Sohelp me? I read your blog, you gave us men some good advice. Whether they're looking to inspire pity, envy, or longing, seeing your ex . He feels hurt that you broke up with him. Hello, Best, I proposed a classmate and she rejected me but she always sticks to me and always say she wants me to be happy. I was very surprised and delighted at the same time. Hi Kennedy, She told me that she wont allow me. "They are hesitant to commit to future events or activities, so they make up excuses in order to . Yes, I know that this can be painful to hear but this is the truth. Im grateful to be learning how to gain more confidence and control of myself, by listening to your advice about how to really handle my own emotions when getting to know a womans ways. I believe it means these ladies are attracted to you! Apollonia, well theres this girl that I really like but she is 5 years older than me Thank you for reading my blog post She Rejected Me, but Still Acts Interested! I just wish men can have abundant mindsets just like women. I dont know how to play this with her anymore. If she needs the support then support her but also show her that you will give her personal space and not become overbearing. I have never expressed sexual interest in any woman for this reason I make sure to keep my desires to myself no matter how strong they are. In fact, he might even have feelings for you that he just can't express. Once you make her wonder she may come to you. Men will do the same thing with a woman that hes not interested in (similar to hooking up with someone you dont want to date.. its a quick fix). So glad youre enjoying the content, too! I was always inviting her to meet, but she never did. But shed only talk to me when no one else was around. She didn't delete you from social media because she was mad at you, because she hated you for what you did to her. She is in no mood to talk to you. We can talk all night, but with texting? Orbiting is sometimes used as a strategic . I told her that i have patience (im sure she didnt liked this either, and for good reasons) but i will try just once more. Apollonia. The right touches in the right places. Now she still talks n jokes around likes before. So I acted likegirl if you want me, youll need to do something actually I dont need you. Doesnt matter how healthy I am. After that I wrote her a long letter I cant be with her like that. Im not saying to not give women attention, but dont rush through things and pace yourself. Nonetheless, for me, the major reason for I being always been rejected by any kind of woman is that I am simply too much shy, too much physically unattractive and have a very unattractive way of being. Should i just let it go? It may be hurting your mental health. If your partner is not over their ex, you may feel their lack of commitment in your relationship. Im sure Im doomed to dye virgin, because Ill never pay for sex. She says, just asking (probably because Id always say good morning and tell her to have a good day), I replied with, yep, alive and well. Best, This is something that happens all the time and I know exactly what to do. Hi Ruben, I approached this girl and she told me shes already made her mind with a different guy and yet she keeps on fetching her problems for me to solve and all the time she keeps on telling me shes already in love with someone else and pretend like were dating..what should I do..?? This blog was a message from the heavens. Wow, just hearing the confirmation from another woman was a huge help. Yesterday i sent a voice note and asked her what she thinks or feels but she completely ignored my message.By the way on Sunday, i ignored her, this was before the voice note and later through a text i told her that it wasnt personal but i found out that she actually took it personal.. so what can i do or rather what is the problem? After four days after meeting her since 1,5 month ago Ive got a MSG from her saying: Hey its me, that you have my number again, now How Apollonias advices worked like a charm as planned. Working with her also came with a promotion and respect from other co-workers. I Asked People Who Ghosted Me Why They Still Watch My Instagram Stories. I said I dont even have your phone number anymore as I deleted it. (3) at one point she said she has a boyfriend. I would encourage you to book a coaching session with me so I can know more about her and tell you why she is acting this way towards you. Completely false. She said me she likes me as a friend. Her name is Apollonia Ponti. Mine still follows me on the site we met on, and still has me on messenger, just hasn't read my messages. Apollonia Ponti is a ICF certified coach, speaker, and the #1 international dating and relationship expert in the world who specializes, Read More Dating Coach For Men Apollonia PontiContinue, Are you having a difficult time attracting the girl you are desiring right now? Heres what turns us off when, Read More Turn Offs For Women You Should Never IgnoreContinue, What does it mean to be gaslighted? In a weird, petty way I"m satisfied by that because it means he's been checking up on my profile. Once this girl starts coming back, I want you to pace yourself and attract her back with the right traits that you can showcase since you have no expectations of a specific outcome. And remember to take care of yourself. | Terms of service |Policy|About|Contact Us. But I still have some concerns about the other 3 reasons that you explained, for instance a girl rejects a guy because he is too much into her than she is to him, this makes him less desirable. When you date a woman, you might think that she is the best option youve ever had, but women can feel this if you treat her as though youve never had a girl like her before. We stayed chatting and listening to her she was relaxed told me why you listen to all my stories are a psychiatrist I laughed and said no. Listen, you may like this girl and think shes perfect but if you want a chance with her, then you have to make sure you do not give up your sense of control and really master your attraction skills when it comes to trying to re-attract her. When someone gaslights you, Read More Gaslighting In A Relationship: The 5 Signs Of Gaslighting & How To Stop It!Continue, Have you heard about the fearless women who is transforming and impacting hundreds of thousands of mens lives all across the globe and taking the relationship industry by storm? If she rejected you then it seems like she also likes you attention. Your relationship ended badly. I will never lie to her about that or hide it from her. She stop talking to you because you do Uber, na once u rush come create threat, I swear na una dy FVK UP big time. Best, 1. Thank you for taking the time to read She Rejected me but still acts interested. The guy who crazily "likes" all your social media posts might be seen as wanting to shower you with attention, but it's possibly all about him. If you're in the same situation, then your guy may be keeping you as an option. Best, Im praying that Ill get better at reading those signs in the future. Hi, Apollonia, Or if you want when she comes in to your office you can play her game, throw it back at her. There are plenty of scenarios where a woman will reject you and still try to get attention from you and youre left thinking, Should I ignore her? If youre in a situation where you guys work together or perhaps go to the same gym, you may not be able to ignore her, so the key here is to show her that you are not going to play her games! I would love to help you with this. We stayed up late for work, and we became more and more close to eachother, comfortable with touching eachother lightly (gestures wich she started). I will see her at work on Friday, and we are due to have some works drinks in a couple of weeks time., and then you go. Thanks for reading my blog! Thank you for reading our blog and We are sorry to hear what you are going through. About a week ago the communication faded out and I haven't heard from him . This happens often when you put a woman on a pedestal and you look at her as the prize and forget youre a prize as well. After that meeting I didnt call her anymore and she the same not (1 month). Part of re-attraction is understanding that you are not attached to an outcome and we are not obsessing over one desire. Laura Yates, a dating coach and the host of the Bounce Back podcast, suggests you "talk to a trusted friend, journal, or . So I noticed anytime Id see this girl, shed tell me I was a rock star. She said to me she doesnt know what she wants. Ive expressed my feelings to a girl through the phone and she rejected me. Your Friend May Have Taken A Hiatus. Ive instinctively already knew most of what you said here, but ignored it n did the total opposite because it felt right. My bro drive ur Uber, save ur money and better you life. Even when he walk to find something like a soda she gave him signs as he saw. You can book a private coaching session here But I couldnt confessed all this face to face, I was afraid. Like I said, it can be a nice bit of flattery if you view it that way. This started in may. The worst she said was she will not be intimate or have sex with meThe other day we kissed and i could feel her with the kiss but why is acting cold? the thing is that I confessed to her and she said that she coulndt do anything for the moment and despite the fact that wealways have a lot of fun together she says that she just needs to recover from a past brake up and that she feels kind of weird due to the age gap I then replied look I just wanted to suggest to take it easy and get to know each other more and then see how would things go. Whenever Im involved with a woman whos not willing to reciprocate what Im looking for in a relationship. Increase the number of successful dates you have, better 2023 Love Alliance, LLC . Im clueless when a girl likes me. But she also still looks at my Instagram profile and stories and follows me, after I decided to unfollow her because of how I'm feeling. Apollonia. She keeps texting me and videocalling while behaving like nothing happened and I just cant even ignore her because we literally live two houses away. I finally asked her what was up. We stayed up late again, just the two of us. Hello, great article. Hi Vaibhav, We never use our practice to dominate or be manipulative. The trend of someone leaving your life, but still appearing in your online world, can hinder the ability to heal. Free to be me and be happy with that. Assuming this is what you want then you may try to contact your girl and see if things can't get back. At the end of the day, i tried to make her laugh and tried to kiss her. A co-worker of mine and I got very close prior to the currently C-19 lockdown, and throughout the first few months of the lockdown period we were having what you may class as an emotional affair. What you will find here is dating, relationship, and life advice from your host along with some amazing interviews with some pretty amazing experts! Join The Waitlist! In this article, we will talk about four possible reasons why your ex may be angry with you, even though they broke up with you. I know this girl from highschool, we didnt interact too much at that time, but after many years we ended up colleagues at the same company. Both are acceptable answers but mean very different things in this context. One of the points was clear to me that a girl might reject you but still shows an interest on you because she sees you as a friend. Hang out a couple times a week and it was all good. If she likes you, rejecting you means shes a liar. Then she just stopped talking to me out of the blue. At this point, you may be thinking, Why in the world is this girl playing these games? 1. Perhaps youre doing too much and trying to prove things to her, giving her gifts, etc. I said her that i hate ignoring and we are friends and we will but i dont want to talk to you thats it , then i started ignoring her in college on whatsapp i didnt talked to her for 5 days. So why do some women act interested in order to have the attention from the men that they are not interested in? And I added when youll be ready to meet me, you can invite me, sure. Apollonia, Ive proposed to a girl for about 16months and shes saying she wont date. She then tells me thst she is just ultra shy and struggles. I am very literal minded with no ability to read peoples emotions, taking people at their word rather than trying to get subtlety. Hi Apolloni,my situation is way different. She might thought Im being serious looking for marriage which Im not but maybe I didnt something let her feel like that. This is a transformational 3-month experience with Apollonia to transition your dating and relationship life. I rejected Friend zone and she dumped me after the trip but still I wanted to meet her to see what is going on. She said we can meet but as friends only. I didnt tell her much about myself I tried to keep myself as a mystery to give a chance to her to discover. 7 Reasons Why! Being true to ourselves is definitely important. So my question to you, is this a one-track relationship? Answer (1 of 12): Maybe she found out that you liked her and she felt super awkward about it and unfollowed you? Lets be honest with ourselves for a moment, relationships and dating can be very confusing especially when you really like someone. So I cant just go by her office. (2) she said she would want us to be friends. hi apollonia Peace, Hi Gerald, She was talking with a guy. Great article! The guy now going to that store. Thats a great visualization! I continued to be nice to her and make her compliments and she started to tease me again but in a sexual manner this time. Give up totally? Really weird. This sounds like she just wants your attention for the ego boosts. February 25, 2023 by Zan. Women end up seeing men as a friend when he does not stick out from the other men. Hey Annette. And sometimes Ive miss read her signs, through her words and body language. That lasted 4 months but I didnt give up. Never in a million years would I suggest any man be with a woman that does this to him. She rejected me but still acts interested: What does it mean? This is my own concern and I need you to help explain this. You may be doing something, Read More What Women Want in a Man: 15 Traits Women are Looking for in a Man Right NowContinue, Its absolutely horrifying to like someone and then wonder if they are playing games with you because of their inconsistent behavior or their hot and cold attitude towards you. I work at a hospital shes a nurse. I had been seeing this great girl for just over a month but things had gotten flaky. He stopped talking to me but still follows me Why Does My Ex Still Follow Me? So I was talking/seeing this guy I met online for a month. Apollonia and Team. And now, Im feeling fresh, and Im trying to contemplate on other ambitions. Holy cow, (he pointing I dont buy today I buy next time). "Your partner may get annoyed and make up excuses . They're just likes, she probably still considers your a friend. Shes not innocent with her patterns of behavior towards me and with other men, which I know about. I then decided to tell her through the phone and when i did, she just took it as a joke and used the laughing emoji but after some few minutes she realized that i was serious and know she is delaying in replying my messages. and what if he doesnt? Hi there! Then after sometime i proposed her but she said no. And he obviously does it daily because he sees each one I post . Stay true to yourself! I had spoken to her, messaged her, stayed up to all hours comforting her, but when i needed it i could see she was online but ignoring me. Because i choose not to have sex with them after periods of weeks, months,the women, begin to buy gifts, take on travel trips, but wont let me pay for anything, give me keys to houses, apartments and etcetera. #3 She is no longer interested in you. Answer (1 of 17): Cause you're plan B and he thinks he can keep tabs on you. You are now armed to the teeth for when the war of not texting and ignoring breaks out. Next day she seem to be still friendly but not flirty anymore (obviously). Until this weekend. Take it from me, though: write your message, then delete half of it, then wait a day, then show it to your most hard-nosed friend, then wait another day, and then if you still want to send it, go ahead. 6. I watched lot of your videos, some even several times that helped me a lot. Thank you for the article n advice. If this is you, dont worry because I will tell you how to fix it further along with this blog. Again with the hot and cold. Lucky for you I have an escalation cheat sheet and a manual of 20 questions to ask women to get to know her true self. U are a real Gem. We work on dating and relationship skills with Apollonia and her team. He wants you to talk about him to his friends. I always pretended I did not see that. As a coach, who also happens to be a woman, I have coached thousands of men in this type of situation. So, if youre in a situation where youre realizing, She rejected me but still acts interested youre in the right spot! Keep trying? She knows I want to have a relationship and Ive made no secret about it (my wife died three years ago, and I didnt choose to be single after 35 years being married) she knows I like her a lot, but always gets offended if I say anything about dating, or whatever if I say anything naughty she gets offended, even just kidding around, even mentioning dating, and we have not dated, not had sex, anything. Yet she says she is no longer interested so I am a bit confused. Best, 12-Week Transformational Attraction Coaching w/Apollonia, NOW ACCEPTING JANUARY 2023 Enrollments . 2. (3) at one point she said she has a boyfriend +1 y. We sometimes flirt but if I tell her again about how I feel, she always say she does not want to here that. This typically happens because you like her (of course) but you also want to get a result right away, so you dont give her time and space, and this pushes her away. A woman who rejected you will likely avoid you to prevent awkwardness. I would need to know a little more about what happened before I can advice you and due to my extremely limited time, I would encourage you to book a coaching session with me so we can dive deeper into this. I have chatting and talking with a girl for last 1 year..We live in different countries. Im a master now, you have no idea what this has done to my dating experience. Then I said it was messed up because if a good friend just stops talking to me then they must hate me or is mad at me. I offered to help but she said she had enough people so it was ok. Talk to her Saturday and she was tired from moving. ShaunaM95 Follow. He doesnt have his own opinion, hes too nice, there is no challenge, and he is always doing everything the woman wants and not showing her that he is ok with her or ok without her. If a woman rejected you and is leading you on and you continue to stick around, then you are already doing something wrong. The other guy I have crush on still talks to me whenever I see him.We just say hi and go on about our business.Like what I said I hardly see him around these days since he only works part time.No hard feelings between us . If you want to know why your ex still follows you on social media, you must understand that dumpees and dumpers follow or keep following their exes for slightly different reasons. Best, She's losing interest. I acted like I dont care for her but still being polite in conversation. So she starts to see that she wants you! 3. But I get ANY woman I want, all I need is eye contact and one conversation and I own them. This makes me happy that you feel guided. This podcast is here to help inspire you in your life and better understand your relationships so you can maximize the potential of your love life along with your personal life. Youd be a fool to give it to her, but at least shed be doing the right and honest thing. That was the end of it. When we had a conversation she told me joking that i bored her. But i am also sure she will be distant at the same time. If its not healthy then yes its time to release. My response is always then she didnt really like you in the first place and you cant make water and oil fit. You explained that some women just use men for their attention and move them around here and there, but personally if I am not interested on a certain woman I dont see the point of seeking attention from her or to continue messing with her feelings if I have rejected her. Men can easily spot the signs of being a rebound. If they dont then you have a better opportunity because she saw your willingness to walk away and respect yourself. Nice to hear we have been able to help ,always here when you need us. She asked why? Your advice would really help, Hey Tinotenda, thank you for taking the time to read She Rejected Me But Still Acts Interested. Put yourself in the guy's shoes: He had just rejected you, but he didn't mean to hurt you. find out what you're up to. She might text you, flirt with you, or even intentionally lead you on and leave you feeling extremely frustrated. We greatly appreciate your feedback on this article. The latter begins low and gradually grows over time. I soon started to see signs that she likes me. She talked to you for a while when she found you interesting. Stay grounded in your dignity if this happens and move forward. Youre right when you say, that a man must stand his ground based on his own principles and not let anyone detour his progress towards becoming successful in life. Hope this helps. My solution was accepting this fate and living as happy as possible the rest of my life without sex or romance, just with my family, friends, job, trips and other kinds of fun, sincerely thanking God for every day of my life He gives me. A woman also wants to feel like she has to work for something and when she sees that she has you in the bag, then it makes you less desirable. Also, would absolutely help you understand what you are going through and analyses your current situation. Invest in the things that you are going to feel comfortable with, analyze yourself and then choose to learn from someone like me or someone else who preaches this. Stopped to talk = stopped, in order to talk; stopped talking = no longer talks with his friend, they have had a falling out. Anyway I dont wanna talk much were still chatting, after 2 weeks I added her on FB so she rejected me I was oops why? Because you denied your true self. I just said to her, you can call me yes as Ill not call you. As far as I know, a woman who acts interested, even after she rejected you, only likes the attention you give her. friend often start to talk with him. The moment was perfect for me to make the move and kiss her but again, i didnt. He feels like a rebound. Thankx for the delightful insights my Ladyfriend. Are they just all making fun of me? Invitations to all their lady and family functionsSo Coach from a womens perspective what does all this mean? Thanks you for your reply and answer. Theres some areas in my life I truly need to focus on to achieve my goals. If youre still confused, then I would suggest booking a private session. If a woman rejects a guy because he was too serious about the relationship while she wasnt, why does she still act interested? Holy cow, ( he pointing I dont even have feelings for you that he just can #. I just said to her about that or hide it from her shes a liar have chatting and with! Me as a mystery to give it to her, but at least be. And respect yourself be distant at the end of the day, I tried to keep as... I Asked People who Ghosted me Why does she still talks n jokes around before! Nice bit of flattery if you want me, you can book private... 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she stopped talking to me but still follows me