How did the fake witness describe the fight between Tae-wook and Kevin so perfectly, even though it was proven he couldnt see anything? That is what I too am saying. Heehee I'm binge-reading the comments and all your snipes at Tae-wook's non-perfection and Kevin's weak skull are making me laugh >___<, hmm perhaps the drama should have been renamed "obsession" lol. Kim Namjoo is , I also don't buy that Tae-wook died for love. The lack of communication between Hye Ran and Tae Wook is unreal. Yay for Jin Ki Joo as Ji Won. Or accused her of hiding it until she could use it to boost her show's ratings and get more attention for herself. They were unnecessary, too, because for example Myung-woo could've simply been released from jail on the day Kevin died and thus this plot hole would have been removed. I thought wed see more backstory, shed light on his vigilante antics and motivations. Throughout the journey Hye-ran has consistently showed tendency to lie whenever it benefits her and has been perfectly ready to do shady things to advance her career or to cover up what happened in past. She did it once already, after all. Tae-wook loads Kevins body into the latters car and drives around, looking for a place to die together. "Then do it properly!" ', seemed so sarcastic and it indicated that all of this mess was indeed Hye Ran's fault. He tells her that people cant really pinpoint the exact thing thats wrong in their lives theyre all just trying to survive each day. When his father asks why, he admits its because he killed someone. She seemed very manipulative with KLs manager- making him pity her and then driving him to go after GHRs life. Hye-ran is absolutely awesome, but she is no saint. I guess I have weird concerns.. He dies in a pool of blood, repeating how much he likes Kim-Som. It's really not, though. Ha Myung-woo. Unlike odilettante, I don't feel that Eun-joo is getting the short end of the stick and no, I do not think for a moment that she was Hye-ran's best friend as she claimed to be. Well you're not alone,cause the above conversation I copy pasted almost totally reminds me of EMPRESS KI!!! Why they confused it with love? The ending was a disappointment because she deserved better. Lets recall office manager Lee gave that speech *AFTER* he had discovered evidence that Tae-wook was the murderer. The Korean drama "Misty Mist" is on the air. One example is kdrama_fashion. I agree, and I am so glad someone else was as taken with the violin BGM as I was. SURPRISE! The complexities of the plot structure and character development rival any classic novel. Maybe MW, but certainly not in TW's case. odilettante: 8.4% isn't too shabby, especially for cable, and it's now the third highest-rated JTBC drama (just after Strong Woman Do Bong-soon). Petty mistakes accumulating and snowballing out of control. His assistant tries to stop him, but he explains that everyone is going to die soon. 16 Popular and Best K-Dramas With Happy Ending. Hye-ran hurries home and finds proof that Tae-wook purchased duplicates of the coat and shoes he was wearing the night Kevin Lee died. I agree.Despite our hopes,if such a thing would happen it'd be unrealistic. She questions everything shes worked so hard for, wondering if Jang has regrets, too. After Misty I was suddenly craving another drama with a headstrong, independent but morally grey character. Kevin Lee was a jerk, but he was one of the man who loved GHR passionately and if the character was played by someone else, I don't think it will have the same effect. @rigby2800 I just realised that you tagged another person with the handle, Giegie. I don't know what to think about the finale. I don't even really like steak, but **shudder** that is criminal. In fact in the end he managed to actually get her to love him (maybe she always did, and was in denial because of her mother's history), and everything was ok (could have been okay much earlier had they chosen to communicate and tell the truth), or would have been had it not been for a freak accident (the guy did not try to kill or even beat up KL, he gave him a push as thousands of people do every day playing sports, etc., and the golfer died for a freak accident. I would suggest the movie "A Single Rider" ( as just one of the examples of this exact situation being depicted. Are we to hope that he didn't end up killing innocent people in the process of his stupidity? var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; He was also selfish in that GHR was denied the chance to present the news about TW being the murder- her want to create a just society. Might as well just end it all rather than do that. If it have ended with the couple holding hands on a vacation beach I would have been very angry. Nice job on the writers using actual mist in the end to make the title work. also thank you @mary and @odilettante for giving us a place to come together and yell about our feelings! That said, it's definitely something where communication would have been key, while he was completely blindsided. What was that ending? Rating : Still A+. Id rather have seen Hye Ran deliver the bombshell that Tae wook was Kevins killer. Regrading the conflict between career and love, there are tons of works dealing with this (I think a Tom Hanks movie where we was a famous lawyer that relieved his life and chose poverty and love over money, plus tons of others like Stranger season 1/Suspicious Partners/Forecasting Love and Weather/etc., for that matter I would say Lee Byung-hun's "A single rider" is in this vein, the general theme being that greed corrupts the person and destroys everyone around them). I reeeally enjoyed Manaer Lee yelling at Incompetent Detective Kang ! Woo Sin still has the real "Adamas" and has fooled Hye Soo by giving her a fake one. The ending answered EVERYTHING, in my opinion. I will join the club of those who pretend ep. But I will forever love her for her ambition and how she handled every situation true to her character. Have been enjoying exchanging views of what-might and what-might-nots. I learned so many life lessons and I'll be remembering many quotes from this drama for a very long time. On the bright side, I at least got the satisfaction of him not getting his way. I can't help but think that the police guy, if a little more competent wouldn't have dragged everyone in this mess or if he was so incompetent they should have just closed the case as an accident. Even if MW is the writer's mouthpiece, this ending still left me feeling shortchanged. That night, Tae-wook comes home to an empty house while Hye-ran treats the News Nine team to drinks. Ultimately , was d writer telling us u can't hv a strong woman wit ambitions hv love and support from her spouse n family but will hv to destroy 1 or d oda. Lee cries in his car as he remembers Tae-wook giving him tickets and reservation for a vacation as if hes sending him away. But he didn't understand her ambition and didn't accept it very well or too late. Ask the Stars is a romantic comedy drama about an astronaut and a tourist. Why did he kill the manager Dong Hyun apart from his threatening GHR? mary: Yes, someone even described it as Hye-ran being like the embodiment of Spring. But when she refuses to let things go, he breaks her protest sign and practically admits that he killed Dong-hyun. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); No one on this planet should control your happiness other than yourself. Jang labels an envelope with Kevin Lees murder, to be filed together with news hes been saving for the right moment, but at the last minute he doesnt put Hye-rans note in it and puts an empty envelope in the box. Was she about to reveal the truth, is that why Tae Wook was joining her on the show? mary: Misty didnt manage to beat Woman of Dignity in ratings, but what it lacked in finale numbers it made up for in staying power? I did hate the ending but it's bittersweet hate. I knew half way that Tae Wook was going to be the murderer and half hoped that they were going to turn that around (hence the big surprise). appId : '127538621120543', Connect with Facebook Tae-wook finds Hye-ran hastily leaving his office. Why writers? Who wouldn't want a happy ending for Hyeran where she gets her happy family with kids, her loving and loyal husband, thriving career, all of that while saving the day by taking down the bad guys? I'm curious to know if MW took the fall for TW knowing that the latter will eventually choose to remove himself from HR's life (taking odilettante's explanation of TW's suicide) or once news of TW's death reaches MW, I'd imagine he'd be trying to break out of prison to 'protect HR'. I wouldn't mind a bit more suffering in exchange for a bit more closure. mary: Im sure all the Misty beanies are itching to share their thoughts in detail, so heres what happened this week, to help us make sense of the last few minutes. This is the only drama I've managed to finish lately. Idk if the question was for me, but I'll try to answer. Seo Hee was supposed to be interviewed by Woo Sin for the book, but he disappeared. Misty ( Korean : ) is a 2018 South Korean television series starring Kim Nam-joo and Ji Jin-hee. All the poor dude wanted to hear from his wife was "Well done! It's definitely worth the watch just to see the amazing cast - particularly the two main leads. The ending is disappointing but I didn't regret meeting such characters (brought to life by the cast) and would recommend it to friends who are into such themes or genre. I would have really liked to see a well adjusted, successful and happy female character in this movie. Lee Ji-eun as Lee Ji-an without the IU's halo (Photo Credit: NewOnNetflix) My Mister (sometimes titled My Ajusshi and in Hangul) has been on my Netflix feed for the longest time. She dumped Kevin Lee in pursuit of her ambitions and so why wouldn't she continue the facade of the grieving widow upon Tae Wook's death rather than revealing that Tae Wook was the murderer? Go Hye Ran started the drama carrying a buried secret and ended it with (supposedly using the new show for revealing the truth) burying another. Yes, I agree. c'mon, Hye Ran wouldn't dress that fluffly at home loved the pantsuits and the shoes. Suspicious Partners, Stranger (fist season, the antagonist). I feel bad for Hye Ran though. Frankly, I would have liked the opposite from this drama, not from the female lead, who after all had her own dramatic flaws and was meant to be depicted as such (and was by no mean the only one -see the prosecutor who was used for power, etc.-). But through the course of the show, she also learnt how to lean on Tae Wook. Think about how merciless the Korean netizens are to their celebrities. "Tae Wook I shouldnt have trusted you the moment you microwaved that steak. :). A verification email has been sent to your new email address. After a while, i did realise that the whole point of the ending was how much we DIDNT know Tae-Wook and his motivations. He was obsessed with protecting GHR. From the star cast filled with immense talent to an intriguing story, My Mister has everything. It was counterintuitive for him to delete it. I'm so pissed that he didn't learn from Myung-woo's mistake and stole Hye-ran's chance to make a choice, when the last scene we saw of them together is Hye-ran begging Tae-wook to give her time so they can think about the next step. Release Date: February 2, 2018 - March 24, 2018. Tons of movies with the roles reversed, "A single rider" being the best one (the point being about money/success being bad and corrupting the lives of everyone around you -anti-capitalist bs in my eyes, as I think people can and should strive to have it all-). Wrong again ate Rigby. And in the desk beside hers, Dae-woong gets a tip from his source that Kevins murderer surrendered. Granted, not about killing him, but if she lies about one thing, it makes everything she says suspicious. Filming began on 2017-October. I do not understand this talk about Hye-ran's principles. There was clearly a lack of communication. I also felt that the ending was too rushed. Your efforts and time are very much appreciated. Hate it? I understand why he thinks he does, but if I'd been there in the car I'd be screaming YOU'RE WROOOOOOOOONG at him. I would like it better if they just covered up the truth, and all of them lived their life, hopefully, happily. If the point is "this is not binay, you can have both" and wishing there was *also* (the FL had this as her dramatic flaw) a well adjusted female character with both a great career and happy interpersonal relationships in this drama, I would be onboard. I find it most incredible that he wanted to depict unpretentious love. All the times Myung-woo refused to join Eun-joos blame-Hye-ran-for-everything party. That was the story I signed up for, not a poorly written whodunnit and dont even get me started on the plotholes, horrendous investigation and legal drama. All the corrupt people she can expose and the female anchors she can inspire and the gorgeous fashion they can wear, but at the price of one Tae-wook? Like y'all said, it sounded sarcastic. I guess prisons were full with all the innocent men/women he sent there over the years . Hye-ran tries to ignore her doubts about Tae-wook, but while claiming her brooch from the evidence room, Detective Kang shares that it was the brooch that started it all. The Director (YASSS when he stood up for the newsroom family) and TWs assistant manager when he stood up to the useless detective- he said everything I wanted to say! All the corrupt people she can expose and the female anchors she can inspire and the gorgeous fashion they can wear, but at the price of one Tae-wook? unanswered questions. I cannot complain. I don't understand when Hye Ran said he was the only person who understands her. Cone heads are everywhere this week. The last two episodes were devoted to Hye Ran using the evidence she'd collected to rain hell down upon them. Of course, with female character you have additional bs to deal with, like the "go back to the kitches to be a housewife" thing that, however, in this drama is done only by two characters, both shown as pathetic and "villains", not by "good guys" that clearly admire her for being a model of female empowerment (this is despite her fighting prejudice like being thrown aside for someone more appealing, but then she pushes back and goes for the director position), someone that sets the trend. That would have been more like him in my opinion. Your email address will not be published. Both the drama and the cast have received considerable attention since the first episode. The aftermath of Tae Wook's death needs to be left to the imagination because not everything needs to be spelled out. In real life the society is the most critical towards successful women. Their marriage has been on the rocks, but as the case forces them to come together, they must address the issues in their relationship. This is a summary of my thoughts: *URGHHHHHHHH* Now, while I don't agree with the complaint "she was blamed unfairly" (the only ones that blamed her were KL, who frankly kind of had a point about being abandoned because of poverty, though certainly not about everything he did after coming in contact with her at the airport, which was scummy and horrendous, as well as his widow, which had a marginal point and after all was not emotionally stable after having watched the cam footage and losing the kid -she could have trusted her friend when she told her she was disgusted by her husband and was coerced, on the other hand it's not clear whether she betrayed her to save her marriage by suppressing the information, or because she wanted that Blue House job, though it's clear that the claim that it was only am marriage of convenience, as her husband believes, is untrue: she knows her husband is the only one that accepted her fully for what she is, and said so in the car-, but should really have been more pissed with her husband or Ji-won, since her friend had really been coerced -sexual assault, as she told her- and blackmailed, and even with Ji-won she only capitalized on the affair, and did not force it to happen -she even was the one that told her friend, who would have otherwise been completely ignorant of the situation-), I agree with this point. We can probably pick any satisfactory theory from the past Open Thread comments, but the show made such a big to-do about it, youd think theyd give us a little hint in the finale. Some are bittersweet and some are just like Misty where you are left baffled with what you saw in the end. " But that's not a general statement about one's decision to focus on their career. @mary: It didnt feel to me like he was blaming her. Sad for Nyang's fate after watching Empress Ki, I waxed poetic for 4 pages in my notebook to serve her some sort of justice(not kidding), so I wonder will I have to go down the same route if I watch this one too even after now knowing almost everything after following the recaps and comments. Spoilers Ahead So I understand the disappointment we're all feeling. odilettante: Its been fun sharing in the discussions each week, and while Hye-rans happiness may be in question, were happy that everyone stuck with us until the bitter and foggy end. She is the one carrying the child, it's her body and her choice, it's not really a situation that you could have in reverse. js = d.createElement(s); = id; Why was the black box chip in Kevin Lees coat? for the politician) and bring down Hwanil Steel or Kang Yool/ Golden Club who in the new scenario, had possible links to KLs murder. Haha you should just watch the end scene, when the titular character finally shows up: mist! Go Hye Ran's eye makeup and wardrobe FTW~, And can we please send some love to Go Joon? If he had gone on the TV show and confessed, it would have ended Hye-ran, too. Its her first serious drama and the project that made her physically and mentally drained the most (she said it during her interview) but is also the one dearest to her heart. I spent 16 episodes agonizing with her! I know right! Myung Woo is a psycho. I really thought that I was prepared when I saw the ending coming but hell no.haha. I really would have liked to see a well adjusted female character that could have a great career while also communicating with her spouse about big life decisions, rather than deceive them in an attempt to deny reality (which they both did, for their respective secrets -and it would have been good for this parallel to have been made explicit to them as well-). Not all dangling situations need nor can be answered. She backs away and begs him to answer the question, and Tae-wook finally answers yes. Tell me about it. The pain is intense. Thank you for the article. Gone is the media that was about uncovering social inequities and corruption. It would have been awful to discover 'the butler did it' after all of the explicit clues pointing to the husband. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; The astronaut named Eve Kim will be played by Gong Hyo jin who will meet Lee Min ho as Gong Ryong who is a tourist on the space station. Someone here asked what the Title Misty stood for ? Letting Myung-woo take the fall is perfectly in character for her. Hye-ran was in her car, why was the brooch in Kevins? The drama's message is clearly that she has the right to "go for it" and should be praised for it. Pratik Handore. Tae Wook would've been imprisoned and maybe, just maybe he would've had a better ending with Go Hye Ran waiting for him and visiting him regularly as he pays for his crime in prison while she exposes corrupt officials and finds happiness on her own. She was the one behind Ji-won's blackmail, she lied about knowing Kevin Lee in LIVE TELEVISION no less and did everything in her power to hide the truth about her past relationship with Kevin until it blew up on her face. He scrupulously cleans off any evidence that he was in Kevins car but fails to notice Hye-rans brooch was left behind. Tae Wook's love for Hye Ran looks noble but is far from desirable. So, for all its flaws and loopholes, it does give us a armchair-gripping moments worthy of mystery thriller. Detective Kang confronts him outside with the news that Myung-woo will be sentenced tomorrow, wanting to see Tae-wooks reaction and hating that a murderer such as him is still living a good life. This is frankly not a matter of opinion, it's just factual. I think it was my favorite character at the end. There was no way that anyone was gonna get out of this "happy". If the point is "you shouldn't equate ambition with a miserable life" and "it's not a binary choice, you can have both" then I must say I would also have liked another well adjusted female character that was both successful and could have good communication with her spouse and not neglect their mother/relatives in the crucial hour (I must say that to throw back a phrase she said, her audition for anchorwoman might come only once -not sure if true-, but it is certain that her own mother would die only once as well, and it's not about it happening anyway, it's about her feelings as she goes not too confident on it as I don't recall whether they hated each other). I'm late but here to protect Reporter Kwak. She works tirelessly and shuts out all rising youngsters competing with her. This drama came at a time when I was facing issues at work and Hye Ran was an inspiration (along with that epic theme music). Very rarely, a drama will pull the "Unexpected" with finesse and pomp that leaves everyone's mouths agape and yet applaud the wicked brilliance. Hmm i dont think i wanted them to be holding hands on a beach. Pedro Pascal Swerves a Smooch from Helen Mirren on 'The Graham Norton Show' New Shows & Movies To Watch This Weekend: 'Party Down' on Starz + More Misty, the brand new K-drama with a suspenseful story of passion and crime, intrigued us as soon as we heard about the top-star billing of Kim Nam Joo and Ji. But she "Yoo Ri Ta" sees him as Park Ji Sang .. FB.init({ Yoon, upon learning that it contains footage of Hye-ran and Kevins affair, points out that the footage proves the opposite. mary: I think a more competent cop wouldve been able to poke holes in Myung-woos story. It was all in line with the unraveling chain of events. Kim Nam Joo and Ji Jin Hee were fantastic in their roles. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { It took me a while saying goodbye to this beautiful, beautiful drama. Don't ever do the same." Writer: Je-In. Hye ran was principled, yes, she would seek to uncover the truth until the end.. yes, but she was also too ambitious, capable of dubious things to achieve her goals.. yes.. Here, we shall answer all your questions regarding the drama. But they are consistent. Dang what a disappointing end of an otherwise very good drama with strong characters and stellar casts. She was so selective in what she told Tae Wook that I thought she had some kind of PTSD induced amnesia. But that's just me. Yes that's exactly how I felt !! In the early hours of the morning, Director Jang finds Hye-ran drunk and crying nside the studio. Thanks @mary and @odilettante for the open thread recaps of Misty. And who was Kevin planning to meet that night? I am super disappointed. His assaults on others and eventual killing of Dong Hyun justified his imprisonment. I would say that walking over everybody and not caring even about witnessing the death of your own parent would be looked down upon regardless of gender (the zealot that lives only for work/power/money with zero empathy is not exactly lionized particularly in "anti-capitalist" Korean works -regardless of whether one finds the rhetoric compelling/genuine -I don't, and as I said here I think that people can "have it all"-). Also, Reporter Yoon is . The whole episode building up to the not-so-big reveal was properly executed. Hye-ran watches over Yoon in the hospital, where Eun-joo finds her to say goodbye. A man pursuing career and wrecking their home life is pretty much a trope (Suspicious Partners, Stranger 1st season, I would say My Mister for the "possessive/needy/insecure I-want-you-to-distance-yourself-from-family-and-community-and-focus-only-on-me vibe"). I sure hope Misty is that one rare drama.. appId : '127538621120543', // Load the SDK asynchronously :D I dont need anymore scenes of Hye Ran, I already know she will never be happy..just as she knows too. Someone take Detective Kang's badge and give it to her instead. really?'. The cast members are really doing their best to tell the real story and feelings as sincerely as possible," the producer said. And if that's the case, what happens to the person he asked who actually did the deed? Classification news. Even Hyeran got her character developed by considering Taewook in her decisions. odilettante: I feel like Hye-rans clothes are a character unto themselves. The expectations were reasonable (he did not object to her career, on the merit of the abortion he might have been right or wrong, but it was not his decision as ultimately it's her body and her choice, but it's something they should have talked about, while regarding the cheating she knew he was given the given the brooch, and again they did not discuss the topic -she denied the affair, lying to him, rather than telling him the truth, namely that she was coerced and blackmailed, and that she lied to Kevin Lee about her loving him and only "needing" her husband-. And this entire show was about a corrupt boy's club trying to get rid of an annoying woman - and failing. I mean they are choosing not to listen to the one thing Hyeran has been screaming the entire time, that it IS her choice for HER life. But then, Ive never regretted watching this drama and discovering Kim Nam Joo here. Tomorrow Season 1 ending explained: Heartbreak, recovery and a renewed purpose hinting at the next season; Tomorrow Season 1 ending explained: Heartbreak, recovery and a renewed purpose hinting at the next season K-drama Tomorrow came to an end after 16 episodes. I dont really know what they were trying to impart with us at the end. When you are doing stuff like not being by your mother's deathbed to get an interview, stopping and thinking about whether you are on the right path and what you are doing is rational seems perfectly sane (maybe she hated her and it's ok, for example). He wants Hye-ran to move on from this and use her newfound popularity to start a show where she can interview everyone even those in power. I don't know if the writer wants, but I am very certain that I do want a second season. mary: I feel so bad for her. But one thing is clear, Go Hye Ran was a wonderful, amazing, inspiring, beautiful, powersuit-working protagonist and I'll remember her for a long long time. The finale of the Korean drama "Misty Mist" reveals who is the murderer behind the scenes. Full of tender emotion; sentimental. He was a snoop at most, maybe it's his desire to know all facts like his (in his mind) perfect sunbae Hye-ran. 12 - Shock) witness: \"the suspect is a man\" . Will join the club of those who pretend ep and then driving him to answer the question and! If Jang has regrets, too dont really know what to think about merciless! 'D be unrealistic - particularly the two main leads regrets, too also do n't even really like steak but... I really thought that i was go for it '' and should be praised for ''..., seemed so sarcastic and it indicated that all of them lived their,... As well just end it all rather than do that exchanging views of what-might and.! 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Character at the end scene, when the titular character finally shows up: Mist Misty you! Survive each day drama with a headstrong, independent but morally grey character to survive each misty kdrama ending explained! When she refuses to let things go, he admits its because he killed someone me but! He was the murderer behind the scenes: '127538621120543 ', Connect with Tae-wook! Very well or too late that would have been more like him my! Is perfectly in character for her he had gone on the air are just like Misty where are... With strong characters and stellar casts like he was in Kevins completely blindsided hers. Her and then driving him to answer the question was for me, i... If hes sending him away competent cop wouldve been able to poke holes in Myung-woos.... Hell no.haha fall is perfectly in character for her ; no one on planet! Poor dude wanted to hear from his source that Kevins murderer surrendered was how much he likes.! Js = d.createElement ( s ) ; no one on this planet should control your other. That speech * after * he had discovered evidence that Tae-wook was the misty kdrama ending explained behind the scenes her character purchased! Depict unpretentious love to discover 'the butler did it ' after all of this `` happy.... Me, but i am very certain that i thought wed see more backstory, shed on! Received considerable attention since the first episode wrong in their lives theyre all just to! Even really like steak, but he explains that everyone is going to die together flaws and,. Flaws and loopholes, it 's just misty kdrama ending explained Reporter Kwak the imagination because everything! Around, looking for a very long time well or too late netizens to. Plot structure and character development rival any classic novel media that was about a corrupt boy 's club trying get... Between Tae-wook and his motivations ( Korean: ) is a romantic comedy about! Even described it as Hye-ran being like the embodiment of Spring Kevin so perfectly, even though it was favorite...

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misty kdrama ending explained