I can't get over how good tasting it is. My issue is with NABOB coffee. We thought it might be the pot so we changed pots,,,several times. I wrote them but never received a reply. I drank MH for years with no problem. If not you can order from most all & manny offer coffee subscriptions. My throat and tongue started swelling as I was sipping the brewed coffee. !Unbelievable but true! It is making me sick and I am sure every one else as well. Mfr # 10043000051334. But I'm definitely not surprised.. Lately, when drinking Maxwell House, I have severe abdominal pains and extreme burping and left chest pain. The product appears to be tainted with something. Tomorrow, I'll take the nearly full can back with a warning that the coffee is contaminated. as the lady below me said. As in most manufacturers, its about cheaper production, competition, and profit making sales. I grew up on Instant MH, and about 7 years ago it was never fresh anymore. All day in bed with the garbage basket next to me. I did not think to connect it to the coffee. They smell different to me too. Hazelnut, French Vanilla, Chocolate Silk, and Cinnamon), Home Cafe Pods (for one-cup brewing systems), Cappuccino (Instant French Vanilla and Mocha Chocolate powders), Folgers Flavors enhancers (with such options as Caramel, Mocha, Hazelnut, and Vanilla). I bought Maxwell House coffee last week for the first time and immediately started having the runs and significant intestinal upset. only small jars were available and in limited quantities. Radio-active flakes? Then I assumed that something happened to the coffeemaker. Over the last few years I too began having daily nausea, reflux, car sickness, stomach cramping, gas and diarrhea. It even smells gross, I simply can't drink it as its that bad. (good) Tim Hortons ( better) McDontalds ( OKay) but Maxwell house only smells like coffee when you open the Can. I have drank the MH master blend for years. I am a MH coffee drinker for the past 50 years. Weve been drinking this for years - ! It tastes and smells like horse poop! Recently I have been feeling sick after drinking one cup. Still nausea and stomache aches to the point of vomitting. I too, share the same thought I was thinking something was going wrong with my taste bud. Sadly, I find Folgers instant to br just as weak. I think there is really something very wrong with the coffee, has any one noticed this? same thing here. Smelled the coffee in a freshly opened can and it was weak and not a good robust or even pleasant smell. No more problems. Currently it is a bogo. I am assuming that coffee brands are just like dog food brands in a sense. I'm freaking out because I know that taste issues can be an early sign of dementia. A container of 1 Lb 13.3 oz? And,it use to fairly decent tasting. So a few weeks ago I bought a tub of maxwell house on sale. I phoned the company and they have no explanation. I purchased the coffee (ten months ahead of the expiration date), together with the milk I made it with only yesterday at Walmart. They do not hold the vacuum and the coffee is stale before you even buy it. Almost chemical. No luck. Maxwell House instant coffee has a classic full-bodied flavor but takes much less time to . When James suggested a coffee business partnership, William eagerly shared his idea of a pre-ground and pre-roasted coffee production. Well not anymore. Same stale result. But the last 2 cans I bought had a oily film on it. It was litterally undrinkable. Shortly after drinking it I got a severe migraine headache from Hell. Try it with Maxwell House International Cafe as creamer I want my maxwell french roast back on my counter top. I switch back and forth between different coffee brands depending on whatever is on sale and stay away from strong coffee as it makes me "jittery". Drank it for years. Maxwell House Mocha Indulge Prepared w/ water. Quit drinking it & haven't been sick since????? Maxwell House Breakfast Blend Light Roast K Cup Coffee Pods. Lego 70815 - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester. this went on for three days, before I realized the only change inour diet was the coffee. Within the past 2 months I have noticed that the smell when it is brewing has a sickening smell, kinda like burning hair. Back in 2006 my Mom said that she was feeling sick to her stomach after drinking Folgers coffee. I have been buying this espresso-style coffee for 2.99 and used it for months and months. We haven't been feeling good for along time, finally we now know it is the MH. I have no clue why this is happening, but I will be trashing my coffee and buying the less expensive espresso blend I love oh so much. I get severe fatigue and a burning sensation in my throat and upper chest, no doubt in my mind whatsoever Maxwell House coffee is responsible. We did make some and my husband said it didn't even taste like coffee. I thought I was getting a stomach flu, but the symptoms never came to a head. I've used Yuban for many years and never gotten a stale can , until maxwell house bought the brand and started packaging in paper can with foil tops. it sounds ridiculous that someone would go to great lengths as we have trying to adjust the amounts, add more grounds, reduce grounds, filter water, we even purchased a new coffee maker. Yes, I drink coffee daily but some days, I skip my cup of Joe. Coffee itself can have a mild laxative effect on some people but who needs that "turbo-charged" by chemical additives?! Maxwell's . I usually get my coffee from aldi, but didnt feel like making the trip last week and bought Maxwell House coffee from a store close by. During the week I can finish a pot of our coffee at work with no problems (Starbucks Blond Roast). Any suggestions? This coffee is sold ground, and from the moment you open it the smoky roast quality is obvious. I am wondering if Maxwell House is the cause, if it has changed; I have been drinking maxwell house instant for many many years. Maxwell Coffee use to be the best coffee money could buy. MH use to taste good..not anymore! Suddenly my neck, sides of my face and chest started itching, a rash with large bumps followed. Got a new container of Folgers ground coffee and have tried several time only to wind up with some of the worst migraines I've ever had. Everytime I drink either Folgers or Maxwell House I later get severe stomach and intestinal pains then diarrhea.for many hours on end. I do use lots of honey and milk in it, by the way. These coffees have been horrible for years now. BTW Not every package of Maxwell House is 100% arabica. MAXWELL HOUSE. I am at the point now where I am done with them until they change back. The only new product I purchased and used was the Maxwell House lite. Ingredients 100% Pure coffee. Sure, once in a while I may feel icky after a cup but I was completely fine before drinking the stuff and my stomach was not empty. Might have to change coffee if they don't change back. after reading some comments, i'm throwing it out. I purchased at the same store I always do. We have been drinking Folgers Classic for years. I was literally ready to go to hospital thinking I'd been poisoned. Yuck! tasteok. but my concern - and especially after reading some of the comments here - is the acidic levels. I have 6 recently purchased 1 kilo tins that will be given to the food bank and we will source out a new brand! I have used MH for well over 20 years. Which is better? Since at least 6 months, I have never been able to find a good coffee in the box of 925 gr. My experience varies from can to can. After overcoming my addiction and waiting nearly 2 years, I decided that I'd try it again. I have been getting MASSIVE headaches, terrible nausea, almost a flu-like set of symptoms that make me feel run-down and really irritable. Good while it lasted. Tried Maxwell House Wake Up Roast medium Roast Ground Coffee many times and this is one of the brands I usually purchase. I have been drinking Folgers coffee for many years. When I had the second Moderna shot, I did get nauseous and had horrible stomach cramps which lasted 24 hours. I have medicated myself with over the counter products, however the pain would go away for a little while but then suddenly return. This coffee made me sick. After the 3rd time I started thinking it was because it was caffeinated so I went and bought the Folgers classic decaf medium blend and Im still have the same side effects! Hope this is not a thing. That said, even I have to admit that when I drink it regularly, I actually start to like it more with time. Here lately which I have my cup of MH coffee. However I had a similar problem with Nescafe Taster's Choice instant well over a year ago before I started working virtually. Not just Maxwell House or Folgers; all brands. Good luck!! I wonder what has been done to the recipe? and what's with that handle!?!?!? I soon as I put the coffee mug to my lips I knew something was not right. Sales for Maxwell House have been so grim that Kraft Heinz, its owner, had a hard time finding a buyer for the company when it was placed on the chopping block in 2019 (via New York Post). I usually buy a lot of them when they go on sale. Ive been drinking Folgers for years and this last co gained I bought of it tastes and smells like formaldehyde. Bought MH French Roast the other day, since I haven't had it in a while & same thing, only now it didn't even taste good anymore. OR you can buy some Starbucks PIKE PLACE Roast 71 at your grocery, Walmart, etc already ground---my daughters family drinks that & it's not bad if no local roaster's available. Bad enough they stopped using the metal containers which were way superior to the plastic. I hope this will quit now that I am drinking another brand. For this price and the convenience of easily available coffee, the flavor it offers is worthwhile. With all that in mind, when other options are not available, I drink the Maxwell House Regular 1.50 ounce. Been drinking Maxwell coffee for about40 years, all of a sudden it start tasting bad, and the next thing you know they come out with a new line master blend light & medium, and they did a way with the old master blend, far as I'm concerned, the new stuff taste like water down coffee,horrible. I always buy Maxwell House Columbian. "No" Maxwell House or any other coffee has "Not Gone Bad" but who wants to throw away leftovers that's just money down the drain. Always drank this coffee but now it smells like a chemical is in the coffee after you open it!! Recently, due to food price increases, we decided to start purchasing our good, old Maxwwell House again, as we remembered its decent quality for a less expensive brew. I keep about 6 cans in the cupboard for fear of running out! I've read the comments below and I was wondering if anyone gave consideration to the caffeine in coffee. Someone really needs to investigate Maxwell House, i feel like im on the verge of dying rn, My symptoms are terrible headaches, stomach pain, sneezing, blurred vision and forgetful, drained,of energy. At that point the only thing I could think was giving me a problem was the coffee which I have drank for years. I had been drinking coffee for months with no problems until I bought some Folgers Coffee on sale. Bought the Nescafe instant decaf in September and felt fine all day. If youre a strong coffee fan, consider laying in a store of individual filter packs of this milder flavor product for guests. NO COFFEE FLAVOR. With the Keurig type brewers you get more 'coffee drinks' vs true coffee consumed black or cream &/or sugar. !This is the second time they've done this and I'll find something else before being stung by these gougers, again!! has been causing stomach discomfort on and off also, very sad. Figured it was the Splenda I used so I quit Splenda and it went away (with antibiotics as well). This goes for Maxwell House too. It's unfortunate, but I will not be buying Maxwell house anymore. When I came home, during recovery I bought another large container of Master Blend. It feels as if my blood sugar suddenly dropped way down!! I have used Maxwell House for years but just within the last year my nose has been peeling and headaches and upset tummy and frequent dirrhea. Don't sell the public that crap---I'll pay for my coffee, even if I have to cut back on consumption! I noticed a while back all the stores started pricing Columbian coffee about a buck more than other types. If you want to get a wake up coffee do not buy mild or strong coffee. After multiple trips to the restroom for days &. Every morning I have 1 single cup of coffee. I suspected coffee in general, but found higher quality brands did not have this affect. These findings inspired Joel to partner with Roger Nolley Smith to create a new and better blend. Plus possibly coffee prices were going to explode (maybe all due to marketing), something else their buyers know prior. I threw it out and another time when it happened, I checked the can and I could see something tiny moving around in it. Few days ago, I finally finished up the long-ago-opened (plastic) jar of M.H. At first I thought I brought the wrong blend, but none of the maxwell house taste the same anymore. stop drinking Maxwell house, Kroger, Walmart great value, and general dollar. For the last two days I have had excruciating back pain, but my gut was telling me it might actually be something internal instead. Never again! I didn't relate it to the coffee right away but did notice that the coffee now had an unusual scent. I usually use Chock full of Niuts ,Starbucks Dunkin. Maxwell Houses, good to the last drop, is mysteriously tied to former US president Theodore Roosevelt, but has served the company quite well for decades. When the glass top of my Percolator broke in two and I couldn't make a Pot of Coffee, I decided to try Maxwell House Singles. I got some Maxwell House Breakfast Blend and since the first sip my heart races and I feel like I'm overdosing on caffeine. Went to the ER twice cuz I thought I was sick with something. I've been buying small batch, fresh roasts locally for over 2 yrs now. I wish I could have figured this out earlier, would have saved me from a lot of miserable days, lost work and doctor bills. went to buy Maxwell House yesterday and discovered the MH Colombian can was only 24.5 oz. We recommend using the chart above and fresh, cold water. I think this may run deeper than processing and food safety and be more about the source and coffee bean breed. I don't know what's in the cans of pre-ground coffee in grocery stores but many people seem to think it's very low grade Robusta---probably why all those cans state "100% Pure Coffee". I took one benedryl to see if I were having an allergic reaction. Due to the shortage on supply shelves, they were out of Nescafe, so I got Maxwell House. As well as some "natural" flavoring. Gourmet coffee is far superior in every way, dont get me wrong, I am in no way saying that truckstop coffee, or the basic drip coffee they serve at average diners around the world, can even hold a candle to the bouquet of a freshly-ground single origin roast in a pour over. Too bad! I have been having severe "tennis elbow" for over a month and a half. Supermarket coffee review, where we take everyday supermarket coffee's and brew them using a manual brewer to really see what's good and what's not so good. Don't try to arguge with the companies because they do not tell you very much. About 6 months ago, I couldn't find it at any supermarket or mass merchandise chain. Not hard to find these days. I will definitely be switching to a different a brand of coffee TODAY! dry tounge and headache. I was convinced I had something serious wrong with me but I think it's just the coffee. Maxwell House original roast round instant coffee is available in a lightweight, easy-open jar. I checked ALL store shelved coffees---the only brands that are 100% Arabica are the ones sold in vented 12oz bags AND not all those are good. Been away for. Please reconsider going back to the old plastic 2lbs can with a handle. Grind only amount of beans needed just prior to brewing--great coffee! Personalized health review for Maxwell House Wake Up Roast: 0 calories, nutrition grade (A minus), problematic ingredients, and more. It took the second time to connect the dots. I'm throwing my MH away. I quit drinking beer as well, a year ago. I knew I was in trouble when I opened this plastic jar of Maxwell house. It is a shame because I have liked this brand for a long time. Popularity-wise, one might gravitate to Folgers coffee. im sure its at other places its g r e a t take from a old fat truck driver. I have been a Maxwell house coffee drinker forever. Maxwell House coffee has no taste or coffee smell. Over the past few months I noticed that I no longer enjoyed my coffee. We thought we had colds and sinus infections, but now wonder if the Reduced Caffeine Maxwell House and Folgers coffees do contain a fungus or insecticides, since we tried new containers of both. Can't get through a cup. My word, was I glad to find this thread where others have been expressing their disdain for Maxwell House. I just got a new canister of Maxwell House about a week ago it tasted horrible the first morning that I drink it I got a horrible headache and felt like I had the flu all day by the next morning. I have been a coffee drinker for about 35 years. I started to think that maybe they were adding a flavor enhancer, like MSG. People with caffeine sensitivity should avoid coffee altogether. I am glad to have found this! So I tried another brand still the something. I thought I got a hold of a bad box. I'm talking debilitating pain. The big one in the plastic container. I had my regular cup yesterday morning and was nauseus for hours. i'm a folgers fan but in these days of saving $$$ i thought i'd try the other popular brandmaxwell house. Love it! They changed the design for some reason and now it has a wide grip and you can no longer wrap your hand around the handle. 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With Nescafe Taster 's Choice instant well over a month and a half after you open the can last years. I used so I got a hold of a bad box make and! Other options are not available, I actually start to like it more with time my concern - especially.

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maxwell house wake up roast vs original