! and then run off in terror. Heres the actual opening line to John Hughes Vacation 58.. No problem, Mark. 3. Cook County, Illinois Birth Index, 1916-1935 . And we were genuinely terrified for Eddie when he did battle with Judge Doom in the Acme Warehouse and then discovered that SPOILER ALERT Doom was the toon with those burning red eyes, and that high, squeaky voice who did in Teddy. This is then followed by this great moment in the balcony of a movie theater that Roger & Eddie have gone to hide out in, during which Valiant recounts to the rabbit how his brother Teddy was actually killed. Which explains this line in the 1958 version of Walt Disney Productions annual report. Back to Disneyland Park closing on Mondays & Tuesdays during the off-season When did this practice start? Its worth noting here that from the moment the monorail was connected to The Disneyland Hotel that hotel achieved 100% occupancy. Eddie follows these two into a near-by mausoleum. Really stilted. A hearse, and a line of black limos are parked in the lane. The final shot for the scene would be Valiant saying, When it comes to funerals, Toons are worse than the Irish! But Hoskins matter-of-fact retelling is so real & so raw that from here in on in this movie you then just cant help but feel for this character. Hole No. (2) Increased costs due to rising salaries and the inauguration of a 40-hour week. I consider him a true animation treasure and always encourage him to share more of his animation knowledge. Skip to main content. And if her barking cough isnt sounding any better by this afternoon Well, its back to the doctor we go. Given that Bob Iger (at Disneys quarterly earnings call held earlier this week) revealed that the Company now has sequels in the works for Frozen, Toy Story, and Zootopia Well, is it really all that far-fetched to think that at some point further on down the road Disney & Pixar will put yet another sequel to Cars in the works? Where Jessica is none-too-happy to see that theyve been trailed by this private dick. When I ask, it is a favor so the person is under no obligation to respond. That high, high, I say that high-larious place up in the sky. Valiant cant hear what is being said but by the pantomined actions can see it is on the verge of becoming violent. Nearby, Marvin Acne's funeral is inprogress. Im doubling back on the establishing shot to get you some close-ups. Marvin William Leiter. Honey, I Made a Science Movie: Disney Science (1961-1989), Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The Movie & Early Attractions, Love Bug Parade: Disneys Herbie and Sequels, History of the Reedy Creek Improvement District: Part 1, Honey, I Shrunk the Audience!: Sequel Troubles and New Attractions, History of Reedy Creek Improvement District: Part 2. This 70-foot-tall faux tree (with its 80 foot-wide canopy of 300,000 pink plastic leaves) opened just in time for Thanksgiving of 1962. He genuinely cares about all Toons and has promised that in the event of his death, they will inherit Toontown, as stated in his will. Sad Sack And one of the main reasons that this Walt Disney Productions release did so well at the box office that year was Well, Swiss Family Robinson looked great. 1. Darkwing Duck Theres more In addition to the aborted Planes 3, Disney had other Cars spin-offs in the works. From that point on, there are several different variations of what happens to Acmes coffin so that there were multiple options depending upon what character rights could be obtained. An additional $16,000 to maintain each year. Hashimoto-San And why is that?, you ask. But Im getting ahead of myself here. Also the Goons from Sleeping Beauty & the Jungle Book vulture (seen briefly at the end) as well. An American songwriter Marvin Gaye's funeral in 1984.REF 12326 To license contact info@lpe360.com The pallbearers of the coffin kept shifting but generally included Yosemite Sam (who is struggling to carry the coffin from underneath it), Elmer Fudd, the silent screen version of Felix the Cat (with a Sob thought bubble above him), Popeye, Bluto, Herman the Mouse and in at least one version, Goofy. In one version, Yosemite Sam gets so angry that he yells, Hold it, ya varmints! This would've been Marvin Acme's funeral" Storyboards for this scene recently surfaced on EBay. Cuphead and Mugman 16. 9. Jim Hill is an entertainment writer who has specialized in covering The Walt Disney Company for nearly 40 years now. Another great piece about this great film. The storyboard drawings are by the Amblin contract artist, Marty Kline. Which after being renamed / rethemed as the Tarzan Treehouse in June of 1999 will revert to being the Adventureland Treehouse later this year. So is it any wonder that while Pixar was still trying to get a handle on what Cars 3 would actually be about the Mouse (through its DisneyToon Studios arm. Bob Z. and the writers came up with the scene. Roland and Rattfink Which is why Disney then asked Pixar to prep a follow-up film. Sorry I declined to participate in this post, just too much work for nothing, I guess. Well, this sequence starts out sticking relatively close to the screenplay. Hopefully by next week, Ill be able to resume JHMs 5-day-a-week publication schedule. Theres a famous story of Walt observing a Mom pulling her kid away from the entrance of the Jungle Cruise. Saying words to the effect Weve already seen that ride. 13. At this point, Im about 80 90% back. Its Bob Hoskins performance that I think elevates Who Framed Roger Rabbit from being just this clever movie which is loaded with witty, well-done animation to being a truly great film. Out of every four Guests who came through the turnstile / surrounded that 35 cent C ticket, only one was a kid under 10. If you ever want to journey to the town of Goldsborough on the Caribbean island of Tobago. Tito and Burrito To be specific, Mondays & Tuesday in the Fall & early Winter as well as in the late Winter / early Spring. Well, then consider this: In just the first five years that the Cars film franchise existed, global retail sales of merchandise related to these Pixar movies approached $10 billion. 5. Cars 2 came out in June of 2011 and also did quite well at the box office (It took the No. Dont these storyboard drawings just make you wish that Marvin Acmes funeral had actually made it into the finished version of Who Framed Roger Rabbit ? Not happily, I might add. When out of the corner of his eye (through a gap in the fence that surrounded this cricket pitch) John spied this beautiful Samaan tree with a huge 200 foot-wide canopy of leaves. So the Ken Annakin corona effect lives on at Disney. One of the sequences from this Disney film that people most fondly remember is that montage where the Robinsons salvage what they can of their wrecked ship, the Swallow, and then use that same material to construct this amazing treehouse on an uninhabited island off the shore of New Guinea. He is angrily confronting her. And then there was Metro. Which was supposed to have been set in the inner city and focused on what went on in The World Below Cars. As in: Down in the subway system. Planes: Fire and Rescue followed in the Summer of 2014. Tommy Tortoise and Moe Hare In fact, Walt so loved this gag that after the Africa Veldt section first opened at Disneyland Park in June of 1964 he actually made the Imagineers go back in this portion of that Adventureland attraction and restage it. What About: Moose out front shoulda told ya. Paramount had a quick comeback in the 70s and 80s, so reading Harvey comics and going to UCLAs archives really left an impression on Disney/Amblin story artists. A Terrytoons Mighty Mouse is crying while in the hand of a Fleischer Superman who is on his knees sobbing away. Mind you, theres a fun little button on this sequence. But he also revealed that this project which, at that time, was entitled Space was slated to be released theatrically in April of 2019) This animated feature was abruptly cancelled when DisneyToon Studios was shuttered in June of 2018. While yet another was supposed to have shined a spotlight on trucks. This operational change at the Park is going to affect your bottom line at the Hotel. That very same year, Walt had some of his staff artists design a miniature golf course that could then be built on the grounds of the Disneyland Hotel. Drawings were made of Tom and Jerry, Heckle and Jeckle, Tex Averys MGM wolf character, Horace Horsecollar, Clarabelle Cow, Porky and Petunia Pig, Droopy, Andy Panda, Katnip the Cat, Tex Averys George and Junior, Sylvester the Cat, Baby Huey, Tubby the Tuba and the Three Little Pigs among many others. THE ACME FUNERAL SITE - LONG SHOT - DAY A hearse, and a line of black limos are parked in the lane. The eulogy is being given by Foghorn Leghorn who intones: Today we commit the body of brother Acme to the cold, I say cold, cold ground. What fascinates me about the parallels here is that When Walt began to see the same thing bubble up in press coverage for his new family fun park (i.e., All of those Summer-of-1955 stories in newspapers & magazines about how expensive it was to visit Disneyland. And back to National Lampoons Vacation The Walley World stuff was all shot at two Southern California attractions. Largely because so many people came out to the Park that Summer to experience Disneylands heavily hyped brand-new attractions which included the Matterhorn Bobsleds. Arf Arf Arf. Inspector Clouseau and Sergeant Deux-Deux Because Id dearly love to see whats in those other 80 drawings. Richie Rich Continue reading Storyboard Drawings 11 - Escaping from Toontown Hans Bacher April 3, 2019 Enter Amblin Hans Bacher (and Harald Siepermann) had a very different take to the escape from Toontown. Psycho had wild, spiky fur, and wore a loosened straightjacket. We say goodbye to a man who was more generous than a homely widow with Sunday supper. Fantastic Four ( Hanna-Barbera ) Bonkers D. Bobcat Clint Clobber ( Terrytoons ) Next comes (Again going L to R ) Porky & Petunia Pig, Horace Horsecollar & Clarabelle Cow, Jerky Turkey, Tex Averys wolf character and Droopy. The appearance has all the mourners (both toon and human) screaming A Ghost! Maroon wends his way through the crowd and grabs Jessica Rabbits and pulls her to the side. No wonder Steven Spielberg liked it so much. Bluto thinks that Popeyes comment is disrespectful. Were then going to have to spend dollars to get those people back.. Id also like to thank people like Leo N. Holzer, who stepped up to the plate when Nancy & I couldnt and got a new story or two out there. I was wondering if they had other characters they controlled that werent used. Whereas Teddy He never made it). Conclusion: Disney knows about all the bad press the Resort is getting lately but doesnt care. We see Eddie arrive at the graveyard at Inglewood. With the 50th anniversary re-release of Snow White in 1987, Roger Rabbit in 1988, and the Little Mermaid in 1989, I felt optimistic about the future of animation for the first time in my life. He Wouldve Been In The Marvin Acmes Funeral Scene Sadly Playing The Violin as the Coffin goes down into the grave ! It's 1947 Hollywood and Eddie Valiant (Bob Hoskins), a down-on-his-luck detective is hired to find proof that Marvin Acme, gag factory mogul and owner of Toontown, is playing hanky-panky with. Which Im told resulted in all sort of angry people at the entrance of Disneylands parking lot. They chit-chatted with Valiant for a few moment before heading off to the links and . However, when some of the photography for other composite scenes came back with a scratch on the negative and needed to be re-shot, it would put the production in jeopardy of missing its Christmas deadline. Which was a perk that no other hotel in Orange County had. They should have studied a print of Jasper Goes Hunting to see how its done. Which has gotten miserable press since Day One (and is a large part of peoples growing perception that its just gotten too expensive to take their family on vacation to WDW). The way I hear it, even with Spielbergs clout, there were just some cartoon characters that the Roger Rabbit production team couldnt acquire the rights to. Storyboards Reveal What Marvin Acme's Funeral in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" Would Have Looked Like Published 9 years ago on May 8, 2014 By Jim Hill Listen to the Article So when your winter cold (which wouldn't let go) becomes a spring cold (that just won't go away) suddenly mutates into the Black Plague The actual Disneyland in Anaheim. Simba, Timon & Pumbaa That being said, I want to publicly state that Mark has helped me many, many times in the past. Let me share something that I just found in the 1958 edition of Walt Disney Productions annual report. The stories that slip through your fingers. The famous never filmed Marvin Acme funeral sequence workbook pages from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" (Disney/Amblin, 1988) Did you know? Marvin began his career at his father's clothing manufacturing company, P. Segal and then moved to a position at the Canadian Federal Government where he worked . He is a bald, middle-aged gentleman with an eccentrically jovial, lighthearted personality who loves and cares deeply for the welfare of all Toons. Herman & Katnip as a team Only then could you go over to the actual attraction and get in line for that experience. Because Bob brought so much reality & humanity to Eddie, a role that in the wrong hands could have really been just a cartoon. Yosemite Sam winds up being the only toon left carrying Acmes casket. I dont want people coming away from their visit to Disneyland with this impression. And by October 11, 1955 (less than 3 months after Disneyland Park first opened), they had a fix in place. Which is why Im now trying to get Jim Hill Meida back up to speed. All those Harvey characters (except Sad Sack, who wasnt an animated Toon) didnt exist in the 1940s setting of Roger Rabbit so why would they be in the film? Perhaps one of the saddest casualties was the funeral of Marvin Acme. With New Cameos Like: Deputy Dawg 11. He was an unusual blue-grey color, and his fur was nicotine stained. So be bought a postcard of the actual Matterhorn and then mailed it to Dick Irvine (who at that time was the Companys lead Imagineer). After Roger Rabbit discovers that Marvin is playing Patty Cake with his wife Jessica, Acme is found murdered the following morning in his factory warehouse. 8. Which bring us to Eddie Valiant, the down-on-his-luck private dick that Bob played in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.. Whereas the short story that Hughes wrote (i.e., Vacation 58) follows an unnamed family to a different theme park. Popeye, Bluto, and others appear only in this storyboarded funeral scene. but sorta makes you MISS the appearance[s] of Tom & J, Popeye, Casper, Herman & K , Baby H, Little A, etc. Nancy and I have been trading the same cold back & forth since late February / early March. Swiss Family Treehouse quickly became one of the more popular attractions in the Park. Dolores: But I already have a good man). TOM AND JERRY. I think they made the right decision, looking back, in eliminating the sequence. 14. Not according to the guys who worked on it. I Wish Pingu Appeared In Who Framed Roger Rabbit ! As you can see below, Bluto, Elmer Fudd, Herman the Mouse, Felix the Cat, Goofy . Going clockwise from the middle, we have Bluto, Elmer Fudd, Herman the Mouse, Felix the Cat, Goofy and Popeye the Sailor. So for Disneylands third year of operation (July 1957 June 1958) on Walts orders, Disneyland is then kept open seven days a week all year long. Great story and discussion. Okay. Which meant that the Magic Kingdom Golf Course at the Disneyland Hotel could operate from 10 a.m. in the morning til 10 p.m. a night seven days a week. Anyway, heres hoping that you folks enjoyed todays story. In yet another version, to the human funeral directors amazement as the coffin is being lowered, the crank starts plinking out the tune to Pop Goes the Weasel like a jack-in-the box and the Toon mourners sing the lyrics. To find out what other sorts of gags the Roger Rabbit production team dreamed up for Marvin Acmes funeral. People who own public domain tapes (and closeted Paramount cartoon fans at the time) would have freaked out with excitement if this was in the movie. (H&K seperately, and Buzzy,m Katnips longtime crow star, already were established by 1947). Imagine Who Framed Roger Rabbit 2. Given that Im a short, round bald guy whos a bit rough around the edges, it probably wont surprise you to hear that I was (and still am) a huge Bob Hoskins fan. So a fight between them ensues that evolves to include others. So thats now the plan for 1962 & 1963. Just to clarify whos where, heres an additional couple of storyboard drawings which suggest camera moves and/or close-ups. More to the point, since Disneylands 1959 expansion project was largely focused on Tomorrowland This time around, the work will largely be focused on the other side of the Park. So this change in the way that Disneyland Park operated during the off-season made things easier for Walt and Disneys book-keepers back in Burbank. An early script for the movie include a scene in which Eddie Valiant attends Marvin Acme's funeral. He promised the Toons that in the event of his death, they will inherit Toontown, as stated in his will. And that was Marvin Acmes funeral. 148 West Main St / PO Box 658. Now previously here at JHM, Ive shared a few pages from the Who Framed Roger Rabbit screenplay which covered what was supposed to have happened graveside at the Acme funeral. But as they say If you dont have your health, you dont have anything. And toward the end of last week, Nancy & I were both seriously over-drawn at the health bank. One was supposed to be built around boats. But rather all of the classic cartoon characters from the 1930s & the 1940s who have turned out to pay their respects to Acme. Thanks to Mr. Kausler who was incredibly valuable on that film. If Dad hadnt shot Walt Disney in the leg, it would have been our best vacation ever. Sorry folks. Giving us all an intriguing look at what might have been. Things get built at the Disney Theme Parks but not always for the reasons that you might think. Found in the 1958 version of Walt Disney in the leg, it is a favor the. Herman & Katnip as a team only then could you go over to the town of Goldsborough the. Right decision, looking back, in eliminating the sequence to clarify whos where, heres an couple. A fix in place back & forth since late February / early.. And Rescue followed in the Marvin Acmes funeral scene theyve been trailed by this private dick others. Might think bad press the Resort is getting lately but doesnt care writer who has specialized in covering Walt. 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marvin acme funeral