All men are called to belong to the new people of God. By her preaching she brings forth to a new and immortal life the sons who are born to her in baptism, conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of God. The Church, "like a stranger in a foreign land, presses forward amid the persecutions of the world and the consolations of God"(14*), announcing the cross and death of the Lord until He comes. In it parents should, by their word and example, be the first preachers of the faith to their children; they should encourage them in the vocation which is proper to each of them, fostering with special care vocation to a sacred state. 302 (600-601) . For this too God sent the Spirit of His Son as Lord and Life-giver. 1. (54*) For "the partaking of the body and blood of Christ does nothing other than make us be transformed into that which we consume". I Grande munus, 30 sept. 1880: ASS 13 (1880) p. 14S. They are the original ministers of confirmation, dispensers of sacred Orders and the moderators of penitential discipline, and they earnestly exhort and instruct their people to carry out with faith and reverence their part in the liturgy and especially in the holy sacrifice of the Mass. Iur. 32; PL 2, 53. having cooperated by charity that faithful might be born in the Church, who are members of that Head. (21) The Miracles of Jesus also confirm that the Kingdom has already arrived on earth: "If I cast out devils by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you". For it is the duty of all bishops to promote and to safeguard the unity of faith and the discipline common to the whole Church, to instruct the faithful to love for the whole mystical body of Christ, especially for its poor and sorrowing members and for those who are suffering persecution for justice's sake,(160) and finally to promote every activity that is of interest to the whole Church, especially that the faith may take increase and the light of full truth appear to all men. 1, 35; Mc. For the Church is compelled by the Holy Spirit to do her part that God's plan may be fully realized, whereby He has constituted Christ as the source of salvation for the whole world. Deiparae, III: col. 361 D. S. Io. Christ, the great Prophet, who proclaimed the Kingdom of His Father both by the testimony of His life and the power of His words, continually fulfills His prophetic office until the complete manifestation of glory. (37) De iuribus Sedium patriarchalium, cfr. Cod. 2. 187S: Denz. Embracing God's salvific will with a full heart and impeded by no sin, she devoted herself totally as a handmaid of the Lord to the person and work of her Son, under Him and with Him, by the grace of almighty God, serving the mystery of redemption. Therefore, by their competence in secular training and by their activity, elevated from within by the grace of Christ, let them vigorously contribute their effort, so that created goods may be perfected by human labor, technical skill and civic culture for the benefit of all men according to the design of the Creator and the light of His Word. Haerent animo, 4 aug. 1908: ASS 41 (1908) p. 560 s. Cod. (6) Cfr. Sapientiae christianae, 10 ian. For it must be admitted that the temporal sphere is governed by its own principles, since it is rightly concerned with the interests of this world. 6: Denz. From this arises their duty of working to implant and strengthen the Kingdom of Christ in souls and to extend that Kingdom to every clime. Cfr. But, rather, the faithful of Christ are called by God from both these states of life so that they might enjoy this particular gift in the life of the Church and thus each in one's own way, may be of some advantage to the salvific mission of the Church.(3*). Origenes, In Matth. 3 Via baptism all share in the priestly, prophetic and kingly ministry of Jesus (Lumen Gentium #'s 10-11, 31, and 34 and Christifideles Laici #'s 9, 13, 14, 23, and 29) This tri-fold dignity of Baptism informs both the laity's ad extra mission/apostolate of evangelization and social justice in the world as well as their role/share in the ad intra Let them confidently assign duties to them in the service of the Church, allowing them freedom and room for action. It is intended to be used alongside the original document to facilitate individual reflection and group discussion. Encycl. The eternal Father, by a free and hidden plan of His own wisdom and goodness, created the whole world. Sacramentarium Gregorianum: PL 78, 160 B.Vel C. Mohlberg, Liber Sactamentorum romanae ecclesiae, Romao 195O, p. 111, XC:.Deus, qui ex omni coaptacione sanctorum aeternum tibi condis habitaculum.. Hymnus Urbs Ierusalem beata in Breviario monastico, et Coclest urbs Ierusalem in Breviario Romano. Cf. The Son, therefore, came, sent by the Father. Marc. 30. Eusebius Caes., Praeparatio Evangelica, 1, 1: PG 2128 AB. Chapter 1: The Roles of Bishops in Lumen Gentium; pp. 62. nothing to dislike. Is 7:14; cf. 2301 (38S7-61). l9S8: AAS S0 (145R ) p. 220: Ia Iegittima sana laicita dello Stato .. (7) Cfr. 8, 1; 14, 22-23; 20, 17, et passim. The Sacred Scriptures of both the Old and the New Testament, as well as ancient Tradition show the role of the Mother of the Saviour in the economy of salvation in an ever clearer light and draw attention to it. As is customary with significant Roman Catholic Church documents, it is known by its incipit, "Lumen . "(23*) On the other hand, let them teach the faithful that our communion with those in heaven, provided that it is understood in the fuller light of faith according to its genuine nature, in no way weakens, but conversely, more thoroughly enriches the latreutic worship we give to God the Father, through Christ, in the Spirit. 2:11; Eph. 25, Decretum de Purgatorio: Denz. This religious submission of mind and will must be shown in a special way to the authentic magisterium of the Roman Pontiff, even when he is not speaking ex cathedra; that is, it must be shown in such a way that his supreme magisterium is acknowledged with reverence, the judgments made by him are sincerely adhered to, according to his manifest mind and will. Pius XII, Litt. 63 Cf. 340, 1: PL 38, 1483. 9. They are called there by God that by exercising their proper function and led by the spirit of the Gospel they may work for the sanctification of the world from within as a leaven. It is the duty of the deacon, according as it shall have been assigned to him by competent authority, to administer baptism solemnly, to be custodian and dispenser of the Eucharist, to assist at and bless marriages in the name of the Church, to bring Viaticum to the dying, to read the Sacred Scripture to the faithful, to instruct and exhort the people, to preside over the worship and prayer of the faithful, to administer sacramentals, to officiate at funeral and burial services. 940 (1743). The Theological Commission has given the following response regarding the Modi that have to do with Chapter III of the de Ecclesia Schema: "As is self-evident, the Council's text must always be interpreted in accordance with the general rules that are known to all.". (45*) The Roman Pontiff and the bishops, in view of their office and the importance of the matter, by fitting means diligently strive to inquire properly into that revelation and to give apt expression to its contents;(46*) but a new public revelation they do not accept as pertaining to the divine deposit of faith. And lastly, by the example of their way of life they must be an influence for good to those over whom they preside, refraining from all evil and, as far as they are able with God's help, exchanging evil for good, so that together with the flock committed to their care they may arrive at eternal life.(57*). Apost. 163 Cf Acts 1:17, 25; 21:19; Rom. This union is experienced and continually maintained through the Eucharist. They were further commanded by the apostles and Fathers of the Church, as well as by the doctors and pastors of souls. These faithful are by baptism made one body with Christ and are constituted among the People of God; they are in their own way made sharers in the priestly, prophetical, and kingly functions of Christ; and they carry out for their own part the mission of the whole Christian people in the Church and in the world. Mystici Corporis, 29 iun. Finally, Christian spouses, in virtue of the sacrament of Matrimony, whereby they signify and partake of the mystery of that unity and fruitful love which exists between Christ and His Church,(108) help each other to attain to holiness in their married life and in the rearing and education of their children. The Church, to which we are all called in Christ Jesus, and in which we acquire sanctity through the grace of God, will attain its full perfection only in the glory of heaven, when there will come the time of the restoration of all things. 18, 1-2, ad Conc. V, 23-24: GCS 11, 1, p. 488 ss. Encycl. Constantinopolitanum II, ib. It is evident that this "communion" was applied in the Church's life according to the circumstances of the time, before it was codified as law. 40. The central document of the Second Vatican Council was Lumen Gentium, the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church. (2*) The ministerial priest, by the sacred power he enjoys, teaches and rules the priestly people; acting in the person of Christ, he makes present the Eucharistic sacrifice, and offers it to God in the name of all the people. (22) Conc. This is beyond the measure of the commandments, but is done in order to become more fully like the obedient Christ. "(17), Thus, the Church has been seen as "a people made one with the unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. III (ed. luris pro Eccl. The laity should, as all Christians, promptly accept in Christian obedience decisions of their spiritual shepherds, since they are representatives of Christ as well as teachers and rulers in the Church. (3*) They likewise exercise that priesthood in receiving the sacraments, in prayer and thanksgiving, in the witness of a holy life, and by self-denial and active charity. 20:21-23. Encycl. Damascenus, Adv. Besides this apostolate which certainly pertains to all Christians, the laity can also be called in various ways to a more direct form of cooperation in the apostolate of the Hierarchy (3*). Conc. Provida Mater, 2 Febr. Encycl. (6*) Among those various ministries which, according to tradition, were exercised in the Church from the earliest times, the chief place belongs to the office of those who, appointed to the episcopate, by a succession running from the beginning,(7*) are passers-on of the apostolic seed. in lob, XXVIII, V: PL 76, 455-456. 2, 3: cd. It gives great joy and comfort to this holy and general Synod that even among the separated brethren there are some who give due honor to the Mother of our Lord and Saviour, especially among the Orientals, who with devout mind and fervent impulse give honor to the Mother of God, ever virgin. Conc. For then the Roman Pontiff is not pronouncing judgment as a private person, but as the supreme teacher of the universal Church, in whom the charism of infallibility of the Church itself is individually present, he is expounding or defending a doctrine of Catholic faith. 22, cap. The former is a duty; the latter a grace. : Denz. By these gifts He makes them fit and ready to undertake the various tasks and offices which contribute toward the renewal and building up of the Church, according to the words of the Apostle: "The manifestation of the Spirit is given to everyone for profit". Apost. (13*) It is supremely fitting, therefore, that we love those friends and coheirs of Jesus Christ, who are also our brothers and extraordinary benefactors, that we render due thanks to God for them (14*) and "suppliantly invoke them and have recourse to their prayers, their power and help in obtaining benefits from God through His Son, Jesus Christ, who is our Redeemer and Saviour. S. Cyrillus Hieros., Catech. Pius XII, Alloc. II-II, q. Ordinis, cap. 69. Eccl. But the faithful must cling to their bishop, as the Church does to Christ, and Jesus Christ to the Father, so that all may be of one mind through unity,(61*) and abound to the glory of God. A council is never ecumenical unless it is confirmed or at least accepted as such by the successor of Peter; and it is prerogative of the Roman Pontiff to convoke these councils, to preside over them and to confirm them. Menti nostrae, 23 sept. 1950: AAS 42 (1950) p. 660. 5, n. 104. Thus, as those everywhere who adore in holy activity, the laity consecrate the world itself to God. Leo XIII, Epist. All the laity as a community and each one according to his ability must nourish the world with spiritual fruits. (16) De praxi effectiva consiliorum quae non omnibus imponitur, cfr. It was passed by 2,151 votes to 5 of present bishops. For we must all "practice the truth in love, and so grow up in all things in Him who is head, Christ. The present-day conditions of the world add greater urgency to this work of the Church so that all men, joined more closely today by various social, technical and cultural ties, might also attain fuller unity in Christ. Acts 4:11; 1 Pt. This determination of power can consist in the granting of a particular office or in the allotment of subjects, and it is done according to the norms approved by the supreme authority. Expos. The documents of recent Pontiffs regarding the jurisdiction of bishops must be interpreted in terms of this necessary determination of powers. But there are certain things which pertain in a special way to the laity, both men and women, by reason of their condition and mission. When Jesus, who had suffered the death of the cross for mankind, had risen, He appeared as the one constituted as Lord, Christ and eternal Priest,(24) and He poured out on His disciples the Spirit promised by the Father. Hence the Commission, almost unanimously, decided that this wording should be used: "in hierarchical communion." Though few are presented such an opportunity, nevertheless all must be prepared to confess Christ before men. 1908 ) p. 220: Ia Iegittima sana laicita dello Stato.. ( 7 ) cfr it was by. The apostles and Fathers of the Church ( 145R ) p. 14S ; 20, 17, passim!, 25 ; 21:19 ; Rom central document of the Second Vatican Council was Lumen Gentium, the consecrate! 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lumen gentium 16 summary