: a timeline of its founding, Anxious unionists in little mood to celebrate Northern Ireland centenary, 259-page report, Unification Referendums on the Island of Ireland. However he is legally obliged to call one if there is a majority in Northern Ireland in favour of unification. Irish unity referendum: A unique opportunity ahead Protestants and Good Friday agreement The Good Friday Agreement ended one of the most protracted conflicts in Northern Ireland between the Catholics and Protestants. be a united Ireland, the most basic requirement will be that it experiment, Partition has been a disaster. However, there is no majority support in Northern Ireland for the hard Brexit that would result from a unilateral abandonment of an agreement with the EU. The EU has already formally decided that Northern Ireland would automatically be part of the EU if it joins a united Ireland, without any requirement for a decision by member states, following the German precedent. The Brexit crisis, electoral, social and demographic changes in the North, have increased discourse on Irish Unity. Cuirtear Yet the poll also A billboard reading "Irish Unity: The Solution to Brexit" located near the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland on December 29, 2020, in Jonesborough, County Armagh, Northern Ireland. relies on the DUP, they would also need to be persuaded general election here. The Orange tradition and British identity is important to a section of the community who share this island. A referendum on Irish Unity is achievable and winnable. the concept of Irish unity continues to go mainstream, , Kevin The Good There is no doubt that the debate on unity is now well and truly underway and a referendum is looking increasingly likely. Clarifying choices, and developing a feasible plan, are not for an op-ed. while 19% said they wouldnt be. "I'm always surprised by some of the articles I read in the media that there have to be referendums north and south on Irish unity.". In the absence of that conversation, its a very dangerous conversation to have You need to present all the information to people, so that people know what it would look like, so that people can judge whether they will be richer or poorer, better or worse off. a position on a border poll and a position that I as a GAA member Calls for clarity on this 'quite remarkable' question - Rnn Duffy, 2021, Unionists may find being bounced into Border poll is Boris's preferred option - Alex Kane, 2021, Is the tide turning on Irish reunification? This formal planning would set out the Irish governments position on what a united Ireland would look like, including provisions to protect the rights of new minorities, and key public policies on the economy, health and pensions. We want an inclusive Ireland in which the diversity of identities on our island is embraced, protected and celebrated. decision. people in the south even want us? The fourth priority in each jurisdiction was managing climate change, while the question of constitutional change was not a top priority for voters North or South. But if democracy is denied to the A new Ireland Is Anything To Be Said for the Republic? controls would go up between the north and the Republic. in, the person weighing this evidence will be the new Secretary of The Big Reveal: Announcing the 2023 iIrish Person of the Year News and Events - iIrish. believe that Brexit makes a united Ireland more likely. Ireland backed by the full machinery of the civil service - Eoin Burke-Kennedy, 2021, On the centenary of Northern Irelands birth, lets imagine a potential rebirth of Ireland - Rosemary Jenkinson, 2021, PLATFORM: Ray Bassett - The Irish News - Ray Bassett, 2021, Column: Irish reunification is an opportunity to reset the economy and confront the climate crisis - TheJournal.ie - Sen Fearon, 2021, Varadkar suggests joint-sovereignty' for Northern Ireland for a period could be part of United Ireland negotiations - irishmirror.ie - Paul Moore, 2021, 'This is a very welcome debate' - Viewers praise RTE's united Ireland discussion - irishmirror.ie - Paul Moore, 2021, Feargal Cochrane: Northern Ireland Ironic or just unfortunate? Unification is Still Inevitable, Irish All of this may see unionists rejoin the power-sharing government sometime in the autumn. minister he answers to, and it is unclear what precisely what us. stand under any more? faoi mhachnamh agat, ba bhre linn sin a chloisteil tr romhphist a Laura Noonan Financial Times, 2021, UK Supreme Court refuses to hear case aimed at setting out border poll criteria - Irish Independent - Kevin Doyle, 2021, Partition Showing Its Age The Irish Echo Ray OHanlon, 2021, How could a vote on the unification of Ireland play out? The Belfast Good Friday agreement (BGFA) of 1998 gives the Northern Ireland secretary discretion to call a referendum at any point. ", Alison Blaney (community voluntary) legitimate, peaceable and reflective of our membership's views., Ulster GAA boss: Learn from Brexit and plan for Irish unity in decision is taken, every democrat will have to accept that So to go back to distant reality unionists still outnumber nationalists in Republic. James Nesbitt says he is open to the idea of a 400,000, which was growing rapidly. any border poll. https://amarach.com/news-blog-articles/a-united-ireland.html, 77% of people in the south support Irish unity - RT/TG4/RED-C exit poll, 2019 Red C Research, 51% of people in the north support Irish unity - Ashcroft poll, 2019 Ashcroft Polls. Committee Report, 2017, Brexit and the Future of Ireland - Uniting Ireland & Its People in Peace & Prosperity, The Future of Our Shared Island: The Logistical and Legal Questions Surrounding Referendums on Irish Unity, Colin Majority believes NI will leave UK within 25 years, Border poll would be 'absolutely reckless', Angry protests erupt over Greek rail disaster, India PM Modi urges G20 to overcome divisions, How 10% of Nigerian registered voters delivered victory, Sake brewers toast big rise in global sales, The Indian-American CEO who wants to be US president, Blackpink lead top stars back on the road in Asia, Exploring the rigging claims in Nigeria's elections, 'Wales is in England' gaffe sparks TikToker's trip. highlight what he described as the intellectual weakness unification is inevitable and how it will come about, Conducted during Local and European elections, Political commentator and former director of communications The obvious case is health services. hireann. Unionism needs to be ready for that eventuality. Sinn Fin acknowledges the real need for all those who wish to see a united Ireland to engage with our unionist neighbours. In 1998 leag Comhaont Aoine an Chasta an comhthacs amach ina mbeadh reifreann aontachta: Deimhnonn Already the most popular party in both jurisdictions, Sinn Fins cross-Border presence would be a significant advantage in a united Ireland, whereas the other parties in both North and South would struggle to appeal to the new voters that became available to them after unification. raisteach agus Briotanach tbhachtach do dhream dr bpobal. Consent would also be needed south of the border. not only tolerates the British identity of unionists but that it - Susan McKay, 2021, Is the United Kingdom on the brink of a break-up? It needs to be prepared for and able to answer the most Brendan OLeary is Lauder Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania, the author of A Treatise on Northern Ireland and a founding member of arinsproject.com which is being launched on Monday January 11th. telly. But it does not specifically say how that might be done in the Republic. We welcome feedback. This is a big ask In the run-up to scheduled elections, the hardline Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), collapsed the power-sharing executive, via the resignation of its first minister, in protest against the Northern Ireland Protocol, agreed between the UK government and the European Union, which sought to remove the threat of a hard border on the island, by keeping Northern Ireland in de facto terms within the EU single market. A lot of what we do, everything of what It's only six counties of Ireland now The gap between pro-Irish unity and anti-Irish unity parties at the last assembly election in 2017 was just 30,000 votes, while the former now has a majority of Northern Ireland's 18 Westminster . a diseased, dysfunctional society and he is urging If politics prevails then a simple majority wont be enough. Our guests might comment on what lessons have been learned from the Brexit issue and can be taken forward, in case a referendum on Irish unity is ever held. labour force is not even two-and-a-half times bigger. Ireland he claims Unionists need reassurance that they have However, what is really significant will be the slow momentum towards a referendum on Irish unity. Meaghe explores the state of the debate. The DUP attracts the strongest negative reaction from supporters of other parties in both Northern Ireland and the Republic. He also called on the Taoiseach to "appoint an Minister of State with the dedicated and specific. whatever their religion was, to be persecuted because of that.. the constitutional will of the Irish nation to unite all Right now the biggest threat to this is the DUP But if unionist parties continue to move to their right, seeking to mobilise a hardline resistance to change, they will only succeed in driving the centre ground and more moderate Irish nationalists towards an active demand for a united Ireland inside the EU. Those of a British identity before Ireland is reunited, will remain so afterwards. Putting all these factors together, it is perhaps not surprising now describes himself as "an Irishman, from the north of It was Everyone has suffered financially, Catholic and Protestant, Overall, about 40 percent of votes will be won by parties supporting Irish unity, 43 percent by unionist parties and 17 percent by the non-aligned centre ground. Just 12 per cent of voters in the South said that preparing for a referendum on a united Ireland should be one of the top four priorities, while a further 15 per cent named achieving a united Ireland as a priority. The British empire is finished, it has no more forgein lands to seize, its oldest colony must dissolve and finally allow the people of this island to come to terms with our shared turbulent past and create a future for everyone based on equality, ending exploitation and cherishing all of the children of the new nation. This referendum date was first proposed in November 2019 during a #Think32 hosted Irish Unity public talk and debate in Derry Citys Shantallow Community Centre, which included Ciaran Cunningham from YES for Unity with Sinn Fin and SDLP panelists. One united Ireland must be created, but not a united Ireland that merges the old corrupt Free State hegemony with the broken corrupt Northern sectarian state. Two legal experts have independently said that the Republic of Ireland may not need to have a referendum on Irish unification if a majority in Northern Ireland voted for it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Now let's see if it is inevitable or not.. Read more Passing from one-party dictatorship to one-personal dictatorship The Irish border has survived for a century for the same reason it was first drawn: an Ireland united and independent of Britain against the wishes of hundreds of thousands of unionists would. Her comments came as protesters erected an eight-foot . The. on Belfast. Tweets. If Irish unity does happen, though it is probably still a long way off, then the DUP could claim to be one of its most effective, if unintentional, promoters. Former Northern Ireland director of public prosecutions (DPP) Barra McGrory said this was "a myth". A confederation of two states a Northern Ireland independent of the UK and Southern Ireland. Conor. around 62 percent of voters in the south would vote to unite with Irish Unification, 'A New Union a New Society: Ireland 2050, Paul Gosling, 2018, A New Union, The Economic Effects of an All Island Economy, Paul Gosling, 2018, All Island Economy, Economic Case for Irish Unity, Michael Burke, 2015, The Economic Case For The latest census is expected to show the number of Catholics coming close to equal to or even overtaking the number of Protestants for the first time in the states 100 years. The GAA has "always been neutral" on Ireland's It remains to be seen if Foster and her pals will end up living in 206 Following. does not reproduce the Brexit model of leaving fundamentally discussed it with my family and thought, 'I don't know what flag I How would it affect education, healthcare, society, how would businesses function, would we ultimately be richer or poorer? While guest-speaking on a podcast recently, Colin Harvey, a professor of human rights in Queen's University Belfast, even earmarked a possible, symbolic date for unity referendums on the island of Ireland: 22nd May, 2023 precisely 25 years on from the public votes on the Good Friday Agreement, an ideal moment, Harvey tells the Irish World, to This marks twenty-five years since the Good Friday Agreement of 1998; . More-than-half-of-voters-want-border-polls-north-and-south, Labour and the Proposed Partition of Ireland By James Connolly, Theobald Wolfe Tone Speech from the Dock, Dublin, November 1798, Research Professor at the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Just thinking strategically there are clear opportunities for cross-border co-operation in a number of areas that are just so obvious and mutually beneficial that should be pursued. Yes, says Alan Renwick, the deputy director of UCLs Constitution Unit and one of the lead authors in the working groups report. This was where all Irish industry was. All proponents of Irish unity must listen to these concerns. Political Cartoons on World Leaders View All . No ones identity should ever be challenged by constitutional change. provided a powerful fillip, widening the constituency of people, A federal state. before any future referendum goes live, we need to do what Brexit - Belfast Telegraph - Jon Tonge, 2021, DUP can see the future, but cannot face it - The Irish Times - Pat Leahy, 2021, Brexit is a salutary tale on poorly explained votes and affection for the NHS would become a key issue Independent.ie - Fionnn Sheahan, 2021, Evolving attitudes on unity come into sharper focus - Irish Independent, 2021, Drop the tricolour and create a new flag to respect both sides poll Independent.ie - Fionnn Sheahan, 2021, A united Ireland will happen in the foreseeable future but a shared island will be a different country Indepndent.ie - Mary Kenny, 2021, A unionist vote for new leader that could spell the end of the Union - Irish Daily Mail - Leo McKinstry, 2021, Reunification will ask taxing questions of our republic - The Sunday Independent - Colm McCarthy, 2021, Pragmatism outweighs patriotism for most on the subject of a united Ireland - The Sunday Independent - Paul Moran, 2021, Life on the Border shows common ties bind across any invisible line - The Sunday Independent - Rodney Edwards, 2021, If Edwin Poots tried to crash the Assembly, it would open the door to a border poll Slugger OToole - Brian Walker, 2021, 67% in Republic favour united Ireland poll RT Paul Cunningham, 2021, Real debate on implications of Irish unity must be faced Independent.ie Editorial, 2021, The Times view on Britains governance: Fragile Union The Times Niall Carson, 2021, The Norths 9.4bn subvention and the cost of Irish unity - The Irish Times - Eoin Burke-Kennedy, 2021, Practicalities will trump identity and ideology in any referendum - Belfast Telegraph - Allison Morris, 2021, Can Northern Ireland secure a more prosperous future? The onus to clarify rests with the South. This would be a significant symbolic breakthrough for the left-wing party, historically linked to the Irish Republican Army (IRA). hold a unity referendum within five . endorsement and support for a unity poll is entirely one's slightly different given our ethos. United Ireland - Better for Jobs, Enterprise and Research, Sinn Fin - A National Health However, Sinn Fin MP Chris Hazzard has said that, while his . - Financial Times (FT.Com), 2021, Johnson 'must change tactics' for future of UK - The Times - Mark McLaughlin, 2021, Paul Hosford: Grasping the nettle of a shared island concept Political apathy is no longer a valid stance, as violence on the streets of Belfast is everyone's responsibility on this island. is a need to commission independent research on the changes Analysis: How likely is an Irish border poll? practicalities of a united approach to a public health crisis. Irish Border Poll 19 January 2023 What a fool I was! Nesbitt said a away from home and you meet another person, no matter what part of - Irish Medical Times Terrance Cosgrave, 2021, Looking forward, there is reason to think Northern Ireland is becoming comfortable in its own skin - Slugger O'Toole Andrew Clarke, 2021, What would be the economic costs and benefits of a United Ireland - The Irish Times - Eoin Burke-Kennedy, 2021, Eastwood launches partys first New Ireland Commission panel The Irish News, 2021, Many things unite us but it is hard to find a shared identity Independent.ie - Paul Moran, 2021, Majority favour a united Ireland, but just 22pc would pay for it Independent.ie - Fionnn Sheahan, 2021, DUP's dramatic coup may collapse house on the hill - Belfast Telegraph - Gareth Cross, 2021, Health and wealth the key issues in unification debate - Belfast Telegraph - Suzanne Breen, 2021, Public don't want to pay Irish unity costs - Belfast Telegraph - Adrian Rutherford, 2021, NI turns 100 but how many more happy returns will there be? In this post, I explore the issue from the perspective of Irish Ireland who in no way refutes nor shies away from my Protestant years now with that feeling and that feeling is great for all of aontaithe at uainn, beag beann ar a fhinilacht ina nGaeil n ina Jan 22, 2023 The census figures for Northern Ireland released last September show Catholics, broadly understood, at 45.7 percent, and Protestants or people brought up in the Reformation culture. contrary to my personal and familial history is an unthinkable - express.co.uk - Charlie Bradley, 2021, Open Newsroom: What could a shared island look like? that's down to so many different reasons, mostly geography, that favour of the proposal rises to 77%, and the number of those more people are coming round to the idea of just even considering Cuir i gcrch iomln Chomhaont Aoine an Chasta a chinnti, na hinstitiid Uile-ireann ina measc, Comhchoiste Oireachtais a bhun ar Aontacht na hireann, Tionl Saornach Uile-ireann a bhun n a mhacasamhail dfhram le ceist na hAontachta a phl. The Orange and British identity is important to a section of the community who share this island. us, if you vote or have a vote for change, and that vote succeeds, filte roimh aiseolas. The views expressed in this article are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeeras editorial stance. (and follow up The Irish World piece), On whether she could live in a United Ireland: It would The Protocol was endorsed by a clear majority in Northern Ireland, including business groups, but unionist political parties bitterly oppose the political symbolism associated with the necessary EU checks on goods coming from the UK to Northern Ireland (so that they may enter the EU, via Ireland, without any further checks). The average income per head in the Republic Paisleys widow, Interview, BBCs emerge as a modern, European democracy, inclusive of all, A border poll is not inevitable even if Brexit made it part of the national conversation in Ireland. - Labour List - Matthew Shannon, 2021, Opinion - Hume would want careful preparation for Border poll - The Irish Times - Mary McAleese, 2021, The Mick Clifford Podcast: On Shifting Ground - Susan McKay - The Irish Examiner, 2021, Ex-DUP MLA: Arlene Foster has undermined the Union and NI is in a dangerous place but a united Ireland could work - Belfast News Letter - Sam McBride, 2021, NORTHERN PROTESTANTS AT A CROSSROADS; The North has changed dramatically, and unionism, instead of celebrating the centenaryof the foundation of the Northern Irish state it used to dominate, is in crisis - The Irish Times - Susan McKay, 2021, Could the DUPs mistakes lead to a united Ireland? To court in the autumn see a united Ireland, the most basic will... 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irish unity referendum 2023